Any working Moms out there?



  • babbs770
    babbs770 Posts: 27 Member
    I work as a teacher, and the snacks during break can be a killer! I always bring something healthy from home, and rarely indulge in whatever is on the table. Add me if you want :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I work full time 3rd shift and have 3 kiddos. Sometimes we are super busy other times not much ( I'm a nurse) I bring foods I can grab and go , protein bars, bananas etc
  • Working single mom here! I definitely feel your pain, even though I only work 40 hr weeks, it's on second shift which screws the day entirely! Feel free to add me! Always looking for motivational/accountability partners!
  • VeeVeeBirch
    I'm a working mom. I'm a mother of one and he is very involved in after-school activities. I work 40+ hours a week and I am also clueless about what to do. I become very overwhelmed in the workplace. We are always trying to feed each other bad things (candy, cake, soda). I am so glad that so many people have responded with such good ideas and suggestions. Feel free to add me and maybe we can figure it out by providing each other with support and encouragement.
  • cmta123
    I'm a full time working mom. I leave for work before the sun comes up and return after the sun goes down. I have 2 boys who are very atheletic, so we are always on the run for some sport activity which means bad choices for meals on the run. It's because of my boys I need ot get myself in shape. I have tried time adn time again to lose weight, but never followed through. However, recently we have had some tradegies in the family which has made me determined to get healthy. It is hard and I fall, but I was so proud of myslef today, we had cupcakes in the lounge at work and I walked by them several times (restroom is in the lounge) without getting one. I was tempted, but I did not get one.
  • cccatron
    cccatron Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a FT working mom with two active daughters (age 5 and 9). I work 45+ hours. Coaching soccer and basketball for my daughters. I have found that meal replacement shakes have saved me on my busy days at work. That has always been my weakness, get busy during the day and skip meals. I have found that those at work have caught on and are doing the same so we are all very supportive of each other.
  • colindae
    colindae Posts: 37 Member
    I also do the no-cash-on-hand thing so that its impossible to give in. I do work at a daycare where they provide healthy lunches so that deffinetly helps. running around in the evening is what kills me.
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    I own my own company and work around 60 hours a week. I make sure to always make meals ahead of time and carry easy healthy snacks. Its a bit easier for me I suppose cause I don't have to worry about anyone taking any of my meals or snacks out of the break room for fear of being fired lol.
  • lexijonahaddison
    I work at a school and we only have a pop machine so i'm thankful for that...I have to go to the teacher's lounge to get one and I NEVER carry cash so I cant get one!!!! I always pack my lunch and snacks!!!! I would hate to have to eat a school lunch if I forgot!!! I also pack my own water bottles...I drink between 40-60 oz. of water just at school!!!
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    I am the Principal of an elementary school, so I work long hours and have a five year old. I plan meals on the weekend, make sure I have healthy snacks in my desk or refrig at work, keep a 24 pack of water by my desk. I've been trying to limit eating out, but sometimes that is tough because I'm exhausted, so I use my slow cooker!
  • wilki089
    wilki089 Posts: 38 Member
    I have a very demanding 40-50 hr a week job, I teach 2-3 Zumba classes per week, take online classes and am a married Mom of 2 boys. It is very hard to eat right when it is so easy to get fast food. I try to buy my groceries and prep my meals on the weekend. I don't cook for the week but I wash and cut up my veggies and fruit and put them in individual containers to make them easier to grab on the way out the door. The crock pot is also my best friend during the week. :love: If you choose the crock pot steer clear of "cream of" soups.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    every mom is a working mom. but yes, i have kids and a full time job
  • chellynn1983
    Feel free to add me also, I am a working mom in a stressful and male dominated career. And made bad choices in the health world let lead to me being at the overweight point I am and trying to get back on track.
  • deezer602482
    deezer602482 Posts: 24 Member
    Any Ladies here, feel free to add me. I'm a Mother of two and I work two jobs :)
  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    Working ma here! There's never enough hours in the day, huh?

    For me, I try to make my diary entries the day before so I know what to expect the next day and to stick to it.

    Office is horrible for potluck and cakes. I don't decline. I'll pack the sweets and take home and eat it at my pace.

    Surround yourself with live support, not just mfp. Let any binge buddies know you're no longer game.

    Good luck!
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    Ohhh, I hear you here! I work about 45 hours a week and my workplace keeps us STOCKED on cookies, cake rolls, crackers, brownies, etc. There is always at least 4 different types of total garbage snack foods sitting out in a room that I walk through at least 30 times a day. For the past year, I've been snacking to my hearts content and it's been HARD to undo that habit.

    Then I come home and chase a toddler until bedtime. Quite the challenge.