Come on you ninnies. Share your Food Log!



  • stefanij07
    stefanij07 Posts: 17 Member
    (Side note - you are not really a ninny, but I got your attention!)

    Update your settings to show friends your food log. Studies show people who do this have a better chance at eating healthier and losing more weight because their friends hold them accountable.

    It's science. :glasses:

    Well maybe not, but it helps me and I want it to help you too!


    You guys are motivating. I just made mine public as well. :smile: I thought sharing with friends was good, but woah! Public. Now that's extreme.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    That's nice.
    Studies tell us different things all the time.

    Mine is open to my friends but it was private for awhile.

    In all reality, it's no one's business but mine.
  • JohnMessmer
    I unfriend anyone who does not have it open, food and exercise is the entire purpose of this site so if I can't see yours then how can I possibly offer any true advice, support, or critique.
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Unfortunately, a vast majority of the users on this site are NOT certified, trained, or otherwise experienced dieticians. Therefore, taking advice on my diet from most of the users here would be like taking structural engineering advice from my mailman.

    Plus, most of the active users on this forum are too busy rating/dating/dumping/criticizing or saying something otherwise useless about the person "above them".

    There's enough bad advice out there already, so I'm content to stick with my own, private research and will learn from my own mistakes.

    My diary is restricted to my friends, and my friends are restricted to people I trust and haven't shown themselves to be morons...
  • stefanij07
    stefanij07 Posts: 17 Member
    Mine is currently public but I have been debating about making it private again for awhile. I have been struggling and not making the best choices. I find myself sometimes not wanting to log it because then others could see what I have been eating (food guilt). That isn't going to help me lose weight but being honest with myself will, so if I need to make it private for that to happen so be it. What works for one may not work for all.

    I concur. That's the best thing to remember while striving to live healthier. One thing won't work for everyone. You have to find what works for you!

    Way to go on reaching half your goal by the way!:bigsmile:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Nah. I lost 80 lbs before I joined MFP, I feel I can be successful without others holding me accountable for the way I eat. :)

    Different strokes, etc.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    My food diary is set to friends. Why have any friends on here if you're not going to share your diary? How else do you expect to get feedback and support about what your eating?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I only lost the last 15 lbs on MFP.

    Pretty sure I can lose weight without having others berate me for my dietary choices.

    That being said, it's open to my FL, because my FL is awesome and I don't let judgmental jerks on my FL.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Lost weight, reached goal, and is maintaining. Food log is not open and was not needed to be open for me to get here.

    If I have a question, I will ask. Otherwise it's no one's damn business what I'm eating.

    Edit: cause typo.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    mine is open, and far from flawless
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    No thanks. I have mine open to friends only, but honestly I'm more honest with it when it's private.

    To each their own.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I don't even log my food.

  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Nope. I hate the "eat less" "eat more" comments. I know I don't eat enough protein, I'm working on it. I know I eat massive quantities of food some days, I also work out like a beast and always have a calorie deficit. I'm good without comments from the peanut gallery. :-)
  • ell5bell5
    ell5bell5 Posts: 38 Member
    Mines open to all.

    But then I have no friends to tell me off either ! :bigsmile:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's nobody's business what anyone else eats or does unless they ask for your opinion. It's not supportive to critique people's food without them asking. I think a public diary makes it more likely that people won't log if they think it won't look good and a big part of the battle is being accountable to yourself for the choices you make.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I like to keep mine open to poo poo the food police. It's my personal Eff U to anyone who claims that I ought not be losing weight due to my food choices. Eff all of them. I don't care what people think of me. :smokin:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Nope. I'm good thanks. Like all the people on my FL, I'm a grownup that can decide what to shove down my throat. I don't really care what they eat, I assume that as grownups, they can decide for themselves. As such, I don't look at their diaries and I don't comment on diaries because what constitutes a "good" day for me may be very different than it is for them-who am I to play judge and jury? And as a grownup, I'm fully aware that the 1/2 a cheesecake I ate wasn't a good choice. I really don't need that pointed out to me. And if it was, then next time I wouldn't log it-which would defeat the purpose of having a food diary.

    And how sad that people assume the only way to offer support to their friends is by viewing their food...
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    Mine is wide open. :smile:

    I don't care who sees it and/or comments on it. It's working for me, and that's all that matters. The only two people who I listen to when they comment are my RD and trainer.
  • ckopeny1
    ckopeny1 Posts: 46 Member
    I love looking at others food log, you can get some great healthy ideas for meals :)