SPF 2: Reboot Boogaloo Week of April 5



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Sorry about all the mess you guys are dealing with.

    We had a great day walking around yesterday. Too bad the rock isn't shaded, then it would be perfect. I was exhausted by the end of the day - too much sun, I think. The shoes were perfect - they were originally created for rock climbing; I had no problem walking up the rock. We are going to go to another park next week, if the weather holds.

    Today: teach yoga and something else. I'm going to try to get to the gym early to do a little elliptical. I might take it a little easy today - tomorrow I have 3 yoga classes in the morning then hard yoga teacher has a class tomorrow afternoon.

    Rock walking, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Trying to re-focus, but feel just all full up of negativity.:grumble: Boo to it.

    I read an article recently that said that the current "positivity at all costs" movement actually increases a lot of people's stress, as it creates pressure to be shiny-happy all the time, even if things are bad. Sometimes we're stressed out and cranky, and that's healthier than trying to force ourselves into perkiness. I've become a believer that I need to allow myself to feel these negative emotions before I let them go. We've even named this technique in my house...we call it a "positive mope", positive because it gives you time to let the negativity go. So, today, I'm sort of having a "positive mope." Although I've had a fairly productive morning, I'm still in my sweats and just puttering around the house, with no energy to deal with the outside world yet. They're all pretty minor annoyances in the grand scheme of things, but they've just built up a bit...I'm troubled that I'm this jaded and I haven't even gotten a "real job" in my field yet. Just sort of questioning everything...still grateful for my blessings, but cranky about a few things...I'm pretty sure you guys know what I mean.:wink:

    It was my scheduled non-workout day, so I'm just taking it easy. I don't think I could handle one more thing today. It doesn't help that the weather is gray...or maybe it's just perfect for what I have on my schedule (moping and continuing little cleaning projects). My big goal is to put on clothes and walk to the bank and make a deposit.

    Outside world, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade but things just got worse concerning the adoption. You all may have read the article about the mom who sent her 8 year old adopted son back to Russia on a plane...by himself. She said he was violent and returned him. He said his "mom" was mean and she pulled his hair a lot. Well, looks like they are trying to freeze all Russian adoptions. The US has never made an agreement with Russia concerning this but the article said this was the last straw and the US and Russia are meeting about it. I don't understand. That's really all I can say. We're all in shock and heartbroken. The agency director said Andrei hopes to get answers when he goes to the Dept. of Education on Tuesday. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm trying not to dwell on it and really trying to do what's before me and just pray a lot. I really don't feel like seeing people or talking about it because I don't have answers and I'm really too hurt to discuss it. In person anyway.
    On a bright note, I worked for two hours on the house and it's clean. Well, mostly. Still a little bit to do. It hasn't been this clean in awhile so its nice.
    Mary, your hiking trip gave me the itch to go. I'm going to see if we can do something tomorrow. We are hoping to go to Arkansas again for our anniversary. I loved it there! I hope we can find someone to watch Alex for a couple of days.
    V, I am not surprised about the "positivity at all costs" movement stressing people out. They are positive and confess positive things and then it doesn't happen. What happens to that person? They lose faith. They are traumatized and disappointed. "If you just try harder" doesn't always work. I do not believe being a pessimist is good either. Like my husband says about pretty much everything, "All things in moderation."
    I'm going to get lunch and try to stay busy. It helps me not to get depressed. Maybe I'll put in a movie I can get lost in so I can leave this world for a bit. Ha ha.
    Dazed and confused boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Having crossed off "mope for a day in your sweats" off my to do list, today I'm doing a back-to-back at the gym...it's been a long time since I've done one, so I'm a bit nervous.

    I'm doing a 9 am spin followed by the 10 o clock yoga/pilates. I just hope the yoga/pilates doesn't involve frog squats. Why do all instructors love squats so very, very much? :tongue:

    After that, it's off to the coffee house for some latte-fueled marking. I have a crazy idea I can get through the final 24 in one sitting. It might not happen. My boss told me that a few years ago, he had a TA just give everyone an "A" on the final. Not cool, but I have a glimmer of understanding for that. The time pressure to grade these is out of control, and it's weird to still feel compelled to provide feedback, even though the students will most likely never see the things again.

    Anyways, I hope you all have some sunshine and some deep breathing and some good news today!

    Back to back boogaloo!:flowerforyou:

    ps, Mary those are exactly the vibrams I bought. Now I want to go find some rocks to climb around on, because that looks super-fun. I think we're rock-loving sisters.:wink:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hey, V, we're up at the same time - even if a time zone apart.

    Today is yoga day - 3 in the morning followed by hard teacher in the afternoon. I talked to the person running the yoga teacher training program in San Antonio, and I'm beginning to get excited. I need to go down there and take her and her co-teacher's classes. I'll need to spend the night in SA because the co-teacher's only class is at 8:30am on a Sunday. Training classes start at the much more reasonable 11am Sat or 10am Sun.

    Lots o' yoga, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    I went for my walk/run this morning. It wasn't very long, but at least I got something in. Today is DH's birthday. We have had three sets of plans, all of which have been changed so I have no idea what we are doing. We're trying to make plans to go have dinner with friends. We are realizing it's better for us to be with people right now.
    I guess that's it.
    Happy Saturday.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs...

    Today is restorative yoga and then the rest of my grading.

    I still have 8 to go, but only 8! Hooray! I'll actually get to send my grades out tomorrow and be done with the year...then it's focusing on my own work for the next few weeks and waiting for the call to see if I'm teaching this summer. I actually hope that I'm not. I could use the break to remind myself that I am in school and want to graduate (eventually).

    I also have a small cleaning project on my list, but not much else. Looks like the sun is out again, so hooray.

    Hope you all have a balanced day, and the world is gentle with you.

    Hooray for sunshine, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I decided to be a true yogi yesterday and skip the hard class. I just wasn't up to it, and my hamstring was bothering me. I went for a walk instead. I will go to the 3 hour class next Saturday and try to get my butt out of bed early enough on Wednesday to go to the other class. Oh, and gelato happened yesterday. I didn't eat it all, but still.

    Today the plan is to do some errands on the bike. I have a friend's 40th birthday party tonight. Wow - I remember when my mom turned 40. My husband is turning 40 this year too. Unbelievable.
    Also - a little private yoga this afternoon.

    Turning 40, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    OK, I have to vent. In yoga this am, there were two women who not only giggled during the meditation at the end of class, but then proceeded to put on their (clunky, clip cloppy wood soled) shoes, roll up their mats and leave in a noisy fashion....I mean...it is Yoga after all, and I think that meditation should perhaps be expected. They couldn't wait five minutes and be respectful of others? Seriously? It sucked me right out of my happy place. i need that meditation...and frankly, with their attitude...they just might need it more than I do. I have a word for what I think of them, but I cannot say it, because I am a lady. (my grandma used to say that, and it always sounds worse than the actual word I might call someone.):tongue:

    This is after four ladies in the back row of spin class talked through the entire class yesterday. Really? If you want to talk, go get coffee...if you come to the gym and you're not working hard enough that you can't jabberjaws your way through class...you're wasting everybody's time.

    Also, there's a workman putting up a new sign on the storefront downstairs (about six inches from my window) and he's smoking. I've asked him to please not smoke four times in the past two days, as he might as well be smoking in my living room.

    Bleeaaaaarrrrrrrgh! I would take a deep breath, but I would choke.

    I think that god is trying to teach me that the world doesn't always follow my rules. But still, I believe in manners, and respecting others.

    Major harshing of my mellow. I have caffienated, and will now clean my house in a fit of pique. :grumble:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Hope you all are having a great weekend!
    Mine just got a little crazier. We got a call from New York, from NBC! They want to interview us about the adoption! How crazy is that! The lady said they don't have a crew available today but might later in the week. She said she is passing our info over to the Today Show also! Wow! It could all be nothing but it could all be something! They already interviewed a couple in TN that has successfully adopted two and who are doing very well. Now they want someone in the process. Wow. I feel honored. They found out about us from Facebook. DH put a fan page on there for our adoption. Just crazy! LOL.
    Sorry, I know this isn't an adoption forum.
    Exercise? Um, not any yet today, but I may have to go walk/run just to get my nerves calmed down. I haven't had time to log this weekend so I will try again tomorrow. Before the weekend I lost a pound, so maybe I was on the right track. I would like to walk/run for consistently, so I may have to try to do it in the evenings. Usually if I don't get it done in the morning I lose motivation. But I might try. Our evenings are usually crazy anyway.
    I guess that's it for now. I will check in again soon.
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