Why is there an obesity epidemic?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Why is 2/3 of the US overweight and 1/3 obese?

    Most likely because people overeat and take their car everywhere for that 100m walk.

    What was that Milkshake that became big news a few years back, it contained 2000 calories on its own! I mean, good God, people drink that and then wonder why they can't lose weight!!!

    I won't even get started on that 5000 calories breakfast.

    Seriously, people need to stop being so greedy.
  • gr8dandino
    gr8dandino Posts: 1 Member
    It is because we consume way more calories than we think. Up until two months ago I was always telling people that i don't know how I can eat less than others around me but still be fat. After joining Myfitnesspal, I now track those calories and am amazed when I look up some of the foods I was eating daily. Tracking the actual calories is what I needed. A person can be succesful on Weight Watchers or any other program as long as they track what they eat. But I enjoy the 90 dollars a month my wife and I save by using a free program. More money to buy good food. I still enjoy the double hamburger, no cheese from Steak n Shake on ocasion, but I know now how to plan my calories to enjoy it. Can't wait to get to idea weight and be able to hit my maintain calorie level.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    It is because we consume way more calories than we think. Up until two months ago I was always telling people that i don't know how I can eat less than others around me but still be fat. After joining Myfitnesspal, I now track those calories and am amazed when I look up some of the foods I was eating daily. Tracking the actual calories is what I needed. A person can be succesful on Weight Watchers or any other program as long as they track what they eat. But I enjoy the 90 dollars a month my wife and I save by using a free program. More money to buy good food. I still enjoy the double hamburger, no cheese from Steak n Shake on ocasion, but I know now how to plan my calories to enjoy it. Can't wait to get to idea weight and be able to hit my maintain calorie level.

    I know exactly what you mean, it can definitely be a bit of a shock to see all the calories eaten and what they add up to LOL.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I won't even get started on that 5000 calories breakfast.

    Seriously, people need to stop being so greedy.

    A 5,000 calorie breakfast???

    What is it - a pig on a stick?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    After reading this discussion I was looking at some UK stats and one thing struck me - there are a lot more older people now than there were in the 60s! And older people have higher BMIs! I wonder if that is a factor in the "obesity epidemic" - more middle-aged and older people, living longer?

    Anyway, the stats on diet was interesting. People now (compared to the 60s/70s) are apparently eating less milk, less fat, less meat, less vegetables (but more fruit), the same amount of fish, less carbohydrate and less calories overall.

    Total alcohol consumption hasn't gone up an awful lot since the 70s (I did wonder if that would be a factor, but maybe not).
  • JacquiC72
    JacquiC72 Posts: 49 Member
    I won't even get started on that 5000 calories breakfast.

    Seriously, people need to stop being so greedy.

    A 5,000 calorie breakfast???

    What is it - a pig on a stick?

    How about this one in the UK - 6,000 calories and eaten by one man in 26 minutes

  • JacquiC72
    JacquiC72 Posts: 49 Member

    Re the "poor", a lot look at food and think chicken, potatoes, vegetables and cooking time all add up to a lot of time and money whereas chuck a burger and chips in the oven, quick and easy and seems much cheaper. What they don't realise is that the chicken and veg cost the same, if cheaper than the frozen burger and chips option.

    Well that is a load of nonsense. You are saying that chicken + potatoes make people slim but beef + potatoes make people obese!

    Just because you add veg to the chicken dish doesn't make it any less fattening. In fact it could be MORE so depending on what people think is a "vegetable" (for example a LOT of British people think sweetcorn and tinned spaghetti hoops are a vegetable). It just adds carbs, calories and fat to the dish.

    No, I'm saying that some people would rather just eat convenience, ready prepared meals that they just heat up in the oven than cook a meal from scratch. Even making a burger from scratch, you have more of an idea what it contains. A pre-prepared burger contains lots of additives and (if you've been reading the news recently, especially in the UK) horsemeat from some very dodgy sources that hasn't been passed for EU testing.

    And a lot of British people think sweetcorn is a vegetable because it is eaten as a vegetable - separated from the cob.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    watch the film "Forks Over Knives" to answer the OP's question.

    it is free to watch on Netflix instant.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Considering that almost or everyone belonging to this site is overweight or obese, I am amazed at the level of hatred and disgust towards overweight people being displayed on this thread.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Because everyone is programmed to blame everyone else for their failures in the US.
  • tennisfan77
    tennisfan77 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree that we eat too much food for the amount of exercise we do. One reason is as you said, there is so much poor quality food available. The government subsidizes farmers to grow corn, so processed foods with corn cost less. That is almost every packaged food because corn syrup is in everything. People with limited incomes save their food dollars by buying this stuff. Those of us who are lucky enough to afford organic eat foods without a lot of added ingredients. However, my store brand milk does not contain added growth hormone. It doesn't say anything about antibiotics.

    Another factor is our inactivity level. Most of us sit at desks all day at work, and sit at the computer at night. We need to get out and be active.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Eat more. Move less.


    Dammit, this dieting stuff is so CONFUSING!!! :sad:
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    No, I'm saying that some people would rather just eat convenience, ready prepared meals that they just heat up in the oven than cook a meal from scratch. Even making a burger from scratch, you have more of an idea what it contains. A pre-prepared burger contains lots of additives and (if you've been reading the news recently, especially in the UK) horsemeat from some very dodgy sources that hasn't been passed for EU testing.

    And a lot of British people think sweetcorn is a vegetable because it is eaten as a vegetable - separated from the cob.

    But there isn't any reason to think that home-cooked food is any less fattening/calorific.carby than a frozen processed meal. In fact, it is MUCH easier to overeat if one is helping oneself from a whole tray or pot of, say, lasagne, shepherd's pie, spaghetti bolognese, curry etc, both in terms of taking a portion, and in going back for seconds; whereas the ready meals are portion-controlled and have the calories clearly written on the pack. Also when making home-made version of those kinds of dishes, the cook is more likely to put on extra cheese and suchlike to make it more palatable and luxurious, whereas you will find that the ready meal has quite a measly amount of cheese, sauce, rice, etc, especially the "weightwatchers" versions of those ready meals.

    I'm not saying ready meals are good or recommended or nutritious, I am talking merely in terms of their likelihood to make you fat. Many successful Weightwatchers members live entirely on these meals and lose a lot of weight.*

    People think sweetcorn is a vegetable is that Green Giant, the world's leading seller of canned sweetcorn, proudly displays the words "One of your five-a-day" on every can! (I don't understand why the govt does not fine them for this, it MUST be illegal!

    * Disclaimer: Before anyone attacks me I never eat ready meals, or any sugar, grain or starchy or refined carbohydrate.
  • cannonfury2006
    cannonfury2006 Posts: 27 Member
    why? because people eat too much and do not move. It's not about what you eat, it's HOW MUCH you eat..plus what your activity level is.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Considering that almost or everyone belonging to this site is overweight or obese, I am amazed at the level of hatred and disgust towards overweight people being displayed on this thread.

    Interesting. A bit similar to the amount of hatred and disgust that was shown towards fit women with small breasts who lift weights on another thread...

    But then, that's a lesson that everyone can and should learn. Don't police anyone else's body. You are not them. Worry about your own back yard. Move your own *kitten* in whatever way makes you happy, eat what you want and how you want to eat, and don't blame anyone else, including the food industry, for decisions that you make in your own life if they don't turn out the way you thought they would.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    for one thing in comparision with Russia (I went on a mission trip) they eat 1/6 less portions on their meals than we do in the USA.
    they don't eat the fatty foods and greasy foods we do. they also either have to walk almost everywhere they go or ride a bike at least in the town i was in. America has a car and they get to lazy to move. I've seen some like my step brother who didn't even want to walk two steps in the house so he would park his car right at the first step so he only had one step before going in the house.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Not an American girl here but living in the fattest European country so throwing my thoughts in.

    Eating too much and moving to little. Yes, there are fast food restaurants around what feels like every corner which are obviously very convenient, people using cars for trips no matter how close etc due to weather. But at the end of it all it's down to what we as an individual do. I don't blame my prior obesity on anything but myself. I am the one who chose to order a burger, I'm the one who would get the bus for something that would be a 20 minute walk. Thinnest I have ever been was living in South Korea. Moving around a lot since cars are inconvenient with traffic and I was scared of the bus drivers, smaller portions of healthier foods etc.

    Why there is an obesity epidemic in several countries and not others? Other than a difference in diet between a few, I have no idea so I guess my posts pointless ha ha
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    But there isn't any reason to think that home-cooked food is any less fattening/calorific.carby than a frozen processed meal. In fact, it is MUCH easier to overeat if one is helping oneself from a whole tray or pot of, say, lasagne, shepherd's pie, spaghetti bolognese, curry etc, both in terms of taking a portion, and in going back for seconds; whereas the ready meals are portion-controlled and have the calories clearly written on the pack. Also when making home-made version of those kinds of dishes, the cook is more likely to put on extra cheese and suchlike to make it more palatable and luxurious, whereas you will find that the ready meal has quite a measly amount of cheese, sauce, rice, etc, especially the "weightwatchers" versions of those ready meals.

    I'm not saying ready meals are good or recommended or nutritious, I am talking merely in terms of their likelihood to make you fat. Many successful Weightwatchers members live entirely on these meals and lose a lot of weight.*

    This is very true! I got fat eating mainly home-cooked food! How often do you make a home-cooked meal and not make enough of it? Not often. There's a tendency to overestimate what you need to put in.

    In contrast, ready meals are often quite low calorie, and I don't just mean the Weight Watchers type. They're maybe about 400 - 600 calories for the whole meal which is not an excessive amount for the main meal of the day.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I love the current epidemic, it makes my comrades look increasingly good, long may it continue, more jiggy jiggy for me and my tribe.

    As for the reason, humans are weak and powerless in the face of hyper-palatable food and temptation.

    My planet's people will prevail and claim another world.

    Don't say you weren't warned weaklings.
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    People don't live in reality . I know I didn't. I just would not weigh myself. I couldn't face it. Wouldn't even go to the doctor because I did not want to get weighed. We make excuses, justify our weigh, etc. With everything that life throws at us, we just can't face being fat too, so we ignore it , or hope it will go away, or say tomorrow, try ridiculous quick fixes, Before we know it we are in the obese range. Then we try, but realize how extremely difficult it is to break all our bad eating habits. Then we get depressed and eat even more.

    I am now 9 pounds from my goal weight. I have worked my butt off in the gym. I know why people stay fat. It is really really hard to lose weight and keep it off .