Juicing/Cleanse Success Stories!



  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I went on a 3 day juice fast. Then started juicing in the morning and brought some for lunch and at night and had a healthy dinner - grilled chicken and salad. THis lasted 2 weeks. It was a lot of work and was hard to do while working full time. I lost 15 lbs/month and kept it off. I am gradually working on losing 8 more pounds to reach my goal
    I have maintained the weight loss for 4 months.
    Whoile I was juicing, I was surprised that I could function on juist juice. I used the recipes from the reboot.com websitte
    I am sorry that I stopped juicing but it is so time consuming!

    Juicing is great becuase it helps get rid of cravings. It causes fast weight loss. But it is a temporary thing.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast. I did not maintain a significant weight loss.... I'm OK with that because the juice fast was beneficial to me in other ways:

    1- I proved to myself that I am not powerless over food and that I DO have some discipline!
    MissJules... Proving to yourself that you can do something is priceless. I haven't juiced or gone through a cleanse, but proving to myself that I could eat what I wanted to eat (at a calorie deficit) and still lose weight was a major breakthrough for me. Training for and running a 5k proved that I did enjoy running, despite what I'd told myself for years.

    Kudos to YOU for finding the "thing" that helped you prove to yourself that you could do what it takes to lose weight.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I love the OP's that start their posts with the likes of "don't give me data that disproves my idea, only data that proves I'm right!" And we wonder why our country sucks at Science education....

    I love it when people comment on things they don't read.

    Edited to clarify: I'm looking for evidence, not meta-studies, research synthesis, tertiary sources - - primary sources only. Does that make a little more sense?

    But that is still anecdotal qualitative studies. I think you need to perform a randomized clinical trial where you capture a representative sample size and kidnap them. Place them in a controlled environment, and ensure they all get the same diet. You can insert dobhoff tubes, and give them a normalized amount of calories based upon thier individual needs. Then strap them all to the bed to prevent activity differences. Sedate them so they don't struggle. Then give one group the juicing, one the cleansing, and the other just water as a placebo. After several weeks, take measurements, and see if there is truly a significant difference to a 0.05 level.

    That's the only way you will know for sure.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    hi again. I just realized that I don't meet your criteria. I lost 9% intially with the juice fast. I was logging on MFP during and continually after the fast BUT I have gradually lost 14%.

    Not too shabby you negative Nellies out there
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I do a vodka and diet soda fasting cleanse about every weekend.
    Does that count?
    Valid question. ;-)
    I would say that the only thing which reasonably approaches Cr01502's described cleanse was the documentary "Leaving Las Vegas" about Nicolas Cage's fatal battle with alcoholism. I don't believe that it ended well.

    Nicolas Cage is dead?

    Shhh. It's a hush hush thing. The animatronic version of him has most people fooled so far.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I love the OP's that start their posts with the likes of "don't give me data that disproves my idea, only data that proves I'm right!" And we wonder why our country sucks at Science education....

    I love it when people comment on things they don't read.

    Edited to clarify: I'm looking for evidence, not meta-studies, research synthesis, tertiary sources - - primary sources only. Does that make a little more sense?

    But that is still anecdotal qualitative studies. I think you need to perform a randomized clinical trial where you capture a representative sample size and kidnap them. Place them in a controlled environment, and ensure they all get the same diet. You can insert dobhoff tubes, and give them a normalized amount of calories based upon thier individual needs. Then strap them all to the bed to prevent activity differences. Sedate them so they don't struggle. Then give one group the juicing, one the cleansing, and the other just water as a placebo. After several weeks, take measurements, and see if there is truly a significant difference to a 0.05 level.

    That's the only way you will know for sure.

    pfffff. you forgot to cross-over. And consent. Consent is a ***** these days.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I love the OP's that start their posts with the likes of "don't give me data that disproves my idea, only data that proves I'm right!" And we wonder why our country sucks at Science education....

    I love it when people comment on things they don't read.

    Edited to clarify: I'm looking for evidence, not meta-studies, research synthesis, tertiary sources - - primary sources only. Does that make a little more sense?

    But that is still anecdotal qualitative studies. I think you need to perform a randomized clinical trial where you capture a representative sample size and kidnap them. Place them in a controlled environment, and ensure they all get the same diet. You can insert dobhoff tubes, and give them a normalized amount of calories based upon thier individual needs. Then strap them all to the bed to prevent activity differences. Sedate them so they don't struggle. Then give one group the juicing, one the cleansing, and the other just water as a placebo. After several weeks, take measurements, and see if there is truly a significant difference to a 0.05 level.

    That's the only way you will know for sure.

    pfffff. you forgot to cross-over. And consent. Consent is a ***** these days.

    Yeah.. I was thinking it could be done in a country where you didn't have to get ethics and human subject rules involved. I thought about that. Or, you could do it and pretend it is being done in one of those countries. Hopefully one with liberal kidnapping laws as well.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    I love the OP's that start their posts with the likes of "don't give me data that disproves my idea, only data that proves I'm right!" And we wonder why our country sucks at Science education....

    I love it when people comment on things they don't read.

    Edited to clarify: I'm looking for evidence, not meta-studies, research synthesis, tertiary sources - - primary sources only. Does that make a little more sense?

    But that is still anecdotal qualitative studies. I think you need to perform a randomized clinical trial where you capture a representative sample size and kidnap them. Place them in a controlled environment, and ensure they all get the same diet. You can insert dobhoff tubes, and give them a normalized amount of calories based upon thier individual needs. Then strap them all to the bed to prevent activity differences. Sedate them so they don't struggle. Then give one group the juicing, one the cleansing, and the other just water as a placebo. After several weeks, take measurements, and see if there is truly a significant difference to a 0.05 level.

    That's the only way you will know for sure.

    pfffff. you forgot to cross-over. And consent. Consent is a ***** these days.

    Yeah.. I was thinking it could be done in a country where you didn't have to get ethics and human subject rules involved. I thought about that. Or, you could do it and pretend it is being done in one of those countries. Hopefully one with liberal kidnapping laws as well.

    Do it in a 5 star resort and call it a retreat - you could charge people a fortune for it and make a profit while you learn!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    This had so much potential to be a fantastic thread.

    Sorry you haven't found anyone who has lost 10% of their weight and kept it off with this method here.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, I have gone to a very spicy Indian buffet about once a month for the last few months. I have been consistently losing. Juice might be involved in this process, but I'm not necessarily saying from which direction the juice is coming.
  • YankeeScrapperGirl
    I have had great success with cleanses but I you should ONLY do it under a doctor's care - I am skeptical about the safety of doing it on your own. Every year, I do a 30 day cleanse program with my chiropractor's office in a group and I lose at least 15 lbs each time. More importantly than the weight loss, it helps you identify which foods trigger weight gain and other symptoms in your body and how to stay away from them in the future. With no exercising, my starting weight was 245 lbs before my first cleanse and I am now at 208 three years later. Now that I have a handle on what foods to avoid, my cravings are nearly gone for those things and I can focus on exercising and really losing the next 50 lbs! Good Luck!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have had great success with cleanses but I you should ONLY do it under a doctor's care - I am skeptical about the safety of doing it on your own. Every year, I do a 30 day cleanse program with my chiropractor's office in a group and I lose at least 15 lbs each time. More importantly than the weight loss, it helps you identify which foods trigger weight gain and other symptoms in your body and how to stay away from them in the future. With no exercising, my starting weight was 245 lbs before my first cleanse and I am now at 208 three years later. Now that I have a handle on what foods to avoid, my cravings are nearly gone for those things and I can focus on exercising and really losing the next 50 lbs! Good Luck!

    What foods trigger weight gain?

    Any food will trigger weight gain if you eat too much of it.
  • YankeeScrapperGirl
    Sorry for the confusion - this was meant as a response to a question about cleanses and food triggers - NOT juicing. The bottom line for me is to always consult a doctor before doing anything if you truly want to get healthy instead of just losing a few ounds quickly.

    "Everyone's body is different - I personally have found that sugar is a major problem for me as well as dairy. Even if I severely limit the amount of dairy I take in, I will not lose any weight - I cannot have any at all if I want to lose weight. But everyone is different and you have to learn what works for you and find other ways to get the nutrients you need. It's a process :)"
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I've had success and not had success.

    I did the GM cleanse back in october. I lost 3 lbs and my roommate lost 13 (this is in 7days). I took before and after pictures and couldn't believe the difference in the way my body looked (I am not posting pictures on this website until I've reached my goal. check back then for these photos). Although I didn't lose weight on the cleanse I credit my start of my weight loss to the cleanse. It kicked my cravings for salt and sugar by the third day but more importantly it taught me what a portion size was. During the cleanse I learned to stop eating when I was full and the difference between being bored and hungry. I've lost (overall) about 20% of my weight since then and it has been easier than I thought. I am actually on day one of the cleanse again for moral support to a friend.

    I recommend it for reasons mentioned above (portion control, kicking unnecessary cravings, etc) but NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT. There is no quick fix for weight loss. Especially in the form of depriving yourself of nutrients. I picked the GM cleanse-- I can still eat my 1700-2000 calories a day. but what a crazy difference it makes in your body. even without the weight loss.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Everyone's body is different - I personally have found that sugar is a major problem for me as well as dairy. Even if I severely limit the amount of dairy I take in, I will not lose any weight - I cannot have any at all if I want to lose weight. But everyone is different and you have to learn what works for you and find other ways to get the nutrients you need. It's a process :)

    Juicing can be dangerous for people with blood sugar problems- it greatly increases the glycemic load of fruits and vegetables. It's like mainlining fructose.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Everyone's body is different - I personally have found that sugar is a major problem for me as well as dairy. Even if I severely limit the amount of dairy I take in, I will not lose any weight - I cannot have any at all if I want to lose weight. But everyone is different and you have to learn what works for you and find other ways to get the nutrients you need. It's a process :)

  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member
    It can def be done. I know someone who lost a lot of weight on a water-fast. He fasted for faith-reasons. I don't recommend it for weight-loss, though. It brutalizes your metabolism, and it has other health risks as well.
    Short answer: yes - can be done. Definitely not your wisest choice, though. :) Good luck! :)

    Wouldn't a water-fast be the caloric deficit the OP was wanting to avoid?

    I had a doctor tell me that the cleanses are unhealthy as your body sheds very healthy, necessary minerals which can be difficult to replenish (including bacteria in your stomach that aids in digestion). Also, the hardest to replenish is potassium ... which a lack of can cause heart failure.

    I have never understood the need to "cleanse" your body when there is enough proof that a healthy diet and exercise works best for weight loss!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I have had great success with cleanses but I you should ONLY do it under a doctor's care - I am skeptical about the safety of doing it on your own. Every year, I do a 30 day cleanse program with my chiropractor's office in a group and I lose at least 15 lbs each time. More importantly than the weight loss, it helps you identify which foods trigger weight gain and other symptoms in your body and how to stay away from them in the future. With no exercising, my starting weight was 245 lbs before my first cleanse and I am now at 208 three years later. Now that I have a handle on what foods to avoid, my cravings are nearly gone for those things and I can focus on exercising and really losing the next 50 lbs!
    Everyone's body is different - I personally have found that sugar is a major problem for me as well as dairy. Even if I severely limit the amount of dairy I take in, I will not lose any weight - I cannot have any at all if I want to lose weight. But everyone is different and you have to learn what works for you and find other ways to get the nutrients you need. It's a process :)

    Regarding everyone being different, I think that's true with with allergies and triggers, etc. I know, that for whatever reason, that if I drink diet soft drinks my appetite seems to increase. If I let myself get out of control I'll eat a lot more than I need to in a day. I know that if I did that habitually I'd probably really start packing on the pounds, LOL!

    I'm curious about the Chiropractic cleanse, though, if we graphed your weight loss, how that line would look. It sounds like most people put some water weight back on after going off a cleanse so I assume it would go up again shortly after. Have you tracked and do you have sort of a little roller-coaster effect at the cleanse points? Do you track your calories consistently as well? Sorry for the delay in my questions but I had some things come up at work.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I recommend it for reasons mentioned above (portion control, kicking unnecessary cravings, etc) but NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT. There is no quick fix for weight loss. Especially in the form of depriving yourself of nutrients. I picked the GM cleanse-- I can still eat my 1700-2000 calories a day. but what a crazy difference it makes in your body. even without the weight loss.

    I'm hearing this as a common thread - that the cleanses have been most effective for cleansing the palate, and for sort of "getting your head screwed on straight" as it were. Almost a ritual or ceremony before starting something that lasts longer. Thank you for sharing this (and I look forward to your own success thread; sounds like you're right on track.)
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