Whats the hate for Beachbody about?



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    1. Beachbody is an MLM (Pyramid scheme style) sales organization that is only as big as it is because of the heavy marketing.

    2. Most of their workouts are actually very poorly designed and the only reason people see results from them is because people tend to be stricter about it when they have a whole schedule telling them what to do and when.

    3. The way they push supplements on you that basically don't do anything (Shakeology and Ultimate Body Reset) is a joke.

    4. Most Beachbody "challenge groups" that start within these forums are actually sales attempts by coaches.

    In the end the real reason why is their marketing tactics. The sales techniques of selling through pyramid scheme resellers, the way coaches try to cleverly hide their sales attempts, and the way they push things like Shakeology on you make people question the validity of the company.

    The simple fact is you can get equally good results, if not better, with workouts that don't require you to spend as much time working out as many days a week. All you have to do is start researching the science behind fitness on your own. The fact that people who work out to Beachbody and Jillian DVDs so blindly follow them without bothering to try and educate themselves tells people that they cater to a specific group of people who are mindless sheep. At the end of the day most of us want everyone to become legitimately knowledgeable about fitness, to the point where these DVDs become pointless.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Beach Body products have been around for 15yrs....I think that says a lot about the successfulness of them.

    By that token everyone should be doing atlas stone work. People lifting rocks has been a thing for thousands of years and it still makes you strong as hell.

    This. I do find it funny though, that every time I recommend stone lifting to someone looking to get in shape with very minimal cost, it gets all but ignored in favor of someone recommending some random workout DVD.

    Hmm...stone lifting needs better marketing and a supplement line, I suppose.

    I work out with sandbags =) Almost as "traditional"
  • samanthalee87
    I think everyone is going to have their own opinion and that's fair. Whether or not a program or the gym works for an individual is their personal experience. I think it's unfair to tell someone to STOP using a program because they don't believe in it. That can be extremely discouraging for someone who has invested money and time into a program they believe will work until they hear negative opinions from others. Just stick to what you feel works and ignore the rest! I've switched to using Beachbody programs because the gym is boring TO ME. That doesn't mean that it's the only thing that works for someone else. Just a matter of personal preference and what you love to do.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't like them but you do what makes you happy. I think they are overpriced. And nothing that special. Especially p90x.