Losing 0.5 to 1 pound per day...Health Risks?



  • malston09
    I have lost a total of 35 pounds in the past 4 months and over 11 inches. The key is to do it safely and remember, you are your only competition and competitor. Do it for yourself, Don't attempt to stress your body out. It's definitely not recommended. I am a chemistry major, so I understand where you are going with this. There are always ways, but the best way is to focus on who you are. I'm medically supervised and for men, the suggested calorie intake is 1350-1500 since your bodies are so different from women. My suggested calorie intake is 1200-1350. I feel amazing and I am confident. I started off weighing 277 pounds. I only consume water. Every now and again I have juice. I focus on eating healthy. I also have more setbacks than most since I take antibiotics a lot and am sickly. Since making changes and challenges for myself, I feel like I am on top of the world. So at the end of the day, do it for you at your own pace.

    A friend guy of mine lost 65 pounds in 6 months. He ate healthy and worked out 4-5 times a week for 1-2 hours. If you have the time for that, do it! But I work 2 jobs and go to school full time. So I'm okay with losing 2-4 pounds a week and gaining a few pounds once a month because of my monthly periods.

    Find what makes you happy, do it. Get results. Because if you don't enjoy it. You will give up on it. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Be happy with progress!
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    you'll lose alot of muscle tissue eating so few calories
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why are we responding to a dead thread from a year ago?
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm a 22 year old male. I'm fairly healthy (aside from my morbid obesity). :p

    In high school, I went from 272 - > 200 in about 3 - 4 months (don't recall exactly how long). So, I averaged about 0.6 pounds per day weight loss.

    College came, and I gained all of that weight back. Going to shed it again (finally motivated to do it!)

    This site has a max limit for 2 pounds per week weight loss. I'm planning to do about 5+ pounds per week for the first month or two. Are there really any serious health consequences from losing weight that quickly? I'm feeling great eating about 1200 calories/day along with about 20-30 minutes of light to moderate cardio a few times a week (to start out, anyway).

    I'm particularly curious about those who lost that much weight that rapidly and what they have gone through. I don't recall any bad health effects when I was younger. Wondering if there is any danger now that I'm ~4 years older (and have a lot more crud in my arteries!).

    Also, I quit smoking about one month ago. I started smoking about 4 years ago as well. :/ (I can smell and taste again now, which is awesome.)

    you are looking for a quick fix, you wasnt successful last time (you gained it back) and you lost quite quick back then.
    you are setting yourself up for failure

    lose more slowly