5'4/5'5 Thick girls

I have always been "Thick." Even at my smallest (size 8 140lbs) I see some girls on here, and not saying it's bad, that are my height wanting to be 125. My frame and that weight would make me look sick. Of course it's not how everyone is. it looks good on their frame, good on them, I just have big hips, as do all my sisters. My one sister is a size 4 up top and a size 8 on the bottom and she's the "little one."
Right now my goal is 150 (6lbs to go!) but I'd like to be back down to 140ish. Any other girls on here hoping for the same? Also, do feel then when you are that weight, if you have been before, you are still the "fat friend?" I would kill to look like that again but I remember being that weight and still feeling like the chubby girl. Of course now I'd be like "kiss my fat *kitten*, I'm fabulous!" :) I just feel like there is to much obsession about the number versus how you feel and look. Agree disagree?

Also, I am not bashing on anyone who is 5'4 and are 115, 120, 125 whatever. If you look and feel good about yourself, get it girl!


  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Do you. What looks good on you, may not work for others.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'5" and dense. My goal weight is 145-150lbs.

    At 145lbs, I am comfortably in a size 6.

    I've gotten as low as 135lbs in my adult life and I was not a fan of how I looked. I have a very large rib cage (bone structure not fat related) and too thin I just look disproportionate.

    Once I hit 150lbs, I plan to get a full body fat analysis done. At that point I will make a decision on what I want to do next. If, as I expect, I'm easily within healthy body fat percentage, I plan to focus on fitness, not weight loss. If I don't get the body fat results I expect, I may shift my goal weight down.

    Feel free to add me!
  • vgillbabin
    I agree. I am 5'4" and had always been 120lbs, I looked sickly. I was sickly. My hips and chest have always been to big to have a waist that small. I ended up gaining too much weight while on medications. My goal is a tone size 8.

    And I agree, it is not about the numbers, it is how you feel.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am 5'2 so a little shorter than your question...I'm also 50 years old and I am at my lowest weight ever in my entire life...at 127. I don't think my body frame would look good any lower than this either. So I'm in maintaining mode.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I always giggle when I see people called "thick", I think it's just in the UK that it means stupid?

    I'm 5'5, aiming for 133lb ultimately, so I'm kind of in between! I have a heck of a long way to go til I'm there though
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm 5'5" and using the wrist & elbow "frame test," I'm large framed. I never thought I would be smaller than a size 8. I don't have much in the way of hips, though, I'm kinda straight up and down and my waist measurement always shows I need a higher size than my hips do. Anyway, bottom line is this: I'm in maintenance and I weigh between 137-140 or so any given day AND I wear a size 4. I wouldn't look good at 115-120. I'm good with weighing around 140, but with working out, I've somewhat changed my body's composition and I have much more in the way of lean muscle than fat. 140 on me now looks FAR different than 140 did when I weighed this about 6 or 7 years ago (and just barely wore SOME size 8s).
  • babymaddux
    babymaddux Posts: 209 Member
    the smallest i've been in somewhat recent years was 155lbs about 10 years ago. i'm 5'5 and very broad, i had bigger shoulders than most of the guys in my class in high school. when i went back to university at 155 after losing the weight during a year overseas, friends asked me if i was ill! if the weight fairy could wave her magic wand, i think i'd happily settle for somewhere around 160. but more honestly, if i can get myself down to 175, see what clothes i'm wearing and how i feel in general, i think that would do me. :smile:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I'm 5'5" and relatively tiny with a BIG backside. Embrace it. I do.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just feel like there is to much obsession about the number versus how you feel and look.

    this! far too many people are obsessed with a number... ditch the scale and look in a mirror, thats all you need!
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    I have the same body type! I am 5'6" and currently weigh 156 and my goal is 145 at the lowest. When I was around 135lbs I looked disproportionate bc I have a large rib cage and shorter legs on a leg to abdomen ratio.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5'4" and aiming to tighten what I've got -- not specifically lose. I expect my ultimate weight where I feel best about my body will be in the 140s. I have a curvy frame, and can't imagine hitting the 120s (or wanting to). During a few month stretch with a personal trainer I was in the best shape of my life, felt HOT, and weighed in the 150s. Currently I am somewhere in the 160s trying to get back there....much harder without the trainer!

    I also felt like the chubby girl my young life, but in hindsight it was very "apples to oranges" to compare my frame and body type to those who are simply built differently, not BETTER or WORSE.

    Feel free to add.
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5'5", and the smallest I've ever been was 150 -- and I looked horrible (gaunt face, hip bones sticking out). I was recently told that the "ideal" weight chart says that women should weigh 100 lbs at 5', and add 5lbs for every inch after that. I'm sorry, but if I ever made it to 125lbs, I'd be dead.
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    I've had to come to accept that I will also be "forever" thick! I will never have thin legs :-( But I am coming to accept and appreciate the body that I do have! I am smaller up top and a "brickhouse" on the bottom! LOL! My goal weight is 175. When I was 165 I looked like a stringbean who was hiding some stuff in her back pockets! I am learning to love my curves and appreciate that women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Frame is HUGELY important.

    I have a tiny frame (fingers WAY overlap if I wrap them around my wrist) so 125 is my ideal weight at 5'5, however I find it difficult to maintain that weight and usually balance out around 130lbs (my profile picture). I find weight is less important than body composition...I weigh the same as I did a year ago however I look a lot better because I incorporated a lot of strength training over the past few months.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I agree. I'm 5'5" and at 143lbs I was a size 2/4 and I looked like I was sick!!!!! Once I gained up to 155lbs I was still pretty skinny looking at a size 6 and I still was the "fat friend" because my thighs and butt are never small. Last February at 5lbs from my goal weight of 165lbs I was wearing a size 10 and I was happy at that. I felt like I was a perfect 10 lol. But before I could lose that last 5 I found out that I was pregnant with my now 3 month old son. So I'm starting from scratch to reach a goal weight of 165lbs and measurements of 34-28-42. (I'm a big booty girl lol) My profile picture is what I looked like right before I found out I was pregnant.
  • Kruden
    I am totally the same way.....I'm 5'5" and according to whats "healthy" I should weigh around 125-130 lbs. And it may be a lame excuse but I am big boned. I feel if I weighed that little I would look sick. I have also always been very muscular. Even at my smallest size of 12 I still weighed 165lbs. I have made it my goal to shoot for a size I'm happy with and to be healthy!!!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    No., I was 154 pounds" so called thick" which really means fat, and I'm only 5 feet tall, weighing 106-115 pounds my whole life then a 3-4 year span I got heavy, use to THINK I was cute, said the same thing you guys are saying, until I went to the doctor because one day I couldn't take it anymore. I had convinced myself I was fine at a size 8 and I was cute and ALL of that mess. Then the weight took its toll on my triglycerides and heart... I was only 34. Stats like a 65 year old . So you can convince yourself all you want, talking about sickly and what not, but truth be it, it's not the looks or whatever, it's your health. No such thing as thick, or big boned only fat. When my friend took a picture of me from behind ... Pshhhhh no. The one thing I do agree on is all body types are different , this is true, but small frames have no business carrying around and excess of 25 plus pounds, it's doing more damage than you realize.
  • cbuggy75
    That would be me! I will never be a small girl, only in height! LOL
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 5'3, and even at lower weights I'm still very curvy. I also have bigger thighs and butt from years of swimming and playing soccer. My low weight was 110 but I think I looked like a clothes hanger with boobs...you could see every rib and my arms were like spindles. I'm more comfortable at 140-145 as well, which is my goal weight.
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    I always giggle when I see people called "thick", I think it's just in the UK that it means stupid?

    I was just thinking the same thing! Ha ha :)