Are you a horder or a thrower-a-wayer?



  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I'm a collector of...things. I don't have excessive amounts but I have a wardrobe, two sets of drawers and two suitcases full of all kinds of clothes, from costumes to wedding dresses. I often provide my own wardrobe for work though so it's kinda a must.
    I do like 'things' though. I didn't have much growing up and when I got my flat I was determined to make it feel like mine, and by having my things around me I feel content. I'm not extremely materialistic, I just collect odds and ends from markets and vintage shops! I'm definitely not into the minimalist look, my house is chock full of quirky things.
    But I don't keep anything unnecessary. I regularly donate items and clothes I have no use for to charity and everything has it's place.
    Oh, and books. I have a lot of books.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    throw it away! lol.. i only save papers...
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    The only thing I REFUSE to throw away are tools.
    It's funny because I have this old drum brake tool that I have had for years.
    A few years back, my wife asked me about it and, when I explained it to her, she asked me when was the last time I owned a car with drims.
    I admitted it has been about 15 years.
    She then asked me when was the last time I worked on a car with drums.
    Same answer.
    Well, the joke is on HER because now my 73 Beetle needs a brake job and, it has drums on all four corners.
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    I throw away everything. Clutter drives me insane. I purge closets and drawers once a month and, if it hasn't been used, I throw it away. It drives my son crazy. I'm not allowed to clean his room anymore. All part of my diabolical plan. :wink:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Opposite here...wife is a major hoarder...just about everything has some kind of sentimental value. I'm a tosser...If I haven't touched some trinket or whatever in 6 months or so, it goes. I do have some sentimental type stuff from child hood, but it all fits in one little box. My wife has an entire 8hx20L shelving system in the garage for her sentimental stuff...not too mention all of the stuff that occupies the garage floor.

    We haven't parked a car in the garage in over 8 years due to all of the junk. It drives me bananas because none of that stuff every gets looked at, let alone used...I'm sure there's stuff in there that she has no idea she even owns. Don't get me started on kitchen utensils...I mean really, how many potato peelers does one really need...or egg beaters (we have like 8 in all different sizes and materials) many spatulas does one really need.

    This is my mom.
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