


  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Its National Margarita Day, so I've had two.
  • tomijz
    tomijz Posts: 4 Member
    I count the calories.... and it makes me decide not to more often than before. I had a Lavender Pear Martini tonight for dessert at Ruby Tuesdays- which was less than any other dessert but was delicious. I would say it is better not to splurge with alcohol more than 1 or 2 times per week. They are empty calories but red wine is good for you. Cheers!
  • QuietRain
    I'm trying [this week was a complete fail] to keep my drinking to one night a week and keeping it under 7oz during that night.
  • tomijz
    tomijz Posts: 4 Member
    Lol... I totally forgot that my picture is of me drinking a cosmopolitan I made out of the car while watching the sunset last summer in Badlands National Park....
  • rberneck
    rberneck Posts: 1 Member
    Calorie counting is simply math. It is ideal to choose nutritional foods and beverages, yet it is your choice to select empty calories such as alcohol. If you feel you need one drink (or more), be planful with your choices earlier in the day.
  • shan056
    I've really cut back on the alcohol, mostly I was a beer drinker.

    Can't say that I really miss it. I certainly don't crave it, and I didn't have trouble cutting back to my current amount which probably averages out to 1 drink every other month. I'm pretty much in maintenance mode now, but the cutting out of the alcohol I did was mainly because I wanted to see how I felt.

    This Sunday I'm going to a beer tasting, but that will be just small glasses to contrast and compare the different brews.

    Ahh so its all about the taste! Lol :)
  • shan056
    Do any of you still have a glass of wine here and there or other spirits? I know its taboo when trying to become healthier and more fit but, sometimes I need a little red wine! If any of you do still indulge, how much, how often and what?

    Hey Shan- I belong to a group called "like minded lushes". People who are serious about their weight loss goals but also enjoy alcohol. It's a non judgemental group of adults who support each other. Check us out!

    Haha I love the name! Thanks I will check it out!
  • shan056
    IIFYM...that is all I can say.

    IIFYM is the mindset that each sort of macronutrient is the same for body composition (ie slow released carb is the same as sugar). Do note the fact that I said body composition, if you aren't getting in correct micronutrients you are still unhealthy. IIFYM also doesn't follow the philosophy of replacing your macros, hence the 'if it fits', it does not mean you can replace all your carbs with alcohol, or all your protein with alcohol, as you are losing the macronutrients needed for body composition.

    Having a few drinks on a weekend isn't going to do anything noticeable, but if you really think that drinking decent amounts of alcohol and just making it 'fit your calories', you are going to have a disgusting body composition. You may also want to read up on the effects that alcohol has when consumed, and what it actually does to carbs and fat.

    I am kinda confused ok totally confused with what you just said. What is the macro stuff about and the body composition?
  • shan056
    I just have to be careful when I get the drunk munchies. I'll get drunk, want to eat something greasy and bad for me, then the next day I'll get hungover and need to eat bad again to recover. So that cycle definitely sets me back but if I just drink and eat smart then I can still have fun. :)

    Thats def part of my problem to if I drink too much with my friends...always somehow end up at del taco (never tastes good sober) then always need something fatty and carby to soak it up the next day....I def think moderation is key!
  • shan056
    I just have to be careful when I get the drunk munchies. I'll get drunk, want to eat something greasy and bad for me, then the next day I'll get hungover and need to eat bad again to recover. So that cycle definitely sets me back but if I just drink and eat smart then I can still have fun. :)

    mmmm late night waffle house runs...
    dont do it stay strong!!!!!
  • shan056
    Lol... I totally forgot that my picture is of me drinking a cosmopolitan I made out of the car while watching the sunset last summer in Badlands National Park....

    ha ha well you look very harppy! I love your substitution of a drink for dessert. I am saying no to that apple tonight :)
  • danmcgarrigle5
    One hour in the gym for me makes up the calories of the high alcohol per volume IPAs I drink. I don't really drink anything less than 8.5% or so, with a couple exceptions, and my new favorite is 11.5% but it has a few more calories. I am limited to the number of beers I drink because of a health issue, but oddly the amount of alcohol doesn't matter. Any more than three and I'll have some trouble.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I've really cut back on the alcohol, but yeah...when out with friends, I do have a drink or two. I just don't keep wine around the house anymore, which has stopped me from drinking a glass with dinner each night.
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Sadly one drink for me is the end
    Last drink 0830am 26 march 1980

    First of my addictions to be suppressed but still an addict

  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    If by a glass you mean a bottle, than yea.

    reposting thanks to trolls.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    When i havent eaten all my callories (1210) for the day
    I have whisky and gingerale! Ive lost 3 pounds in the last 6 days.... So i think its ok
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I weigh less after a night of good drinking.. especially if I throw up!

    But forreal I do weigh less, if I drink hard liquor with diet. If I drink beer I'm just gross feeling and no lighter. Odd
  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
    I try to keep my drinking for the weekend.
    But....not always.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Wine? Pft, more like beer. Not the crap light stuff either.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Sadly one drink for me is the end
    Last drink 0830am 26 march 1980

    First of my addictions to be suppressed but still an addict


    Wow!!! So amazing, good for you. there is a lot of alcoholism in my family and i find that seriously impressive and inspiring.

    I do drink, I keep it to two nights a week, I don't worry about extra food cals if they enable me to work out hard the next day ( rather than be hungover!) Happy Saturday everyone!!!!