Why do my coworkers sabotage my weight loss journey?

I have been doing so good with my weight loss journey here lately. But earlier today, one of my coworkers brought me a box of Girl Scout cookies. Lemonades...my favorite. When I was a boy scout, I had rather eat Brownies....but now the lemonades are my favorite. She knows that if I open the box, I won't be able to stop myself, and will eat the whole thing, which is about a million calories. I just can't resist. Why do people have to do everything they can to ensure that you stay fatter than them?


  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Because cookies.
  • Countryboy_

    CAn I offer you a cookie instead?
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Whatever you do just don't stop believin' JimBob
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    CAn I offer you a cookie instead?

    do you have a cookie duster?

    i might get crumbs all over.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    MY boss is exactly like that too. He'll open a candy bar or pack of cookies and leave one..just one on my desk. He knows I'll eat it eventually.
    He drives me nuts with it. Sometimes it turns into a game and I'll keep putting it back on his desk, he'll put it back on mine...etc. until one of us gives in and eats it.

    It's comical actually.

    Ask her to please hold them at her desk and to help you by putting one on your desk each day but not to let you have the whole box. She'll feel like she really gave you something special if she knows you don't even trust yourself with them but love them SO MUCH that you will let yourself indulge in them within reason.

    Just an idea.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Because they suck. Suggest you reciprocate by bringing some type of sugary food into the office that you hate. For me, I can bring macaroons and cocoanut doughnuts in because I don't eat cocoanut.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Nothing prevents you from throwing it away. If you have to, dunk it in water and throw it away.
  • silky_kitten
    silky_kitten Posts: 171 Member

  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    Also...she probably was actually being absent minded about your diet...but was trying to be thoughtful and do something nice for someone. You know...sometimes people are not trying to sabotage ...they just don't think.
  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    Remember you do have control over yourself and you CAN do it!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    people suck and they should gtfo.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    tbh the Brownies comment made me burn some calories laughing.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I guess this means I sabotaged myself? I have three boxes of Girls Scout cookies I bought on my desk right now and last week I started a no sweets 40 day challenge. I built a pyramid out of mine, 33 days till the cookie.
  • silky_kitten
    silky_kitten Posts: 171 Member
    My mind went t the gutter when I read the comment on eating brownies :blushing:
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have been doing so good with my weight loss journey here lately. But earlier today, one of my coworkers brought me a box of Girl Scout cookies. Lemonades...my favorite. When I was a boy scout, I had rather eat Brownies....but now the lemonades are my favorite. She knows that if I open the box, I won't be able to stop myself, and will eat the whole thing, which is about a million calories. I just can't resist. Why do people have to do everything they can to ensure that you stay fatter than them?

    Re-gift it to someone else, and try to stop thinking about it as sabotage, and more like the fact that your coworker gave you a box of friggin' Girl Scout cookies that she knew you'd like. Giving or buying food for someone is often a gesture meant to show generosity and affection, and is rarely used manipulatively. Usually that's the perception rather than the truth. Unless she has openly mocked your choice to lose weight, and unless you have previously told her at least once that you ARE trying to lose weight, how is she supposed to automatically know that you wouldn't want your favorite Girl Scout crack cookies? Hell, if someone gave me a box of Thin Mints, I would have a REALLY hard time pacing myself and would probably have at least 3 servings, but I'd work it into my calories for the day, work out, and promise myself to do better the next day. Not the end of the world!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Nothing prevents you from throwing it away. If you have to, dunk it in water and throw it away.

    You should seek counseling for your abusive behavior. Next time mail them to me. :devil:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My mind went t the gutter when I read the comment on eating brownies :blushing:

    You're not the only one. :devil:
  • w119ana
    It probably makes your coworker feel better about their poor eating habits if they see you do it too. I always just say thank you and then throw it away when they leave or give it away to someone else that I know would want it and isn't on a diet!