T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Fresh Start wk1



  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone !!!! :flowerforyou:

    Last night I went out with my BF and indulged a little bit, but I did make better choices than usual. I had a turkey burger on a wheat roll and ordered water instead of soda. I also had a small curly fry. I did have an ice cream sandwhich too. I ate half of everything and was content. I was honetly OK with it because I have been doing great all week and I didn't consume everything on my plate. Then it hit me. Because I have been making an effort to eat better I "accidently" ate in moderation. To me that seems realistic. And today, I am back to what is normal eating for me now. It feels so good not to feel guilty. For me guilty leads to an attitude of failure and bindging.
    I am excited about this week coming up. I am going to hit the gym at least 3x and then my routine will be complete. I am also going into the 2 nd wk of clean eating. I think I heard that 3 wks make a habit.

    Have a great week everyone. Stay focused.


    Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality-in your own mind.
    - Bruce Lee
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey gals. I was off the computer mostly this weekend. I had a much needed fun weekend starting Friday which by the way I still can't remember the whole night.... hm yeah.... it was fun though. Saturday had a birthday party to go to, then went up and picked up my daughter and had dinner with my sisters and mom.... today was cleaning and laundry and work... so I need to get caught up on some posts here....

    Way to go with the reflection of our check in. I do like the idea of rewarding ourselves with things other that food.

    I'll most likely start writing the new thread tomorrow. I'll make it active Tuesday but please who ever has any ideas or anything let me know... goals, mini goals, challenges... anything please let me know so I can include them in the thread.

    Also do we like the copying and pasting everyones stats like we used to while adding ourselves to bottom so that everyones stats get's carried over? It is nice to see what everyone did with out having to search through posts.... We used to post like that and then we kinda stopped.... If we like it that way, I'll include that format in the new thread so new people get the hang of it. Let me know...

    I need to go back and read everyone's posts so I know what's going on... I miss like two days and we're already on page 3... goodness... but it's a good thing that everyone is coming back and posting and we always welcome new members.... it's never to late to join.
  • ragarza
    ragarza Posts: 1
    Hey everyone my name is Rachel and i was wondering if it is too late to join the group? i see you're working your way into week 2 but i don't mind being a little behind. :)
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey everyone my name is Rachel and i was wondering if it is too late to join the group? i see you're working your way into week 2 but i don't mind being a little behind. :)

    It's never too late to join. Welcome.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    For anyone who would like to add me who has Facebook please feel free to do so.

    Kelly Gausman

    Just mention mfp in the invite so I know who you are...
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    For anyone who would like to add me who has Facebook please feel free to do so.

    Kelly Gausman

    Just mention mfp in the invite so I know who you are...

    Same here... feel free to add me as well on facebook...

    Cyndi Merrill Schricker :love:

    Pawprint... sounds like a fun weekend! I need a weekend off. It feels like Ive been running ragged for weeks now. Luckily by Wednesday this week, all should be back to normal.... as normal as it can be... haha! As for the posting our stats... I think we should do it how we used to do it. I liked being able to quick glance and see how everyone did for the week.

    Ragarza- Welcome!!! Please feel free to jump in and participate. Let us know a little about you! We arent really on week 2.... more like week 50-something. Some of us have been with this group for a while now....(I fell off the wagon for awhile after dropping 40lbs and just came back to lose 10 I gained back and the remaining 12 I never lost..:blushing: ).... and some are just starting. Everyone is welcome :smile:

    DeCooper~ Way To Go on the sucessful night out with the guy! I know EXACTLY how it feels to go out still be able to feel like you made great choices... even if only eating 1/2 of what you got was the choice! I did that for lunch today.

    Hubby decided he was starvin while we were out running errands so we stopped to eat. He wanted breakfast but I just wasnt in the mood for mass amounts of hashbrowns or pancakes, so I ordered what i thought looked to be a healthier option. (grilled chicken sandwhich) I have the MFP app on my iphone, so before I started eating it, I entered its ingredients into my iphone and :noway: i discovered the dang thing was 900+ calories....:angry: ....:laugh: :laugh: I DID order a salad (with dressing on the side) in leu of the french fries and after seeing how many calories the salad and 1/2 the sandwhich was I decided that was all I was gonna eat.... so I packed up the rest to bring home for lunch tomorrow. About 1/2 an hour after we left the restaraunt it hit me.... I was not only satisfied.. I was full! So I was really happy that I didnt eat the other 1/2 of that dang thing and STUFF myself into a food coma.. :bigsmile:

    No Gym for me today, but I did get my exercise. We spent 5 hours shopping between homedepot and lowes today getting supplies to finish my laundry room tomorrow. Got home and unloaded the truck (those boxes of tile are fricken heavy!!) then headed out the door to get groceries from Costco and Albertsons. Got home around 7pm and unloaded all that out of the car, started dinner and made 6 more dinner meals for the family to throw in the freezer. Then I got to help hubby hang the last cabinet in the laundry room... (I thought I was gonna die holding that beast up there for him to screw it to the wall.. :laugh:)

    Im off to bed now. Im totally beat and have to be up at 7am for the contractors that are coming. Then I am headed straight to the gym for 9am water aerobics!!! Yeeehawwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I'm new to this. How do I "join" other than saying I would like to? I've noticed that people say they want to "bump" so that they don't lose the thread. I think I'll figure that out after a while, I'm assuming if you have commented it pulls up that topic/thread when you log back in? I hope so, or I'll never find you again!

    My name is Katie, I'm 31 and a SAHM. My daughters are 8 and 5. I'm the heaviest I have ever been in my life, other than when I was pregnant, and I'm actually quite close to my end of pregnancy weights :( I think being part of this group would be really helpful. It's hard to diet by yourself.
  • ragarza1
    ragarza1 Posts: 13
    Alrighty Then! so where do i start.....Well my name is still Rachel (but this one lady i know keeps calling me Angela...???) and I am Married (to a Marine:wink:) and a mother of 2 (boy-35mo and girl-17mo). Met my husband in the Marine Corps (yup i was a former active "jar head" too) but got out to do the baby-makin thing. now the baby-makin thing is done and i've gotten lazy and haven't gotten rid of the baby weight. I have to drop 25lbs to get to where i was before babies and have my old energy levels back so i can continue chasing the rugrats without being short of breath (thats how lazy i've gotten...:blushing: ) hubby is helping me get back to standards by making me chase him around for 3 miles when HE's not tired, but he's getting ready for his PFT (physical fitness test) next month so hes kickin it into high gear and dragging me along for the ride (litterally dragging....he grabs my hand and pulls me so i dont walk...:laugh: )i've been working out off and on for the last 5 weeks but the motivation level drops rediculously fast, i'm guessing cuz i don't have any girlie friends to work out with or tell me to get off my butt and go do something(don't get me wrong i love that my hubby wants to help, but its usually only when its convenient for him and by then a few days have already passed) but now i'm recently (voluntarily) unemployed because we just got orders to Japan and have a LOT of things to take care of between now and then but now i'll need the motivation now more than ever since my kids will be with me instead of with the babysitter and i'll be messing up their daily routine :frown: (cutting expenses left and right....) but im hoping this extra time with them will get me outside more walking or playing at the park. I'm grateful that the YMCA has a child watch area so i can take a class or two and they don't miss out on playing with other kids. Speaking of..todays Pilates day so i'll close with that...have to get everyone dressed for a ....well...an interesting first monday at home with mommy! my goal this week...drink 5- 8oz glasses of water and no soda (bathroom here i come... :grumble: )
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey gals, I'm working on the new thread... any ideas or suggestions you want included let me know...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I don't have any ideas Kelly.. I'm just plain frustrated..

    I did get in my exercise.. and now we are off to the store... I have to get this under control.... I'm so frustrated.. Cyndi I like that you reset your ticker to 0.. I think I am going to go do that now..

    Okay all.. I need help...

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hubby decided he was starvin while we were out running errands so we stopped to eat. He wanted breakfast but I just wasnt in the mood for mass amounts of hashbrowns or pancakes, so I ordered what i thought looked to be a healthier option. (grilled chicken sandwhich) I have the MFP app on my iphone, so before I started eating it, I entered its ingredients into my iphone and :noway: i discovered the dang thing was 900+ calories....:angry: ....:laugh: :laugh: I DID order a salad (with dressing on the side) in leu of the french fries and after seeing how many calories the salad and 1/2 the sandwhich was I decided that was all I was gonna eat.... so I packed up the rest to bring home for lunch tomorrow. About 1/2 an hour after we left the restaraunt it hit me.... I was not only satisfied.. I was full! So I was really happy that I didnt eat the other 1/2 of that dang thing and STUFF myself into a food coma.. :bigsmile:

    No Gym for me today, but I did get my exercise. We spent 5 hours shopping between homedepot and lowes today getting supplies to finish my laundry room tomorrow. Got home and unloaded the truck (those boxes of tile are fricken heavy!!) then headed out the door to get groceries from Costco and Albertsons. Got home around 7pm and unloaded all that out of the car, started dinner and made 6 more dinner meals for the family to throw in the freezer. Then I got to help hubby hang the last cabinet in the laundry room... (I thought I was gonna die holding that beast up there for him to screw it to the wall.. :laugh:)

    Im off to bed now. Im totally beat and have to be up at 7am for the contractors that are coming. Then I am headed straight to the gym for 9am water aerobics!!! Yeeehawwwwwww!!!!!!!!!


    Good job with dinner with the hubby over the weekend. Isn't it great how we feel when we know we did the right thing? Keep up the awesome work.

    I am excited for you and your remodel. That is so much fun to do and see finally finished. I hope all goes well.

    Have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm new to this. How do I "join" other than saying I would like to? I've noticed that people say they want to "bump" so that they don't lose the thread. I think I'll figure that out after a while, I'm assuming if you have commented it pulls up that topic/thread when you log back in? I hope so, or I'll never find you again!

    My name is Katie, I'm 31 and a SAHM. My daughters are 8 and 5. I'm the heaviest I have ever been in my life, other than when I was pregnant, and I'm actually quite close to my end of pregnancy weights :( I think being part of this group would be really helpful. It's hard to diet by yourself.

    Welcome, glad you are here with us. You are right about it being in your My Topics tab.

    What are your goals and how are you going to achieve them. It is always good to have these things in mind while starting on your lifestyle change. It will help you in the long run. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Welcome Angela, I mean Rachel ( I am sorry bad joke. LOL) I am glad you are here with us. It definitely is great that your hubby is willing to help you out. Just remember to take it one day at a time and everything will be okay. You can do it and we are all here for you. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • annettecahalan
    Hi Rachel, my name is Annette and i just joined and im filling pretty fat. my husband is in the Air Force, he just made senior and does his PT everymorning at 5:00 a.m. Yuck no way im going to make that. i too wish that he could do it at least half the time when it is a little more convient for me... i have been doing the Biggest Loser workout on Will because i feel like i dont know what to do with any of the gym equipment at the base, i hope im burning enought calories??? i have 20 lbs to lose but i had 50,,so i have to stay on track which is hard since my husband has returned from Afghanistan... going out to resturants is my downfall any advice

    thanks annette
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey gals, I'm working on the new thread... any ideas or suggestions you want included let me know...

    Maybe something like this. I know it is hard to do, but we can all set a daily goal and if we meet it, the next day give yourself 10 extra minutes to do with whatever you want. Whether it be take a short bubble bath, read a book, sleep in and so on. Then also set a weekly goal and if you accomplish that then you can treat yourself to (I don't know) a new pair of flip flops, or spray tan for Summer time. Something to motivate you to get through your days and weeks without holding back. Don't treat yourself with food, that is what we are fighting against right now, so until we have our eating and workouts in check, no treating with food.

    Just a thought. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well, I did get in my workout on Friday and Saturday then I slacked yesterday. I did have my cheat meal Saturday nite and I think that is why my stomach has been upset. But I was good and only had one cheat meal instead of a whole days worth. So, I am on the right track. Tonite is Max Cardio Conditioning and Core Abs.

    Have a beautiful week everyone. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I don't have any ideas Kelly.. I'm just plain frustrated..

    I did get in my exercise.. and now we are off to the store... I have to get this under control.... I'm so frustrated.. Cyndi I like that you reset your ticker to 0.. I think I am going to go do that now..

    Okay all.. I need help...


    Anita, that is fantastic that you got your workout in. That is one of many steps in the right direction. Give yourself credit for working out, that is just as important as your measurements, what the scale says or eating healthy. Try to remember to find the positive in everything you do and your mindset will change. Hang in there, it will get easier. :bigsmile:
  • annettecahalan
    Hi my name is Annette and thank you so much for the tip about taking half off the plate right away... any tips for having a cocktail
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening Teamies!

    I got up at 7am with intentions of hitting the gym after I let them in... but things didnt go that way. I just couldnt get my rear in gear until about 10:30. Once I got there, I did 30 minutes of 3.4 paced walking, then did week 1, day 1 of the couch-to-5K, which was 20 minutes of wogging. It felt GREAT!!!! So Great to get back to wogging. LOVE IT!!

    Got home and made a batch of 20 healthy breakfast burrito's for the freezer. Was planning to do more precooking today but with all the dust from the contractors I decided to wait until tomorrow. Wouldnt want it all to taste like plywood.. :sick: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyway... I am SORE...more sore than I have been in a while, but its all good!! It just means Im working on what I need to be.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi my name is Annette and thank you so much for the tip about taking half off the plate right away... any tips for having a cocktail

    I sure do!!....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    ** When ordering drinks... ask what is in them... let them know you want a lite version if available. Do they use premade mix, fresh juice or fresh fruit? The fresher the better.
    ** Order a glass of ice water with your cocktail and drink them both. Less bloat, less hangover, less calories!
    ** Plan your drinks in. Look up calorie content for drinks you consume often so you have an idea where you stand with them.

    the worst
    The most calories come from the sweet liquors, or liqueurs. An ounce of creme de menthe for instance registers about 125 calories. Also stay away from cocktails that combine several of the liqueurs, those are just bad news. The highest calorie count from alcoholic drinks are from the cocktails with multiple mixers, like the Long Island Iced Tea for example which is about 780 calories per drink. Most countries do not require wine makers to reveal health information, so counting calories can be hard. The bottles do, however, list their alcohol content and for the most part it is safe to assume that the more alcohol any given bottle of wine has, the more calories it will have. The biggest offenders are the darker beers. But remember that you can easily exceed 500 plus calories once you start drinking more than two bottles of almost any brand of beer.

    the best
    For the lower calories for the most punch, you have two options, one is to look for lower alcohol content or look to cocktails that don’t go crazy on the mixers. If you do like cocktails, try a Bloody Mary, highball or a Manhattan, each delivers an average calorie count in the mid 100s for a standard serving and wont have you regretting it the next day. A couple of other low calorie drinks are the Moscow Mule and The Mojito. Also, low calorie beer and low cal wine would be the better option. Ask the server what is available. I personally love Sangria, but I like wine and mixed drinks with fruit. If you are really trying to cut down, one of the best wine options is to stick with spritzers. This gives you less alcohol but more volume to drink. On average most beers will fall below 150 calories per bottle. Guinness, for example, is often looked at as fatty because of the look and the texture, but ends up averaging only 126 calories per serving, this is less than your average latte at the local coffee house.
