Vacation Pounds

I had lost of total of 26 pounds starting last September, navigating through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. The losses slowed through the holiday season but I was okay with that since I stuck with the program of exercise and calorie counting. It wasn't really that difficult. I think I had a total of 5 or 10 days when I went a little over board but I always followed up a bad diet day with a strong exercise session the next day (think 5 or 6 mile run).

Then along came our big trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. 7 days of southern food, drinks, and general debauchery. I was really afraid to step on the scale when I got home and I made it a total of 48 hours before I did a damage check…8 pounds gained? Huh, what the heck? That got me back out on the road and back on MFP tracking. Much of that weight must have been related to water retention from flying from Seattle to New Orleans and back on a red eye flight. Today I weighed in and I'm only up 1.5 pounds. I'm feeling much better since I've logged over ten miles running the past two days as well as tamping down the caloric intake.

The point is to stick with it. I still would like to lose another 15 pounds and I'm more focused now than ever. Especially since we don't have any more vacations scheduled. Whew.