T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Fresh Start wk1



  • ragarza1
    ragarza1 Posts: 13
    Hi Annette!
    First i wanna say Thank you for being the Wife of a service member it is for sure a tough position to have (being prior service myself as well as the wife of a service member) :bigsmile:
    The PT at 0500 can be quite the kicker and trust me it takes some time to get used to that hour of the day for working out, but it does have its benefits. i haven't quite made it back to that time myself but i'm working towards it again. it's a lot more relaxing to go work out (be it walk or run) first thing in the morning when the air is crisp and the sun (depending where you are) isn't beating down your neck. LOL. Just the fact that you are working out is a huge step in the right direction! keep in mind you don't have to stick to just work out videos. since the gym seems a little intimidating for you right now change it up with your videos and go for a walk once or twice a week if you have a dog take them with you! i'm sure they'd enjoy the change in scenery too :happy: , that way you can go as far as you are comfortable with and at the pace you are comfortable with, and you have company with you to distract you. since you live on a base and you have access to the base gym... when you are ready for a new change... stop by there and see if they offer personal trainers, i know the miramar base offered a personal trainer for service members and their family. They can deff. show you around the gym and help you in making sure you are using the equipment properly. i had a trainer for less than a month and cut 2 mins off my run time (which for me was a BIG deal) and i think i only ran 1 time a week! and depending on what base you are on they might even offer group classes, don't worry about feeling awkward i always feel like that when i go to a group class but that doesn't make me wanna try any less harder besides, you are going for YOU not for them (i tell myself that every time i walk into a class) as far as going out to eat, see if they have a menu online before you go and if they do look up the info for the food that interests you most and like one of the other members suggested take half of it to go! (seriously wish i woulda thought of that a long time ago) be sure to fill out your food and exercise journals and you'll be surprised to know you that you are allowed a little more calories depending on your workout (i just found that out today myself) but if you need someone to vent to or need some extra help in the motivation area just send me a message :flowerforyou: ...i know i need all the motivation i can get :smile:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    wow i stay away for a couple of days and we are into page 4. Took me awhile to catch up. I finally figured out how to change my ticker to "pounds to go" for my first goal of losing 21 lb by July 11th...my sons wedding. Motivation is hard. My 2nd son was in California all last week and I did pretty well on eating. Then he came home and told me about some cream of broccoli soup so I let him make us some and it was soooooooooooo good that I had him make another batch so I know I have over eaten on soup LOL.

    I have my doctors appointment for the fibromyalgia specialist on Friday and I am hoping to find some relief from this pain so I will feel more motivated to just live much less get some excercise. I am hoping as the weather gets better I will feel up to walkng again.

    Leave it to Cyndi to know all the calories for booze~~~ Love it. Good idea about taking the food off the plate right from the beginnng when you go out. I've divided my food on my plate then ate and taken home the rest but when it is on your plate you get tempted to eat an extra bite or two until you are stuffed!

    Welcome all new faces. I pray that you will all meet your goals and feel happy and good about your success. This is going to be a rough week for me. My #2 daughter is moving to New York and leaving next Wednesday. On my way to work this morning I realized she is leaving in 9 days and won't be here for mothers day and I started bawling...walked into work crying my eyes out. I tend to eat when I am really unhappy so please pray for me.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey gals, I'm working on the new thread... any ideas or suggestions you want included let me know...

    Maybe something like this. I know it is hard to do, but we can all set a daily goal and if we meet it, the next day give yourself 10 extra minutes to do with whatever you want. Whether it be take a short bubble bath, read a book, sleep in and so on. Then also set a weekly goal and if you accomplish that then you can treat yourself to (I don't know) a new pair of flip flops, or spray tan for Summer time. Something to motivate you to get through your days and weeks without holding back. Don't treat yourself with food, that is what we are fighting against right now, so until we have our eating and workouts in check, no treating with food.

    Just a thought. :bigsmile:

    Great idea, I have brought that idea into the new thread for the week, but I never thought about daily rewards. That is a good idea though.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    The link for the new thread. It will also be on facebook.

  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I have only lost a pound in the twelve or so days that I've been on here, so I was pretty discouraged. However, I took my measurements for the heck of it, and I've lost an inch off my waist! Just goes to show that the scale can't tell you everything, and you shouldn't get wrapped up in a number. Hope everyone has had a great week!