About to explode! (A vent)



  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    dont get pregnant :)
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm not at all trying to criticize or sound snarky, but so much of what you're complaining about is only brought on by yourself. If you have 7 pets and are able to buy gun/car parts that you don't need, chances are you COULD afford to live on your own. And why are you working for free? That just doesn't make any sense at all, especially given your situation....

    Don't stress about your mom's situation, that's hers to deal with. Don't complain about having to listen to her rants or deal with her meltdowns, YOU are choosing to live under HER roof.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    As far as the rest, you need to come to the realization that you cannot control the actions or responses of other people. You can only control yourself. Mom wants to get walked on? Nothing you can do about it. People comment about your life? Let it roll off you.

    Seven animals is excessive.

    If you can afford some but not all living expenses, maybe start looking for a new place with a roommate.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    totally agree!
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    Ah, 1st world problems. Love it!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Just an FYI: Not everyone has the luxury of "moving out of mommies house" ..... not everyone is financially stable enough to do so. Also, depending where you live rent can be super expensive. I.e., my 2 bedroom apartment is going up to $1,750 next month. And yes, I had to live with mommy and daddy for a while until I was able to move out on my own.

    Everyone has their own struggles and we dont know what theirs are. Dont be so quick to poke and make fun because you can be in her shoes one day.

    It's not so much that she's living with her mommy - it's that she's living with her mommy with a fiance that blows money on stuff they don't need, 7 pets that admittedly leave the house dirty (pawprints on the floor), and she feels like she is justified in complaining about the free roof over her head.

    Thank you! I live with my parents, im not making fun of her at all. But I dont have my fiance living there too, act irresponsible, and complain about it.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    TBH, if one of my parents was that overwhelmed, and my question when they walked in was, "what are you making me for dinner?", well, I'd expect some flack in return, to say the least
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    30,000 truck so my fiance could get to his job.


    My husband has a $10k truck and gets to work just fine.

    Sounds like you should evaluate wants vs. needs

    No one needs to be picking up strays when they can't afford em.

    Bingo! Priorities
  • LiveLoveLaughAlways
    Great advice:)
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    just curious as to why one would need a $30K truck to get to work?
    sell the truck
    move out
    if boyfriend isnt on board with this plan then you might want to reconsider your relationship status. do you want to be married to a boy or a man?

    This! There's no way in hell I'd accept a proposal from a man who had no house/apartment/place to live and would be moving in with my family. Not cool. Get it sorted, if you're old enough to get married (you're only 22, I'd put it waaaay off if I were you but whatever) then you're certainly old enough to do out a budget, save, earn more, rehouse some pets and get your own place.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I'm betting that the story is completely different from your mom's perspective. There's no reason that two working adults can't manage to get their own apartment. You'll probably have to rehome at least some of the pets, but if you can't afford them (and that includes paying for the roof over their heads) without sponging off of your mom, then you can't afford them.
  • wswing
    wswing Posts: 39 Member
    I have a 21 year old son still living at home and he is welcome to stay as long as he likes/needs. However, if he ever tried to move in a fiance or 7 animals he would be out on his *kitten* so fast! Fortunately he would never dream of trying to take advantage of his mother that way.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    30,000 truck so my fiance could get to his job.


    My husband has a $10k truck and gets to work just fine.

    Sounds like you should evaluate wants vs. needs

    No one needs to be picking up strays when they can't afford em.

    Bingo! Priorities

    I agree but it's spilled milk at this point. And maybe there's a reason for it. Either way, what's done is done.

    If you guys are getting married, have you figured out a financial plan for getting out of that house? Maybe it's time you got some professional help for your money woes. I think you should consider seeing a financial adviser and setting up some saving/spending objectives. Especially for the wedding.

    As for your personal issues with the mom, maybe work out a schedule or something. She's your roommate/landlord now. You're too grownup to be asking where your dinner is. Set some expectations and contingency plans.

    I don't think you're going to find any sympathy on MFP. But you will get some tough advice and perspective. Good luck.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    If you love your pets, they are expensive, but they are also family - I get that, I have a dog and she is my whole entire world!!!


    I'd finish but I have a meeting... good luck and tell your mom to get her S*it together :)
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Both my parents and my bf's parents would prefer we live at home until we are married. I guess they're a little old fashioned that way. So, both families are fine with us staying put for a couple more years. But, we both try to be respectful. We have family pets, but 1or 2, not 7. We clean up after ourselves as well. We also do not live together, because, if we're not ready to pay for things on our own, we need to wait.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    That would be a GREAT idea. if we could afford it. theres a REASON we live here.
    Then live by the rules and stop complaning until you do. She's doing you a favor, show some appreciation.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I'd finish but I have a meeting... good luck and tell your mom to get her S*it together :)

    Yeah! Moms are like, soooooo lame.

    OMG, where's my ALLOWANCE?! UGHHHH....

  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I'd finish but I have a meeting... good luck and tell your mom to get her S*it together :)

    Yeah! Moms are like, soooooo lame.

    OMG, where's my ALLOWANCE?! UGHHHH....


  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'd finish but I have a meeting... good luck and tell your mom to get her S*it together :)

    Yeah! Moms are like, soooooo lame.

    OMG, where's my ALLOWANCE?! UGHHHH....


    +1 for Regular Show gif
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    1) Why does your fiancee need a 30k truck to get to work? I have a 2000 Jeep Cherokee with 226,222 miles on it and she runs just fine. This was the car that I drove to work every day. 40 miles round trip. I say trade in the truck and get a beater with a heater.

    2) You live in your mother's house. You have to abide by her rules. Just like when you were a kid and you lived at home. You say you have a job but you can't move out because of the 30k truck loan you're paying off right? See my first point.

    3) I am an animal lover but honestly if I had a kid and they moved back home with me and their fiancee AND their 7 pets I'd be a little pissed off too. 7 pets? Really? I have a hard enough time keeping up with all the hair and mud my one dog leaves around the house. I can't imagine having 7 pets to clean up after. Also, I'd be pissed if, with your 7 pets, you continued to take in strays. They have shelters for animals. Also do you even ask your parents if you can take these animals in or do you just go ahead and do it?

    Are you sure your moms stress has everything to do with the fact that she has more responsibilities at work and not because you, your fiancee and your 7 pets are living back at home and wrecking the place?