my new plan..need some opinions..



  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    This is just getting funny!

    If you've got such great willpower, how'd you put on so much weight?

    I put on weight because I lack the willpower to say no to temptation! You appear to be digging a verrrryyy big hole for yourself.

    People on here are trying to HELP you. That's why you posted - right?
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    You are making it too complicated and making too many changes at once. This can be a recipe for failure.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Wayyyyy too complicated. No offense but no wonder your people fall off their "diets" because they think it needs to be complex.

    Find out what your BMR is and use that as your diary goal

    Create a deficit from that number by exercising or eating slightly less

    Don't ever eat less than 1200 calories a day

    Eat cleaner but don't give up all the food you love. Your more likely to fall off the wagon if you deny yourself too much.

    The simplest answer is usually the right one.

    A calorie is never just a calorie but the general rule is that a pound of fat is 3500 calories. That means you need to create a deficit of 500 calories a day from your BMR to lose a pound a week. Exercise. Simple.
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    This is getting to be hilarious.

    Also, in your profile, one of her inspirations is "Making people jealous." This speaks volumes.
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Popcorn is a good low calorie snack food, when I feel like I want a big dinner Shiritaki noodles are great the entire pack is very low calorie use a sauce of your choice. I also like to snack on Fuji apple slices they are very sweet. Not judging but variety really helps. You may want to go to the recipe thread and get some great recipe ideas or Im in maintenance everyone is deifferent but this works for me. I wish you well.
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Good luck think you will need it
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    She just called all of these amazing people on here FAT! Look in the mirror honey, then look at these people's profiles, they all look WAY better than you do. I think you need to put on your big girl panties before you go and post on the forums....
  • mommamills
    i have noticed one sad thing. all the people who put my diet down or say my calories are too low, are all fat. so that's like getting an opinion about my car problems from someone that does hair for a living, it doesn't even make sense. quit hating yourselves and bring so negative.

    this is where ppl stop commenting because ppl on here are giving you exactly what you've asked for...their opinions and what is working for them. Most commenters do actually want to help! That's what this site is for...motivation, inspiration, and INFORMATION. If I'm incorrect in thinking that EVERYONE that is on this website is here to either LOSE weight the healthy way or GAIN weight the healthy way then please let me know. This is where you will more than likely start to get ugly responses and then be mad that everyone is "so negative". How can you begin to call other ppl fat when you are here for the same reason?? Lil hypocritical if you ask me. Good luck with your new "diet" but it seems like you may need to start on the inside then work your way to the outside. :ohwell:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i have noticed one sad thing. all the people who put my diet down or say my calories are too low, are all fat. so that's like getting an opinion about my car problems from someone that does hair for a living, it doesn't even make sense. quit hating yourselves and bring so negative.


    Countdown to the OP deactivating begins in 5......4......3.....
  • mbarryteach
    mbarryteach Posts: 52 Member
    Sounds crazy enough to work. Good luck!
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    You're setting yourself up for failure.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    So yeah...rules work..because of rules I have lost 12. But It took me 6 months doing it the laid back, just "eat sensibly " way. Screw that. I need to step it up.
    Opinion on your new plan? Throw it out--crash dieting may work in the short run, but you'll almost certainly put the weight right back on when you stop.

    Opinion on your old plan? YES, THIS!

    WTF, girl? You found out that the laid back, just "eat sensibly" way melts off the pounds at the rate of 2 per month. That's excellent--that's amazing--that's slow, sustainable weight loss that you're much more likely to keep off.

    Stop being impatient. Yes, with 55 more to lose, 2 pounds a month will take you about 2.5 years. So. What. Bet it took you a few years to put it on, why quibble at a few years to take it off?

    You want to change things up a little? Find an activity you really like to do, do it, and increase your calories to cover the exercise. You'll be stronger, fitter, and possibly start losing a little faster as you rev your metabolism. Dance. Bike. Hike. Run. Walk. Lift. Swim. Better yet, mix it up some.

    But don't stop with the sensible approach--it works. You've already proven that, so why change it?
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    i have noticed one sad thing. all the people who put my diet down or say my calories are too low, are all fat. so that's like getting an opinion about my car problems from someone that does hair for a living, it doesn't even make sense. quit hating yourselves and bring so negative.

    Wow.. sweetheart at sometime or another everyone on this site, I would think, has been fat. By calling us names you are not only alienating yourself from your supporters but you are stooping to there level. I still wish you the best of luck but I think you need to rethink your comments before you post.

    I agree with this person.

    I actually felt bad for you that you were getting so much negativity, because I know it can be hard. But don't throw around insults. Also, do you really think calling people fat on here is a good idea? Do you know how many times most of us have heard that?! I'm pretty shocked that someone on here has stooped to that level.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    i have noticed one sad thing. all the people who put my diet down or say my calories are too low, are all fat. so that's like getting an opinion about my car problems from someone that does hair for a living, it doesn't even make sense. quit hating yourselves and bring so negative.

    Your diet idea is bad and the calories are too low. I have six-pack abs. Your statement is false. Good luck with your haircut car problems or whatever.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    i have noticed one sad thing. all the people who put my diet down or say my calories are too low, are all fat. so that's like getting an opinion about my car problems from someone that does hair for a living, it doesn't even make sense. quit hating yourselves and bring so negative.
    I'm going to call it like it is. You're being a rude petulant child. The people who are on here are LOSING WEIGHT. So they have found things that work. Quit hating yourselves? Are you in middle school?

    Let me give you what you want so you'll stop being a troll:
  • Gettinyoung
    I agree need to re-think the fat comment.

    But - as to your diet plan. May work in the short term, but my fear is that if you "mess up" on your routine it could cause some anxiety, and that is the real killer. When you're stressed, the hormone cortisol will bring things to a grinding halt. If you are too strict then you set yourself up for failure and dissappointment.

    I've lost the same 40 pounds 3 times trying every fad diet out there, low carb, food combining, low calorie... every time it came back and then some once I started eating even "sensibly". The body has a way of defending itself for survival.... with too low a calorie diet it will slow down metabolism to compensate and then if you eat the same amount you won't lose.

    Your idea seems similar to the "military 3 day diet" I've been reading about here. Works for some not for others. I don't see a problem with giving it a try for a week or two to "jump start" but I agree it's not sustainable for the long haul.

    As for vegetarian cooking ... there are some really good cook books out there. Look for one that has some chapters on how to become vegtarian/vegan and to make balanced meals. The biggest problem for vegs is the lack of B vitamins (B12 in particular, which comes from animals mostly) Be sure to get those levels checked - you may need a supplement.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    It sounds to me like you want to feel in control so that's why you created an elaborate plan. If this is the case, I would caution you to prepare yourself for some disappointment along the way. Weight loss isn't linear. While we can do the best we can to create the best possible circumstances, sometimes the scale doesn't reflect what we think it should based on our effort. It took me about a year to lose 48lbs. Granted I took a three month break after the first 20.

    I never could stick to a plan. Weight loss was difficult enough without imposing a bunch of rules. But I know I probably don't have your will power. I would follow someone's advice on here to take baby steps. If exercise is going to be part of your plan, get that down first. Then work on your calorie goal for exercise days, then add another change. If I recall correctly, it takes 21 days to form a habit.

    Calling people fat probably wasn't the best move on your part. Along the way you might need advice. Alienating people now...just saying. By the way, I'm not fat.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    That is so wrong, unhealthy, and crazy... Where's all the calories you need for fuel, you'll just end up frustrated, tired and get no where besides hungry and starving with zero energy. Seriously you need to scrap this plan, burn it and seek out helloitsdan. And get right.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why not simply eat at a 20% deficit to your TDEE, make good macros, and do a solid exercise routine?

    thats just crazy talk... where are the rules?!?!?!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    This is a troll thread, right?

    If so, then it may be the greatest troll ever. EVER!!!

    If not, then it's just sad...
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