Logging 'food preparation?' /rant

Hey, so as I warned this is a rant... I want your opinions on this.

I have seen people logging food preparation, washing dishes, even 2mins walking up stairs. Is this getting a bit ridiculous? I see those everyday actions as being part of my net personally.

Should I log it every time I use the bathroom? And add extra calories if it's a little more difficult than usual? Like seriously people, be realistic... unless you are doing a strenuous amount of housework I don't see why this should be logged. But do prove me wrong, please, I'd like to giggle at the reasoning.


A grumpy Aussie


  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I agree! everyday,normal day to day stuff isn't going to help you lose weight. You are doing that anyway. I only count my actual exercise, unless I'm doing something out of the ordinary like shovelling snow (more like ordinary these days) or mowing the lawn in the summer.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    From one grumpy Aussie to another, people who log that **** have way too much time on their hands
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Honestly...why does it bother you what they do? Its not hurting you. It doesn't effect you at all. Just ignore it and do what works for you. I imagine, if I was someone who normally just sat all day and did nothing but watch telly all day, and suddenly started to move more, yeah I may log those things. I've logged my housework before....but I was doing a deep clean, scrubbing floors on hands and knees cleaning cabinets and walls...and I didn't get a chance to "workout" that day, so that was my exercise.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    It is slightly annoying that people log that. I dont log my horses duties...unless it has been a full day down the farm working! Otherwise mucking out and lifting hay is a daily occurance that I have done for over 15years so seems silly to class it as exercise. But overall everyone is different and as Kbeech is right doesnt hurt me so whatever rocks your boat
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hey, so as I warned this is a rant... I want your opinions on this.

    I have seen people logging food preparation, washing dishes, even 2mins walking up stairs. Is this getting a bit ridiculous? I see those everyday actions as being part of my net personally.

    Should I log it every time I use the bathroom? And add extra calories if it's a little more difficult than usual? Like seriously people, be realistic... unless you are doing a strenuous amount of housework I don't see why this should be logged. But do prove me wrong, please, I'd like to giggle at the reasoning.


    A grumpy Aussie

    I'm sorry, I can't give you anything to giggle at.
    Its ridiculous.
    kind regards,

  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Haven't seen that - pretty funny...

    Maybe it was something super intense, like butchering a camel.

    Or grinding sausage meat by hand.

    Or squeezing a tonne of oranges by hand.

    Or pulping grapes for wine by stamping on them.

    Or kneading a massive amount of dough for one hour.

    Or...ok, I'm just getting carried away now. I don't actually think it was any of those things, but it was fun to think about what would be worth logging.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I'm on the fence. If theyre using it as an excuse to eat back calories, they're only cheating themselves. If they're merely trying to figure out their daily burn or wondering how much random things burn (been there, even typed in 'sex' just to see if it was in there :p ) then it's all good. I don't really care what people add to their own diary, but if they're talking about a 'good excercise day' and half of that was life, i do indeed roll my eyes at them :laugh:
  • runlikeananna
    runlikeananna Posts: 42 Member
    Yes its a bit of a dodge on real training. I deliberately park further away from places so I can get a bit more walking in my day. Perhaps I should log that... nah. Can't be stuffed wearing my hrm.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    if it is out of the ordinary, like food prep for a party, or if they are sedidary then its fine. Some people do not go to the gym that does not mean they do not burn calories. I for one think if they are logging it wrong they are hurting nobody but themselves. Hope you feel better after your rant, and do not forget to log your calories burnt
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Hope you feel better after your rant, and do not forget to log your calories burnt

  • shastar01902
    How do I start a topic?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    If they have their activity levels set at sedentary then everything they do above and beyond sitting IS exercise. Also if they are extremely over weight walking up the stairs for 2 mins could well be a great achievement for them. Cooking a huge meal/kneading dough etc is hard work!

    Also does it matter what they log? If they're doing it for more calories, to "cheat" themselves, what impact does that have on you? Nothing. If it annoys you SO much delete them as a friend.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I'm not sure why you feel the need to mock people and why it bothers you, but If this works for people I don't see a problem with it. I have my MFP settings at sedentary. If I have a day when I make a big effort at being active all day, including traditional exercise, cleaning , and sometimes even food preparation for the family, then I sometimes put on my HRM to record the calories I burn. It's amazing how many calories can be burned doing these things. What does it matter how you burn those calories as long as you are doing it? I understand it might seem a little over the top to some, but it works for me. I will be at my goal weight soon and it shouldn't matter how I got there.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Haven't seen that - pretty funny...

    Maybe it was something super intense, like butchering a camel.

    Or grinding sausage meat by hand.

    Or squeezing a tonne of oranges by hand.

    Or pulping grapes for wine by stamping on them.

    Or kneading a massive amount of dough for one hour.

    Or...ok, I'm just getting carried away now. I don't actually think it was any of those things, but it was fun to think about what would be worth logging.

    you eat camel?
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Personally I don't log anything that I would have done when I was getting fatter - it did not stop me from getting fat - so why on earth would it now help me get thin!!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Haven't seen that - pretty funny...

    Maybe it was something super intense, like butchering a camel.

    Or grinding sausage meat by hand.

    Or squeezing a tonne of oranges by hand.

    Or pulping grapes for wine by stamping on them.

    Or kneading a massive amount of dough for one hour.

    Or...ok, I'm just getting carried away now. I don't actually think it was any of those things, but it was fun to think about what would be worth logging.

    you eat camel?

    I would eat camel
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Honestly...why does it bother you what they do? Its not hurting you. It doesn't effect you at all. Just ignore it and do what works for you. I imagine, if I was someone who normally just sat all day and did nothing but watch telly all day, and suddenly started to move more, yeah I may log those things. I've logged my housework before....but I was doing a deep clean, scrubbing floors on hands and knees cleaning cabinets and walls...and I didn't get a chance to "workout" that day, so that was my exercise.

    It bothers me because these people want to change their lifestyle and are unhappy, but are just cheating themselves. I feel sad when I log over my calorie count for example, but I don't kid myself and try to find the lowest cal recipes on MFP. I but in the legit amount I ate, and if it was over then it was over.

    It's just a cop out to see someone did 2 hours of cardio every day and realise it's food prep, washing etc. Man, I should have been in a deficit before changing my lifestyle if that was the case! It's just silly.

    I already warned it as a rant. So meh
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I'm prepping salmon/dinner now. How many cals do you think it takes guys? then I have a 7min walk to station and 20 stairs to walk up. How many cals? Should I use my HRM??

    sorry it's just silly and annoys me. People, be LOGICAL
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    OK, I understand, but say someone weighs 300+ pounds, and really normally does NOTHING, all day. ANYTHING that they start doing, ie food prep, house work, is a plus to them. You can't judge someone else because you don't live their lives. And like someone else said...IF they are cheating anyone, its themselves....not you.
    Its ok to rant...lol...I do it all the time :bigsmile:
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Haven't seen that - pretty funny...

    Maybe it was something super intense, like butchering a camel.

    Or grinding sausage meat by hand.

    Or squeezing a tonne of oranges by hand.

    Or pulping grapes for wine by stamping on them.

    Or kneading a massive amount of dough for one hour.

    Or...ok, I'm just getting carried away now. I don't actually think it was any of those things, but it was fun to think about what would be worth logging.

    you eat camel?

    I don't eat camel, but I drive by a camel butcher every day on the way to work.

    I'm a pescetarian, and one of the reasons is the cute baby camels out the front of the shop every morning, and the heads/necks on display every evening...