Myth...drink 8 glasses of water a day to lose weight.



  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic, Hydration is vital
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    I don't drink water, I drink low sugar squash/ high juice/ cordial. I don't care what anyone says, water does have a flavor, and it makes me gag.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I drink water because my other favorite drinks dehydrate me. I am sooooo thirsty after drinking Coke, Mello Yello, or anything with alcohol, but I suspect it is because of the SUGAR content...which also adds calories which also makes me fat because I go over TDEE by drinking something with dinner...

    I don't have a "goal" for drinking water each day, but I typically drink at least 11 cups of water a day because otherwise, my mouth is dry, my workouts suffer, and I feel sluggish.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I think you can lose weight drinking water because it does burn calories to heat the water to body temperature.

    One calorie of food is the amount of energy to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water 1 degree celcius. We are supposed to drink 2 liters of water a day (which is a little less than 8 cups).

    If you drink 2 liters of water at room temp (72F = 22.2 C) your body must warm the water up to body temp (98 F = 36.7 C), which is 14.5 degrees x 2 (liters) for 29 calories. However, if you drink cold water (40F = 4.4 C), the body must raise the temp by 32.3 degrees x 2 (liters) for 64.6 calories.

    Over 1 year - 2 liters of water a day at room temp = 10,585 calories or 3 pounds of fat (3500 calories).

    Over 1 year- 2 liters of ice water (40C) = 23,579 calories or 6.7 pounds of fat.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    nah, drink the water.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    I guess the point the study is making is a technical one: 8 glasses of water is not the magic number, there are other sources of water such as hot beverages, fruit etc. That is great but water has zero calories, is good for you and if drinking more water means eating less food = one of your goals then isn't that the point that the 'myth makers' were getting at?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I have a mind blowing thought be prepared to lose your socks...

    Fact as we age our thirst mechanism becomes blunted and many times you see elderly with diagnosis of UTI and dehydration.

    Fact as we age our lean body mass decreases and our body fat increases.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    Mind blowing isnt it I'll give you a moment to recover.

    Sure, both these 'events' occur as you get older. But they're actually not connected at all. Lack of water will affect your skin and it will become less supple, but the lean body mass loss and body fat increase is due purely to a change in hormones.

    Additionally, sarcopenia begins in the 30s and the blunting of the thirst mechanism happens in the 70s or 80s. Also, would the hormonal changes, loss of lean muscle mass and increase in fat have anything to do with more sedentary liftesyle, ya think??

    Correlation (however much a stretch to make it correlate) does not equal causation. If it does then things like: Increase in Pirate activity has happened at the same time as we have seen an increace in global warming. The pirates must be causing global warming! Or would it be that global warming is causing an increase in pirate activity??

    Stay hydrated but stop make it some kind of rules based nonsense or miracle cure. Check out the link that AnvilHead posted. It has actual real live science! Reposted for convenience:

    Sorry, mind not even close to blown.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I can see the point the scientist is making. He is just saying you don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day so long as you're getting the total amount of water intake required from some means.

    Personally, I used to drink massive amounts of soda. I probably took in the required water with that. Was it healthy, no. I have slowly gotten to the point where I almost exclusively drink water. I do believe this will help me loose weight as I am no longer taking in unnecessary calories and not replacing them with calories elsewhere. I've also saved some money to boot.

    In regards to how much water one needs, I feel it is a very personal item. We all have different bodies, as well as possibly medication intakes which could require us to need more water intake than others. Myself, I take Levothyroxin which has an affect on this. I normally need to drink at least 10-12 cups of water a day to not feel thirsty (Even with that, my urine is sometimes is darker in color.).
  • Jelly1967
    Jelly1967 Posts: 5 Member
    All the links and informative posts has been a good read this morning. I definitely notice when I am forcing myself (I no longer bother) to get in all that water, I start getting a headache. I always thought that was probably not a good sign.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    I drink it because I take a multivitamin and don't want my Kidneys to take a beating. Anyone that takes any kind of vitamin should be drinking tons of water....I know I'm close to flushing my Kidneys when the neon begins to "shall we say, not glow in the dark".

    "Drink your water people!" -Tony Horton
    Keep pushin play
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I don't understand why so many people are stuck on an arbitrary number of cups. Stay hydrated, end of story. You can determine how hydrated you are via pee color. I posted about this a while ago and included a link to the US military's hydration chart- it even shows you what color your pee should be:
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Looks like this needs repeating.:smile: