What makes a good friend?



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Nothing.. I am a horrible friend. I know this because i was just friend dumped last week.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Friend is somebody who you haven't seen in 10 years, not a single word and when I visited him it was like we haven't lost touch even for a day. He even asked me if I needed money to start my business which he'd gladly PAY (not loan, PAY) since I just came back from abroad.
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    a good friend is someone who will delete the porn from your computer when you die.

    i have selected someone to find and dispose of my "toys" in this scenario.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Someone that is willing to pick you up if you fall and not stomp you further into the ground, who will push you further is you're falling behind rather than pull you back.
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    A have very little friends but a lot of acquaintances. To me a friend is someone you can count on, someone you can trust. A friend wants the best for you and will be brutally honest. when needed. They will not ask for anything in return and someone you can grow with. I don't like fake people who are always nice, I like people around me who are honest. My closest friend is someone I had a crush on. I told her my feelings for her and she destroyed me with no emotion on her face. I felt it harsh at the time and cold, but later she told me that she was really sorry but I really needed to hear what she really felt and did not want me to continue to suffer. It really allowed me to get over her and it showed me how much she cares for me. I feel really happy to have someone like that in my life because she sees that I can go very far with my life and I see the potential in her as well.

    I mean it won't always be good times we do sometimes conflict because of our honesty but having a mature friend also help because you can reason through things. I wish my friend the best and can feel happy for her wherever she goes and whoever she ends up with.

    Hmm, this made me think hard. Maybe I am not a good friend, because I want something in return. I want someone to listen when I need to talk, I want someone to reach out to me to keep in touch and I want them to sometimes make me feel special to them. I am often praised for my kindness and for how much I show I care. Now I question if wanting something in return cancels out my actions.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Being there when everyone else has gone
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member

    someone who helps you hide the body and doesn't ask difficult questions
    someone who ignores when you fart or laughs and says "good one...."
    someone who shows up unexpectedly with a 12 pack of good beer and a pizza
  • gilgakidu
    A have very little friends but a lot of acquaintances. To me a friend is someone you can count on, someone you can trust. A friend wants the best for you and will be brutally honest. when needed. They will not ask for anything in return and someone you can grow with. I don't like fake people who are always nice, I like people around me who are honest. My closest friend is someone I had a crush on. I told her my feelings for her and she destroyed me with no emotion on her face. I felt it harsh at the time and cold, but later she told me that she was really sorry but I really needed to hear what she really felt and did not want me to continue to suffer. It really allowed me to get over her and it showed me how much she cares for me. I feel really happy to have someone like that in my life because she sees that I can go very far with my life and I see the potential in her as well.

    I mean it won't always be good times we do sometimes conflict because of our honesty but having a mature friend also help because you can reason through things. I wish my friend the best and can feel happy for her wherever she goes and whoever she ends up with.

    Hmm, this made me think hard. Maybe I am not a good friend, because I want something in return. I want someone to listen when I need to talk, I want someone to reach out to me to keep in touch and I want them to sometimes make me feel special to them. I am often praised for my kindness and for how much I show I care. Now I question if wanting something in return cancels out my actions.

    Everyone has a different view of friends, and people get really mad at me when I won't call them friends but its the truth. A friend means a lot to me and I care for them a lot, but when I do care for them I care for them regardless if they ever do anything for me in return so I am very selective in who I let close into my life because people will abuse of that trait. My friend has been sick at times and I been to her apartment helping her feel better by cooking her soup and she always says thanks and wants to repay me. I tell her to not worry about, I am your friend, you can always count on me.

    She does eventually surprise me with her own kindness but I really feel kind of awkward lol but I accept her embrace but I am still getting used to that feeling.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    A good friend is the person who doesn't judge you. They're there for you no matter what. The person who you can call or send a frantic text to about something that while stupid to some is important to you and they will take the time to listen to you and talk you down from the proverbial edge.

    A good friend is that person that you can rely upon. They're the one who you might not hear from for month but you know that if you were to call them up they would clear their schedule just to talk to you.

    A good friend doesn't have to be next door, in the same town or the same state. They can be anywhere in the world and there for you at the drop of a hat.

    I know this because I am very fortunate to have several very good friends who live in various parts of the world.
  • kendunn579
    kendunn579 Posts: 391 Member
    Someone who says a little often
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    In a word it's called love. My closest friends are fun, reliable, honest and are givers rather than takers. I trust them and they can trust me completely.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    A good friend is someone who finds your flaws endearing, and never says a word against you unless it's to you.

    A great friend is someone who meets the needs you didn't realize you even had. One who doesn't ask if you need them, hoping you don't, because they've already appeared at your door without you asking at all.

    I'm very, very lucky to have friends like this.
  • lizjjam
    lizjjam Posts: 48 Member
    A good friend keeps in contact whether they´re 10,000 miles away or across the street. A good friend picks up where you left off and there´s no animosity or awkwardness with it. You can spend years apart from each other but even though you and they change, the friendship and understanding stays the same.
  • GracesEternalDawn
    Always there for you.
    Honest(sometimes, brutally honest.)
    Someone you can always talk to, and talk about everything
    Motivating :p
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    Some one who accepts you for who you are. Some one who is kind, understanding, loyal, trustworthy, and non-judgmental. I have yet to find anyone like this :(
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    a dog...
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223

    That and honesty. I can put up with a lot of crap (well, what I consider crap) from my friends, but lying to me is an automatic three strikes.

    this is more important to me than anything.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    <-- This guy
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    A good friend tells you when you have spinach (or other food remnants) stuck in your teeth.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    a good friend is someone who will delete the porn from your computer when you die.
