Psychology of "eating out"

I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I totally thought this was going to go in a different direction.

    For me, it has to do with costs. I will happily go out and have a salad that has salmon on it for $14. However, if it just an everyday salad and I'm at a steak place, there is no way I'm going to pay $10 for a salad. I'd rather have a steak for $14 (just random numbers don't get caught up on the prices, I'm making them up).

    Also, going out to eat then only ordering a side salad for a few dollars feels silly.

    On top of that, usually what I order would have taken hours to make at home (plus tons of dishes) so it is nice to be able to eat something complex and delicious and not have to do the dishes.

    Interesting question.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This is a really good thought. I struggled with it yesterday. I'm sure some of it is how they sale more food. They make more money if you get the bag of chips or if you order the appetizer and dessert.

    Also, we have more choices. Having more choices makes it harder. It's like we see the menus with their glossy pictures of mouth watering food.

    I had to force myself yesterday when going out to eat to eat a large salad and only half of my sandwich. It took the will of Job to get through it. I felt like I had been in a cage fight but I won.

    I really think that meals prepared from home is the only way to go. I know when you are traveling that isnt always impossible. I honestly dont know what to do. I guess you have to put blinders on and psych yourself out to win.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
    Agreed. OK really I just want this to show up in my news feed kthnx
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Was expecting a different topic. Have a nice day.
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Probably my favorite thing to do is eat out. Mostly because it is a time for good interaction and it usually is for the benefit of others. I could sit home by myself no problem but if i have an opportunity to eat out...i'm diving right on it.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    BOOOO I came here for the sex
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
    Yup. When I go out to eat, I *know* I'm going to order something that is probably ridiculously high in calories. And that's okay.

    That's what treats are for.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Probably my favorite thing to do is eat out.

  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
    Agreed. OK really I just want this to show up in my news feed kthnx

  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
    Yup. When I go out to eat, I *know* I'm going to order something that is probably ridiculously high in calories. And that's okay.

    That's what treats are for.

  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I just posted this on my blog, but decided that it might be fun to get some perspectives here.

    After being away for a week on business and a week of vacation, we finally got some groceries into the house - which means that I am back on track with my eating. It is amazing to me what a difference it makes having the right foods around rather than trying to order out and get the right foods.

    But then that made me wonder, isn't that a big part of the problem. Why is it that one can be perfectly content eating a big old spinach salad at home, but ordering one from a restaurant feels like punishment? Why does it feel like a victory to have ordered a sandwich at a place like Subway and NOT get the bag of chips they push on you with the "combo," when if you'd made that same sandwich at home you'd never even have thought about chips.

    What is the allure of "eating out" that makes it not only OK, but expected, that one will indulge? Is it rooted in our old way of thinking - when eating out was a treat and 99% of your meals were made and eating at home? If that is the case, what does it take to erase that old mindset? I've been eating more meals out than at home for years, so eating out no longer should seem like a treat to me. In fact, eating a home cooked meal really had become a treat for a while I was eating out so much - but that wasn't enough to erase that mindset that eating out meant indulging.


    Who wants to order things they can make at home, ideally the food you order is something you don't often eat and of high quality. What fun is it to order plain boring food while out

    I hate to say he's right, but he is. I order things at restaurants that I can't/wouldn't take the time or effort to make at home. Going out to eat isn't something I do every day and IS a treat.
    Yup. When I go out to eat, I *know* I'm going to order something that is probably ridiculously high in calories. And that's okay.

    That's what treats are for.

    Yup. All of this.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    If I bite my tongue any harder I'm gonna have to log it.
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    Probably my favorite thing to do is eat out. Mostly because it is a time for good interaction and it usually is for the benefit of others. I could sit home by myself no problem but if i have an opportunity to eat out...i'm diving right on it.

  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    If I bite my tongue any harder I'm gonna have to log it.
    Give in to it
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    If I bite my tongue any harder I'm gonna have to log it.

    well then let me bite it for you....that way you don't have to log it and then I'm eating out too!
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    how the F am I not going to say something I dont regret? *BANGS HEAD AGAINST DESK.

  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I just go for something I can really dive into. I usually go all animal and messy as well. Condiments, trimmings, the works. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member