When do squats start becoming effecive?



  • Loftearmen
    When you aren't proficient at a skill, the answer is not to simply avoid using that skill. The solution is obviously to research, practice and learn how to squat properly with a barbell.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Really, butt to the floor? I was taught to never let your butt drop below your knees in a squat.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    They become effective when you stop being scared of the weights and start lifting heavy.

    Who the hell do you think you are? You know nothing about me apart from what i've written here about squats...you have no idea what my workout looks like.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    When you aren't proficient at a skill, the answer is not to simply avoid using that skill. The solution is obviously to research, practice and learn how to squat properly with a barbell.


    3x20 is only building endurance. I will guarantee if you switch to 5x5 with a barbell and heavier weight you are going to feel it the next day or 2. But as has already been noted, being sore isn't the mark of a good workout. When I use a new exercise or revisit one I haven't done in a while, I'll get sore from it, but by the 3rd time or so, it doesn't make me nearly as sore even if I'm using a lot more weight. Your body gets used to it. That doesn't mean it's not being effective though. Like others said- gains in strength and changes in your body are how you measure effectiveness.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I do squats 4 times a week. I do them wide legged and butt to floor, and hold a 10kg plate as my balance is bad with a barbell. I do 3 x 20. Do you think this is enough to have an effect on glutes? I also do dead lifts and leg presses for lower body strength training. I don't feel an ache because I take a pre workout supplement which disables the burn. Should I push myself to do more?

    up that weight - sounds like you are doing goblet squats, youtube those you can still go heavy on them. also consider jefferson squats if you like the weight more centered
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Really, butt to the floor? I was taught to never let your butt drop below your knees in a squat.

    I know if I tried butt to floor, I'd probably fall over too..
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Really, butt to the floor? I was taught to never let your butt drop below your knees in a squat.

    I know if I tried butt to floor, I'd probably fall over too..

    I didn't mean literally butt to floor lol... Just a deep goblet squat! I was doing "normal" squats with a barbell and yet still toppled over, the weight just doesn't feel right when not central to my body.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You should work to improve your balance so you can squat with a barbell.

    A mild case of knock knees doesn't mean you have to squat with a wide stance, you can, but you don't have to.

    Until then: trap bar squats, hack squats, front squats, DB pistol squats, DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats, DB reverse lunges, goblet squats.

    If you're doing 3 sets of 20 and not feeling anything but in your upper body, increase the weight (same with the other exercises).

    Even on juice, it doesn't 'disable the burn'. I don't think your pre-workout supp is doing what you think it's doing.

    Lastly, if 141 kgs doesn't feel like anything, first confirm your form is right (is your range of motion such that your knees break 90 degrees at least?) and then add more weight. See how high you can go.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    You should work to improve your balance so you can squat with a barbell.

    A mild case of knock knees doesn't mean you have to squat with a wide stance, you can, but you don't have to.

    Until then: trap bar squats, hack squats, front squats, DB pistol squats, DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats, DB reverse lunges, goblet squats.

    If you're doing 3 sets of 20 and not feeling anything but in your upper body, increase the weight (same with the other exercises).

    Even on juice, it doesn't 'disable the burn'. I don't think your pre-workout supp is doing what you think it's doing.

    Lastly, if 141 kgs doesn't feel like anything, first confirm your form is right (is your range of motion such that your knees break 90 degrees at least?) and then add more weight. See how high you can go.

    Thanks for the advice :-) I do feel it after 3 sets of 20, just not as much as my shoulders do! I think I'm just not lifting heavy enough with the squats, as I do feel it with my dead lifts. The 141 kgs does feel like hard work, I was puffing and sweating like crazy, but it just doesn't hurt..although now from what I've read, pain isn't always an indicator of a good workout.

    I also do want to keep trying with the barbell squats, but the trainer who is generally around at the time is an *kitten*. I might seek out another friendly face and get them to help me balance and check out my form. Perseverance!
  • All_Out_Attack
    Omg...you need to stop taking creatine. You are not using a solid lifting program and creatine is, at best, a waste of money.

    Look into new rules of lifting for women, strong lifts, etc

    I agree with the previous poster that you need to work on using a barbell.

    In general, if you are looking for better results, you need to "push yourself to do more"

    Why should she stop taking creatine? Do you understand how beneficial creatine is for lifters?

    Moreover, c4 has a very low amount of creatine in it... something like 1 or 2 grams, maybe? I take 20G daily, divided.

    OP: start looking at why you feel unbalanced. Wide-legged squats are fine (I do extra-wide stance box squats as an aux lift) but you need to figure out why you feel so off-balance and try to correct that. Maybe you need to strengthen the muscles around your knees? I tore the meniscus in my right knee last year and started doing a lot more hamstring work and my squat has improved greatly. That's one of the wonderful things about lifting... if something is wrong with your body, you can fix it! :)

    Are you falling to one side, or forward? or backward? Are you wearing very flat shoes? Cross-trainer type shoes that elevate your heel can kind of push you forward. Trying going barefoot and see if that helps. If so, you can try getting a pair of Chuck Taylors or wrestling shoes. Or you might have the barbell too high, which would push you forward, too.

    Hope this helps!
  • jelr
    jelr Posts: 98 Member
    You can use a plate but barbell is out, maybe try dumbbells if you have not yet? I am doing Chalean Extreme and just starting out I wanted to start with something that I could really learn form with and for me watching other people's correct form while i work helps me. I use dumbbells and am currently doing 25lbs-35lbs on each dumbbell so 50-70lbs. Like I said I am just starting out and I am far from in shape and pretty weak but this gives me a good challenge where I am reaching failure at 10-12 reps.

    I never really have problem with balance so long as I am keeping my form making sure my knees aren't pushing forward my tush stays pushed back and keeping the weight in my heels.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    You might try videoing your form. You could be leaning over too far, not pushing your butt far enough back, etc.

    I also think you should try closing your stance up to hip-width. When I first started squatting, my stance was too wide and I had balance issues as well.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Omg...you need to stop taking creatine. You are not using a solid lifting program and creatine is, at best, a waste of money.

    Look into new rules of lifting for women, strong lifts, etc

    I agree with the previous poster that you need to work on using a barbell.

    In general, if you are looking for better results, you need to "push yourself to do more"

    Why should she stop taking creatine? Do you understand how beneficial creatine is for lifters?

    Moreover, c4 has a very low amount of creatine in it... something like 1 or 2 grams, maybe? I take 20G daily, divided.

    OP: start looking at why you feel unbalanced. Wide-legged squats are fine (I do extra-wide stance box squats as an aux lift) but you need to figure out why you feel so off-balance and try to correct that. Maybe you need to strengthen the muscles around your knees? I tore the meniscus in my right knee last year and started doing a lot more hamstring work and my squat has improved greatly. That's one of the wonderful things about lifting... if something is wrong with your body, you can fix it! :)

    Are you falling to one side, or forward? or backward? Are you wearing very flat shoes? Cross-trainer type shoes that elevate your heel can kind of push you forward. Trying going barefoot and see if that helps. If so, you can try getting a pair of Chuck Taylors or wrestling shoes. Or you might have the barbell too high, which would push you forward, too.

    Hope this helps!

    ^ reposting more to back him up about the creatine - there is hardly any in cellucor c4, why do people think its so dangerous - I don't get it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I find it many times easier to keep my balance through a squat with a heavy barbell on my back. Without one or with only 50 lbs or so on it, it's pretty tricky to stay balanced. The biggest thing was at the start I kept thinking I was supposed to keep my torso upright through the whole squat, and I also kept going up on my toes. Things changed when I bent way over forward and kept my feet flat on the ground.
  • DannyPeligro
    DannyPeligro Posts: 10 Member
    You could hold a sandbag on your shoulders or bear hug it. Bear hug sandbag squats are incredibly taxing. Just so you don't get confused by some of the replies, deep squats are not detrimental to your knees. If you like to do them that way, keep doing them.
  • Loftearmen
    They become effective when you stop being scared of the weights and start lifting heavy.

    Who the hell do you think you are? You know nothing about me apart from what i've written here about squats...you have no idea what my workout looks like.

    You are afraid to squat with a barbell=afraid of the weights. They were correct
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Decrease your reps to 6-12 and increase your weight... Try doing squats on a bosu to improve your balance.
  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member
    To build strength you need to add weight PERIOD! 20 reps is more of a endurance workout then strength training. Maybe start adding weight until you can only do 5 reps each set. **Switching to a barbell would help**

    I agree with this

    Generally, squats begin to become effective as soon as you begin resting after the workout.
  • fitgurl4eva
    If you want to go heavier, but have a hard time with balance, you should try doing your squats on a smith machine. Thatr's how I do mine. I start off with a warm up set - no weight, then add weight 25's each side, and I increase my weight by 20 lbs each set. The more weight I do, the less reps. I typically max out around 150lbs. and do 5 or 6 reps. I would never be able to go this heavy simply using a barbell. The smith makes it possible. Try it and see :)
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    If you want to go heavier, but have a hard time with balance, you should try doing your squats on a smith machine. Thatr's how I do mine. I start off with a warm up set - no weight, then add weight 25's each side, and I increase my weight by 20 lbs each set. The more weight I do, the less reps. I typically max out around 150lbs. and do 5 or 6 reps. I would never be able to go this heavy simply using a barbell. The smith makes it possible. Try it and see :)

    Strong first post!
    The smith machine makes me sad, fortunately my gym does not have one.

    More seriously, the smith machine makes you move in an unnatural way, and stabilises the bar. It is better to learn how to move without falling over and keeping the bar stable yourself.