Crossfit- Your thoughts/opinions



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It's expensive and I don't like people.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My boss does crossfit and they push the Paleo diet big time..... Like every single person there does it. They even brought in a specialist doctor ( some kind of orthopedic, not diet related) to explain to the members why it is vital to their health.

    My boss does seem to enjoy it and has had great results. But she had her first blackout this week doing high intensity clean and snacth. Started spinning and hit the floor.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I desperately want to do it, but I have nerve impingement on my sciatic and I am afraid all the cleans will get it going again
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I keep hearing about crossfit. Can someone define what exactly the routine involves for me?

    I do like circuit training, but I do it on my own.

    it's like Extreme PE class.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member

    I can't afford it. Beyond that I really haven't given it much thought. I love the gym I go to and work my butt off, so why stress or bother thinking of something that I can't afford I may or may not enjoy.

    So basically... Meh.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    You have to realize that you are paying for the coaching too. If you were to hire a personal trainer the costs would well exceed that of a great crossfit gym. You can modify the workouts to your own personal capabilities and strengths and the efficiency of the workouts far exceeds anything I can do on my own. The push that you get from going there as well as the support is tremendous. But do expect to see muscle come from it! :) Which, by the way, ladies, is a great thing. Don't knock it til you try it. You get what you pay for and in my opinion it is well worth it! And as long as you are honest with yourself and the coach about your capabilities, you won't get hurt. They will never encourage you to sacrifice safety or form for extra weight or reps. That is again, what you're paying for....the excellent coaching. But make sure you find a gym with good coaches. Do your research. There are some crappy CF gyms out there as well as some great ones.

    You took the words out of my mouth. The cost seems high until you compare to what it would cost for a personal trainer (which you basically get at a CF gym). Also, at the CF gym that I go to (maybe not at all of them), our trainers/coaches will make you take weight off if your form is suffering.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I desperately want to do it, but I have nerve impingement on my sciatic and I am afraid all the cleans will get it going again

    If you go to a good CF gym, and tell them this, they will cater to you. For example, my husband has pins in his hip and ankle and they often modify the workout for him or ask him while he's doing it if it hurts or how he feels.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    Can't afford it. *End thought*

    Yeah, I'm sorry I am desensitized by the military. Free gym.

    Haha, yep, not so much around here. I have a friend who recently broke down her cross-fit lifestyle budget for me, and it totalled about $400/month.

    That is insane!!! I want to try it but the cost is a huge drawback. Also, fitness is my lifestyle but I don't know if I wanna make "CF' my lifestyle or just part of my routine. I love solo lift days but I am all about better athleticism.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    crossfit gets a pretty bad reputation, but it is most certainly not a cult. a few people that do it are over enthusiastic and are loud about it, so of course most people associate crossfit with that.

    at it's most basic, crossfit is a gym class for adults.

    now as far as injuries go, i know people that take up running and injure themselves. you are in the end responsible for your own well being. if someone were to hand you a barbell and say "do 30 clean and presses at 135lbs," would you say, "yeah sure!" or would you say "uh, i don't even know what that is!!"

    as far as price, like a few others have said, you're paying for small group classes that are coached. a decent crossfit box will limit the amount of people in a class (20 max). i went to a martial arts class in my neighborhood, and there was one instructor, and 50 ppl in class!!! and the monthly membership was at least as expensive as my local crossfit boxes.

    most good crossfit gyms will also have a 2-3 week ramp up-basics class to bring everyone up to speed. you learn basic lifts and moves, and terminology. it's to bring you to a basic level of fitness, and also for the benefit of the more experienced memebers. you don't want to slow down the work out when you are thrown into the mix.

    and the community is a huge part of the package. how many people don't go to the gym because they don't know anyone, they feel alone, and isolated? at a crossfit gym you are encouraged to socialize and be friendly.

    and if crossfit and eating paleo gets people working out and eating right, why is that so bad?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Here's an article discussing Crossfit
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, in my opinion, crossfit shouldn't be the end all be all of a person's work out. doing it 6 days a week is a recipe for disaster, no matter what you do.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141

    and if crossfit and eating paleo gets people working out and eating right, why is that so bad?

    Not bad, just not for everyone! I like what a PP said best; "I don't like people." LOL cracked my *kitten* up.

    I love people, but seriously, I do NOT want a crowd of them cheering me on while working out. God, no thank you! People are free to spend their money on whatever floats their boat. It's about your own personal satisfaction and gratification. I pay $8/month for my gym membership. Not a penny more.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    here is a good, pretty unbiased article, on crossfit.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I don't do it, but have a friend who does and have been with him a few times, so here's what I've seen

    -Super enthusiastic crowd
    -supportive community
    -workouts tailored to your fitness level
    -everything is tracked well, so he can clearly see how his max lifts are improving

    -I think lifting heavy for time or as a race is f#cking dumb
    -the WODs don't seem to have any clear progression, you may work the same muscles many days in a row
    -my friend has had many injuries (see 'lifting heavy for time')
    -coaches pushing the paleo diet (some of the worst biochemistry I've ever seen in my life was from an xfit blogpost)

    Its not for me, but I can see how some people enjoy it.

    I tried it for a month on a Groupon deal and I would agree with this fully. I also decided it wasn't for me and I am happy with my $20 a month gym and a few classes that I enjoy more thrown in. I also felt, as previously mentioned, that is was cult like.
  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for posting the articles. That helped. I like the idea of varying my workouts everyday, but I think crossfit might be a little too hardcore for me at this stage in my life.

    I used to be one of those bike 100 miles in a day or spend 2 hours in the gym per day kind of people, but that was in my 20s.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    and if crossfit and eating paleo gets people working out and eating right, why is that so bad?

    Not bad, just not for everyone! I like what a PP said best "I don't like people." LOL cracked my **** up.

    I love people, but seriously, I do NOT want a crowd of them cheering me on while working out. God, no thank you! People are free to spend their money on whatever floats their boat. It's about your own personal satisfaction and gratification. I pay $8/month for my gym membership. Not a penny more.

    i didn't say it was for everyone.

    i don't crossfit. i have done some CF inspired work outs and have taken a few classes, but i like going to the gym on my schedule.

    and i know that some people need the motivation to push through a work out. maybe they need others cheering them on, or maybe they need not to be the last person finishing a WOD. whatever.

    it gets people moving, motivated, and trying new things. i've rarely seen anyone do a power clean at my gym other than myself. but if i do, i'm pretty sure they learned it from crossfit.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    My daughter's MMA instructor is also a crossfit trainer. I think it might be one of the better circuit training programs out there if done properly. Some instructors really don't know what they're doing, and for what the charge is, that's not cool.

    Personally, I love some of the moves and incorporate them into my workout. I don't pay for the class. The stuff you throw around and the basic fun of the class can be had with simple equipment. A couple kettle bells, an old tractor tire, thick heavy rope, a box, a pull-up bar....Except the tire, I see a lot of cross-fit stuff in regular gyms.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I don't do it, but have a friend who does and have been with him a few times, so here's what I've seen

    -Super enthusiastic crowd
    -supportive community
    -workouts tailored to your fitness level
    -everything is tracked well, so he can clearly see how his max lifts are improving

    -I think lifting heavy for time or as a race is f#cking dumb
    -the WODs don't seem to have any clear progression, you may work the same muscles many days in a row
    -my friend has had many injuries (see 'lifting heavy for time')
    -coaches pushing the paleo diet (some of the worst biochemistry I've ever seen in my life was from an xfit blogpost)

    Its not for me, but I can see how some people enjoy it.

    Pushing the Paleo diet turns me off, I don't push my eating habits on others so I'm not sure why they push the Paleo diet on everyone who is interested in Crossfit.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member

    and if crossfit and eating paleo gets people working out and eating right, why is that so bad?

    Not bad, just not for everyone! I like what a PP said best "I don't like people." LOL cracked my **** up.

    I love people, but seriously, I do NOT want a crowd of them cheering me on while working out. God, no thank you! People are free to spend their money on whatever floats their boat. It's about your own personal satisfaction and gratification. I pay $8/month for my gym membership. Not a penny more.

    i didn't say it was for everyone.

    i don't crossfit. i have done some CF inspired work outs and have taken a few classes, but i like going to the gym on my schedule.

    and i know that some people need the motivation to push through a work out. maybe they need others cheering them on, or maybe they need not to be the last person finishing a WOD. whatever.

    it gets people moving, motivated, and trying new things. i've rarely seen anyone do a power clean at my gym other than myself. but if i do, i'm pretty sure they learned it from crossfit.

    Power Clean. Thank you. The name of this lift was racking my brain all night last night. I was trying to demonstrate it to my husband.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I desperately want to do it, but I have nerve impingement on my sciatic and I am afraid all the cleans will get it going again

    If you go to a good CF gym, and tell them this, they will cater to you. For example, my husband has pins in his hip and ankle and they often modify the workout for him or ask him while he's doing it if it hurts or how he feels.
    I had not thought of that, Thanks I will now look into it closer