my new plan..need some opinions..



  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I didn't call myself a vegetarian or vegan...I said Mostly. other then eggs, when I'm broke, salmon, and cheese on occation, I don't eat animals or animal products.

    The point is you can't really be "mostly" vegetarian. If you don't eat dead animals (or live ones I guess) then you're vegetarian. If you eat salmon then you're not. You don't need to give up cheese or eggs to be vegetarian (although you need to check what the cheese is made of).

    Easy tofu recipe.

    Buy tofu.
    Eat with spoon.

    Would I do it? No. But I don't have the willpower to stick to 1000 calories a day either.

    But you can be vegetarian without eating tofu. I don't particularly like it myself. I'm not however vegan because I eat eggs and cheese.
  • chrismpalmer
    I'm not sure that's what she was actually saying.

    It is entirely possible to include vegan meals in a non-vegan or even non-vegetarian diet.

    I routinely eat vegan meals, but I also eat meals that contain a massive steak.

    It's all in the context in which she used the word. No need to attack.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.

    1 Block of Firm tofu, sliced in half like a steak thickness
    1 teaspoon honey
    1 teaspoon soy sauce
    1 teaspoon mirin/white wine vinegar/rice wine vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic.

    Combine all ingredients in a zip lock bag, let marinade for at least 30 mins for flavour to penetrate.

    Grill and serve however you like, with veggies, mash sweet potato is one of my favs or in a burger etc. Super easy.

    I can't wait to try this!!! but I'm gonna replace the Soy Sauce with Bragg's Amino Acids, because Soy Sauce has too high of sodium, and I'm gonna drop the honey and replace it with some liquid stevia..

    Sounds delicious!

    Thank you!
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not sure that's what she was actually saying.

    It is entirely possible to include vegan meals in a non-vegan or even non-vegetarian diet.

    I routinely eat vegan meals, but I also eat meals that contain a massive steak.

    It's all in the context in which she used the word. No need to attack.

    I said Mostly..but no one heard that part ...but yes, I'm kinda like you, except instead of steak I eat a salmon. thank you for defending me. Seems like a lot of bitter dieters on here!

    I try to open up and find good ideas and people ream me out for my use of the English language and how I choose to lose WTF???

    Like I said BITTER dieters..LOL
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.

    1 Block of Firm tofu, sliced in half like a steak thickness
    1 teaspoon honey
    1 teaspoon soy sauce
    1 teaspoon mirin/white wine vinegar/rice wine vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic.

    Combine all ingredients in a zip lock bag, let marinade for at least 30 mins for flavour to penetrate.

    Grill and serve however you like, with veggies, mash sweet potato is one of my favs or in a burger etc. Super easy.

    I can't wait to try this!!! but I'm gonna replace the Soy Sauce with Bragg's Amino Acids, because Soy Sauce has too high of sodium, and I'm gonna drop the honey and replace it with some liquid stevia..

    Sounds delicious!

    Thank you!

    Woops, forgot that honey isn't vegan :drinker:

    You could use agave syrup as well.

    That recipe can work with pretty much anything, take out the soy and add PB for satay or add in any herbs/spices you like. Firm tofu is my favourite because it's more chewy and makes me feel fuller.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Personally, I think you're WAY over thinking it. Eat right, eat enough, don't over-eat, workout, drink water, done. The weight WILL come off. Don't restirct your body too much and don't set ridiculous limits that wont last in the long run. Remember, this is a lifestyle change and not a diet...if you want it to last.
    Also, you are not even close to going vegan if you're planning on eating eggs, fish, meat, etc. Which is totally fine, just don't label yourself. You eat what you eat. Hang in there, stay strong, and listen to your body.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    1,000 is too low to fuel those workouts, hon.

    I'm sure you do have great willpower, and you can make big changes. But make them one at a time - reinforcing until it sticks.

    Sounds like the exercise is your biggest challenge - why not try that first? If you can permanently become more active, such a strict calorie deficit becomes unnecessary! It's like having your cake AND eating it.

    Good luck.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Either salmon has a right to life, or it doesn't. Wouldn't its right to life trump your desire for easy-cook meals? I'm omnivorous, so I personally don't care. Just trying to make sense of this.

    As for the extreme calorie restriction, be prepared to shed a lot of hair, and be lethargic and cranky. It happened to me, and a lot of other 1200ers.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Newsflash to people coming here to help the OP: she was looking for affirmation, not opinions. I give her credit for stating that right up front. So I won't bother trying to offer advice to the OP.

    To anyone else coming to this thread for diet advice. Run away. Run far away. The diet plan here is too complicated to work and isn't sustainable in the slightest. The OP has purposely created a plan that will fail so that the plan will get them blame if she fails. All you have to do to lose weight is eat slightly less than you burn. No special foods, starving, or intricate daily calorie plans needed.

    Clear the area because I'm nuking this thread.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Newsflash to people coming here to help the OP: she was looking for affirmation, not opinions. I give her credit for stating that right up front. So I won't bother trying to offer advice to the OP.

    To anyone else coming to this thread for diet advice. Run away. Run far away. The diet plan here is too complicated to work and isn't sustainable in the slightest. The OP has purposely created a plan that will fail so that the plan will get them blame if she fails. All you have to do to lose weight is eat slightly less than you burn. No sorrel foods, starving, or intricate daily calorie plans needed.

    Clear the area because I'm nuking this thread


    Like a boss.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Newsflash to people coming here to help the OP: she was looking for affirmation, not opinions. I give her credit for stating that right up front. So I won't bother trying to offer advice to the OP.

    To anyone else coming to this thread for diet advice. Run away. Run far away. The diet plan here is too complicated to work and isn't sustainable in the slightest. The OP has purposely created a plan that will fail so that the plan will get them blame if she fails. All you have to do to lose weight is eat slightly less than you burn. No sorrel foods, starving, or intricate daily calorie plans needed.

    Clear the area because I'm nuking this thread


    Like a boss.

    He's a good boss. Kinda want to call him Sir and click my heels together.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    when you ask for opinions, I guess that is what you get.

    I think that 1000 is too low but it has nothing to do with will power, I would up it to 1200 maybe?! as for the rest I think you have a great idea, see if it works for you and tweak it a little to make it work for YOU!

    you seem prepared to work hard, I think the choice of what you eat is personal , if you wanna be half- vegan or half-vegetarian then that is up to you. do what works for you. I don't think that you came here for that.

    Remember to add PROTEIN, maybe use a soya or whey to make smoothies?! I love fried tofu. dry fried with some soya and sesame seeds, yum!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Why do people need to make things so much more complicated than they need to be? This just sets you up for failure. :frown:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Dont restrict yourself too much when "dieting" , weight loss should be a way of life anyway . good luck
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Why do people need to make things so much more complicated than they need to be? This just sets you up for failure. :frown:
    I strongly believe that each person has their own way of making something work for them. That doesnt mean they are setting themselves up for failure, It means they are tryinG!
  • suaku
    suaku Posts: 45
    Good that you want to lose weight, good that you want to eat healthfully, good that you want to exercise more.

    The calorie variations seem overly complicated. I avoided "cheat" days, but that was my choice. Instead, I ate whatever I wanted on any day, but managed my portion sizes and meals to hit my daily/weekly calorie goals. You can eat beer, pizza, ice cream, etc., just not a lot of it, and still hit your calorie numbers if you manage your overall eating.

    Don't know that the organic/vegan thing is necessary, but if you want to do it, go for it. My nutritionist advised me to be skeptical of fruits/vegetables grown outside the USA that are labeled as organic (you're paying extra, but it might not be what it claims to be as compliance enforcement is less strict/non-existent in some places).

    I like Werther's sugar-free hard candies for my sweetness fix (8 calories each) -- they're sweetened with Ace K, not aspartame, so that may or may not work for you. Also, there are sugar-free gums without aspartame:

    Good luck with your project.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    To the OP- I hope for your sake that all of these changes aren't that drastic of a difference in your eating before because you are in for a LONG ride, that or you have absolute amazing motivation/will power to try and sustain that for the months it's going to take you to lose that kind of weight. I wish you nothing but success- but my own opinion share would be to simplify that a bit or you are going to burn out quickly!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I can have 'amazing will power' and under-eat like you're planning to, OP, but it doesn't mean I should. MFP's recommendations were way too low for me and I lost faster than was reasonable, and I shall not be doing that again when I come to losing the baby weight I'm gaining now.

    If you want to be proud of your will power, keep losing slowly. Resist the easy, fast way out and prepare yourself for the real challenge: maintenance.

    (Oh, and I eat a bit like you and call myself a pescatarian or a non-meat-eater.)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    "need some opinions"
    "Please don't tell me it's unhealthy."
    Then I have no opinion on your plan.

    HOWEVER! I think Anthrokatharology might be right for you.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I can have 'amazing will power' and under-eat like you're planning to, OP, but it doesn't mean I should. MFP's recommendations were way too low for me and I lost faster than was reasonable, and I shall not be doing that again when I come to losing the baby weight I'm gaining now.

    If you want to be proud of your will power, keep losing slowly. Resist the easy, fast way out and prepare yourself for the real challenge: maintenance.

    (Oh, and I eat a bit like you and call myself a pescatarian or a non-meat-eater.)

    i have a desk job, and i barely exercise, so 1300 calories is not that small. the days i have a 1000 is more about cleansing. im not a pescatarian, i eat salmon. no other sea food. i'm mostly a vegan like i said, i never said i was one, id like to be one,. but i cant cok very well.
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