Why don't I look ok?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The best body fat measurement is the one you can repeat regularly. It doesn't really matter what the specific number is - what matters is whether you're increasing or decreasing it. A body fat scale is the simplest tool to use. I have a Fitbit Aria scale that has built-in WiFi. It's kinda awesome - I just step on it and it uploads my weight and bf% to the Fitbit website, which is synced up to MFP. It was about $120. You can get a non-wifi body fat scale for around $40.

    The other way is with calipers. They take some practice. I use the calipers once every two weeks or so usually. It's a bit more time consuming, but I think it's more accurate and you get actual direct measurements, and seeing those change is great.

    By the way - 920 calories ain't enough. You're not going to see the kind of progress you want by doing that.
  • moonsforeyes
    Because society and airbrushing give us unrealsitic ideas of what our bodies should look like sadly.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Here's a recent pic. Recent meaning I just went and hopped up on the toilet lid to use the only (dirty) mirror in the house for a god old fashioned selfie. Please forgive the still-sweaty workout clothes from earlier. I just figured WTH, it's 11:30 at night and it's mfp. Not a blind date or anything.... haha


    you look amazing to me..
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I WISH I had that sexy, flat stomach. You are beautiful and don't let your vision of other women or the media tell you otherwise. Btw, between 19 - 24% body fat (I think? Though correct me if im wrong) is considered athletic.
  • meltslez
    Looking at you and your numbers make me want to weep and starve myself. I am 1 inch taller than you and I weigh 135 and I am STRUGGLING!!! to get to 130. I have been gaining and losing the same 1 to 1.5 lbs since December. You look awesome!!! It could be worse. You could have 120 instead of 12 lbs to go. Keep smiling!
  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
    Thanks everyone. It's been extremely helpful to have the honest and supportive feedback. I'm feeling my motivation returning and trying to just let my thoughts and feelings around the way I *think* I look be, for now. I think I have suddenly realized that no amount of calorie counting, clean eating, cardio, or weight training will every change what I think I see in the mirror. That's only going to change once I change my attitude.

    In the past I've received some really upsetting and hurtful comments via the forums but this post and all the kind and considerate people who have responded and the ones who sent friend requests have restored my faith in the support on this site and in the forums.

    Thank you so much. :)