so frustrated. Exercise Diary question? HELP!

does it not calculate the strength training as calories burnt. I just worked my butt of and a large portion of my workout tonight was strength training and am annoyed because I was over for Calories today but just burnt a lot of the calories I was over OFF. And now it wont calculate it for me. HELP! Please and thanks.


  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    it listed under cardio..then strength I believe..but I do know it is under cardio.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes it's in cardio.
  • boomerette
    boomerette Posts: 13 Member
    I entered in the cardio first and then tried to enter in the strength training and it says I only burned 11 calories from jumping jacks. I did FAR more then just jumping jacks. Or does it calculate it at the end at final entry. I thought i could always see how much I earned or burnt off .... blarghhh so annoyed.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I don't think it gives an accurate number for Strength.. I stopped logging all my lifting and only log cardio. Being over one day isn't going to throw things out of whack..we all do it..

    If you are usually under and spot on then one day isn't going to ruin your hardwork.

    I lift regularly and heavy and never log it..
  • boomerette
    boomerette Posts: 13 Member
    strange because if I try to post "lunge" in cardio it wont let me. So I have to post it under STrength training otherwise it doesnt show up as calories burnt. thats just silly if you ask me.
  • boomerette
    boomerette Posts: 13 Member
    Ok awesome thanks guamybear I was getting UBER irritated. But its all good. Yeah today was an off came and brought cookies and muffins and casserole and it was so good but oh so bad. I didnt want to be rude so only had small portions but wowza it sure does all add up!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    It happens..somedays I am off big time, especially if I go to the movies and have popcorn.. actually being over once in awhile might be good.. throw your system out of whack so your body doesn't get used to the same stuff everyday.

    I am at least one a week..I love my food!..
  • renitawalker9
    I found that too...its kind of redundant but to get the calories you have to find strength training under cardio. Then if you want to log your specific exercises to just keep track of them you can log them in the other heading but it doesn't seem to calculate an calories unless you find it under cardio.