Why do I want results after 3 days???



  • I think it's normal to want to see results quickly. When you start something like this you want it to show outwardly too, but unfortunately life does not work that way. Just keep giving yourself pep talks and working through each day. Then one day, before you know it, you'll see those results you are working so diligently for.

    I love what you've said here! I feel like there is so much pressure to show the changes right away but that's not realistic. I think it's important to decide where that pressure comes from. Is it pressure you place on yourself, or due to the perceptions of others?
    For me it helps to take it day to day. I try to forget the overall goal and just focus on a goal for the day or a goal for the week. I think that helps. I only go on the scale twice a week.
    I feel that frustration of making the changes and not getting to the end goal. Why does it have to take so long and be so frustrating? Eventually, I decided that I'd rather be slightly frustrated with the effort that I put into losing at this slow pace than be frustrated about my weight every day for the rest of my life. In this process, I realized that sometimes I'm not even just frustrated, but pleased about a small loss. It's better than the alternative. I take pride in those small losses and attaining those small goals. Prior to this journey, I had nothing to take pride in.
  • Thank you all! I already feel better :) y'all are so wonderful!
  • LovelyLaura2321
    LovelyLaura2321 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm the same way. I get discouraged if I don't see results immediately, and it's just simply unrealistic! We've just got to believe in what we're doing long enough to see the real results! Just keep going :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I don't really think it has anything to do with limiting eating, not eating enough, etc.. you just want to see change quickly and taking on a new, healthier lifestyle takes time and requires patience.

    Focus on non scale victories.. they could be as simple as being able to do a particular exercise longer than the last or your shirt becoming looser.. these are just some examples
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    This is my first true "attempt" to lose weight and I told myself that I would give myself a year to get where I want to be...or at least close to it.

    I know it's going to take time and I know waiting is the hardest part of all of this, so it's all a mental thing for me. Give myself a goal of one year and just work towards that goal.

    That's a good idea! I keep saying I want to be at my goal weight by May-June, but what if I'm not?? I will be so upset and feel very discouraged. I will give myself a goal of one year, as well....I will bust my butt for the next year getting this 35 pounds off! :D

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  • i'm the SAME WAY! 9 pounds & 3 weeks in and i'm just like, why don't i look amazing yet?
    unfortunately 9 pounds on me isnt anywhere close enough to show anything. which i know, but seem to look in the mirror and expect to see a 6 pack.
    just keep truckin'
    be proud that you ARE trying to change and that by changing your old eating habits and exercising one thing WONT happen: you WONT continue to gain, you can only lose. and right now, losing is the new winning ;-)