Why is there an obesity epidemic?



  • juicyisme
    juicyisme Posts: 6 Member
    There seems to be a lot of "simple solutions" posted. For some, they may be simple. For others it's as difficult as lifting the Empire State building. I've read many of the posts. Simple as what you eat and how much you burn. You clearly have overlooked medical issues including chronic pain, metabolic disorders and physical challenges/disabilities. It may be easy for you to move around however for others it's not so "simple" Something as simple as "taking Prednisone" causes weight gain. . Being overweight with chronic pain issues makes it very difficult to move. These are only small examples of medical issues to take into consideration. No one knows others life circumstances yet people still perpetuate the stigma of being over weight. Even in our own communtiy.

    As a new member, I'm a little discouraged seeing self righteous posts, prejudicial comments and talking down to others. On the other hand, I appreciate the educational posts geared towards helping others. Posts that have some really good points and ideas that are supportive.

    We're all here for the same reason. We can finger point all day and get nowhere or provide helpful information to help each other.