Parts of movies that make you want to scream

Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
You know you all have them! Those movies that you honestly really like, but there's just this one part where you look at the screen and start thinking, "REALLY?! Are you FREAKING kidding me?!" lol

Mine is in Titanic..."I'll never let you go..." Glug glug glug she literally lets him go... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I scream through the entire movie Titanic. All 3 hours.
  • I know!!! Like move over and share the door!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You know you all have them! Those movies that you honestly really like, but there's just this one part where you look at the screen and start thinking, "REALLY?! Are you FREAKING kidding me?!" lol

    Mine is in Titanic..."I'll never let you go..." Glug glug glug she literally lets him go... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    You know you all have them! Those movies that you honestly really like, but there's just this one part where you look at the screen and start thinking, "REALLY?! Are you FREAKING kidding me?!" lol

    Mine is in Titanic..."I'll never let you go..." Glug glug glug she literally lets him go... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    As soon as I saw the name of this thread the first thing that came to mind was Titanic!! There was room on that big lump of floating wood for both of you!!! You evil b*tch!
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    LMFAO! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one! Maybe we should rename this thread the "F You Titanic!" thread! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Or at very least she could've said... ok.. I'm on the door now, there is a lot of stuff floating around here, go swim and grab you one. Not hold onto him and keep him right there in the water as a personal security blanket.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    If you'll give me just a minute of your time.

    King Kong. Directed by Peter Jackson.

    Are you f'ing kidding me I mean I know the man loves CGI and can't make a movie that runs less than 4 hours but this was just ridiculous he had to CGI the ocean I mean does he know that there's an actual ocean he can just film and watching Jack Black run from dinosaurs and knock them out with a casual wave of his camera I mean Adrian Brody plays a scrawny playwright who is suddenly delivering jumping spin kicks to the face of raptors like he was Jackie Chan and then the giant insects crawl all over them and a kid who's never shot a gun in his life shoots at Adrian Brody's FACE from 4 feet away without looking just randomly firing an automatic weapon and no one gets hit but the bug you've got to be kidding me and then at the end I gotta see Tom Hanks kid acting all deeply injured because he has one scar down his face that he got from a rope I mean C'MON!

    *breathes* Thank you for your time. Do not mention Peter Jackson around me.
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Or.. she couldve gone on the women and kids boat and he wouldve been fine. They could've hooked up in backseat of another car later. Also ... dropping the heart into ocean. Seriously? She first cheated on her man, effectively killed him heck list goes on and on. She was a trainwreck from word go.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    Then ending of the movie The Mist.

    Also the 17 different endings for LOTR: Return of The King.
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    And while on it, WTH was quint doing going full throttle on the boat when engine is obviously knocking/smoking??? Hello Man-eating shark with huge JAWS in these there waters. How many of you wanted to pull the throttle back and save the engine. ( coming from a former mechanic)
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    If you'll give me just a minute of your time.

    King Kong. Directed by Peter Jackson.

    Are you f'ing kidding me I mean I know the man loves CGI and can't make a movie that runs less than 4 hours but this was just ridiculous he had to CGI the ocean I mean does he know that there's an actual ocean he can just film and watching Jack Black run from dinosaurs and knock them out with a casual wave of his camera I mean Adrian Brody plays a scrawny playwright who is suddenly delivering jumping spin kicks to the face of raptors like he was Jackie Chan and then the giant insects crawl all over them and a kid who's never shot a gun in his life shoots at Adrian Brody's FACE from 4 feet away without looking just randomly firing an automatic weapon and no one gets hit but the bug you've got to be kidding me and then at the end I gotta see Tom Hanks kid acting all deeply injured because he has one scar down his face that he got from a rope I mean C'MON!

    *breathes* Thank you for your time. Do not mention Peter Jackson around me.

    Peter Jackson, Peter Jackson, Peter Jackson!!! :wink: :laugh:
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    Or.. she couldve gone on the women and kids boat and he wouldve been fine. They could've hooked up in backseat of another car later. Also ... dropping the heart into ocean. Seriously? She first cheated on her man, effectively killed him heck list goes on and on. She was a trainwreck from word go.

    Let's be honest...any guy who's willing to hook up with you in the back seat of a car for your first time...probably wasn't planning on an epic love anyway... :laugh:
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    And while on it, WTH was quint doing going full throttle on the boat when engine is obviously knocking/smoking??? Hello Man-eating shark with huge JAWS in these there waters. How many of you wanted to pull the throttle back and save the engine. ( coming from a former mechanic)

    Should I be ashamed I've never seen Jaws?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you'll give me just a minute of your time.

    King Kong. Directed by Peter Jackson.

    Are you f'ing kidding me I mean I know the man loves CGI and can't make a movie that runs less than 4 hours but this was just ridiculous he had to CGI the ocean I mean does he know that there's an actual ocean he can just film and watching Jack Black run from dinosaurs and knock them out with a casual wave of his camera I mean Adrian Brody plays a scrawny playwright who is suddenly delivering jumping spin kicks to the face of raptors like he was Jackie Chan and then the giant insects crawl all over them and a kid who's never shot a gun in his life shoots at Adrian Brody's FACE from 4 feet away without looking just randomly firing an automatic weapon and no one gets hit but the bug you've got to be kidding me and then at the end I gotta see Tom Hanks kid acting all deeply injured because he has one scar down his face that he got from a rope I mean C'MON!

    *breathes* Thank you for your time. Do not mention Peter Jackson around me.

    The whole concept of "King Kong" is ridiculous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Also the 17 different endings for LOTR: Return of The King.

    Is this something I missed on the extended versions? I only have the theatrical versions on DVD. :ohwell:
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Or.. she couldve gone on the women and kids boat and he wouldve been fine. They could've hooked up in backseat of another car later. Also ... dropping the heart into ocean. Seriously? She first cheated on her man, effectively killed him heck list goes on and on. She was a trainwreck from word go.

    Let's be honest...any guy who's willing to hook up with you in the back seat of a car for your first time...probably wasn't planning on an epic love anyway... :laugh:

    Wrong ^^^ Many first night hookups can lead to epic love. The reason it gets a bad rap is because the "ODDS are nEVER in your favor"
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    Or.. she couldve gone on the women and kids boat and he wouldve been fine. They could've hooked up in backseat of another car later. Also ... dropping the heart into ocean. Seriously? She first cheated on her man, effectively killed him heck list goes on and on. She was a trainwreck from word go.

    Let's be honest...any guy who's willing to hook up with you in the back seat of a car for your first time...probably wasn't planning on an epic love anyway... :laugh:

    Wrong ^^^ Many first night hookups can lead to epic love. The reason it gets a bad rap is because the "ODDS are nEVER in your favor"

    Points for the Hunger Games reference! lol

    Yes, first night hookups can definitely lead to epic love. Back seats of cars, though, typically do
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Comedy central joke....

    A cop drives up to lovers lane and sees a car there. So he walks up to the car, and there's a girl in the back seat knitting and a boy in the front seat reading a book.

    The cop asks the boy how old he is and what he's doing. The boy answers, "I'm reading a book and I'm 20."

    Then the cop asks what the girl's doing and how old she is. The boy replies, "She's knitting and she'll be 18 in about five minutes."
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I'm probably going to get s**t for this... but in The Dark Knight Rises when *SPOILERS* Miranda uses the remote to flood the chamber...

    "Oh... there's a remote activation for flooding the chamber? Cool, Morgan Freeman... maybe YOU could have used something like that BEFORE you removed the core for them... Maybe you could have used it as you were walking down to the chamber... Maybe you could have used something like that at ANYTIME and then it would be all 'crisis averted'!" - Me for the next 20 minutes after that scene
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    *ANY* movie where the characters use a computer. Quick ones that come to mind:

    Every computer scene in "Hackers"
    The little girl working the 'UNIX' terminal in "Jurassic Park"
    The whole movie, "The Net"

    I'm the same with TV shows. My wife loves the crime dramas, but she kicks me out of the room whenever she's watching one of the CSI's or NCIS. :laugh: