Water, water, water!



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Without water I get headaches. Im also really thirsty if I dont' drink enough. I drink coffee and water and occasionally tea.. that's it. I don't count anything as water unless it is straight water. I drink 2 or 3 cups before breakfast and before coffee, then about 3 cups of coffee and then 2 to 3 with lunch and ditto with dinner and then more in between as I go to the gym and sip on it at my desk. I probably get aroun 15 orm ore a day. Living at altitude requires you to drink more water to begin with. But I have always drank a lot of it and feel much better when I do.
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    The myth that we need eight glasses of water a day - http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/jul/13/myth-eight-glasses-water-day

    I don't force myself to drink 8 glasses a day. I drink a tall glass of water in the morning and drink juice for b'fast and green tea during the day. I also drink some water with my meals. That's it, I guess that gives me enough hydration.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I do include flavored water but have eliminated sodas and coffee over the last few weeks. I am pleased with my results and drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water doesn't cause water toxicity or whatever has been implied. I will keep on meeting me goals because it is working for me! To each their own :)
    Do you include coffee and crystal light drinks in your water intake?
  • veganashley
    veganashley Posts: 70 Member
    I make a conscious effort to drink more water if I've eaten a lot or salt or before going for a run. Otherwise, I can't be bothered to track it.
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    I don't put any goals on water. There's no advantage to drinking large quantities of water and drinking excess actually puts strain on your kidneys and can wash away essential minerals. Most people get adequate fluids between liquids they drink and foods they eat.

    Bingo! I actually think the whole water quota thing is kind of silly.

    ^^ This. It's also a distraction to the important things like calories, and macro- and micro-nutrient intake.

    Yes. Thank you!
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    I've been drinking lots of water and while it doesn't help with my weight loss (or at least not significantly that I've notice), it helps to keep my energy consistent and my skin has improved since I started doing it (Jan 2013). I aim for around 9 cups a day.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    I used to do 120oz everyday, but now I do 64oz at minimum.
  • jenniferdlake
    I drink approximately 120 oz of water a day. At first it was a bit difficult, but the more I drink water, the more I want water. Now I love it.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I bought this amazing water bottle from a kitchen outlet. It has a twist in freezer tube thingy, but more importantly, it's this massive German Beer mug sized jug with handle and everything. 64oz.

    I fill it anywhere up to three times a day. Ice cold water, just veg out and sip. Amazing.
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    I've had 88 oz today and plan to top off with another 40. I set a goal of drinking a whole gallon today, I was verrrrrrry dehydrated yesterday. But I'm usually at 64-80 oz on an average day.
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    I usually drink around 100 oz durning the week...not so much on the weekend lol I do flavor with MIO and Crystal Lite (usually every 30oz or so) I do feel better and I don't feel as hungry. But to each their own :drinker:
  • aggiebear95
    aggiebear95 Posts: 2 Member
    I read a little trick that is actually working for me to help me hit a goal of 8x8 in the water intake department...*gulp* a glass of water before your 'feet touch the ground'. Realizing you can't drink laying down, it is suggested swing your feet over and slam what you can -- up to 8 oz. Then while getting ready, try sip another 8 oz before breakfast. It isn't filling me up so I don't want to eat, but makes a little breakfast go further. It also means I only have another 6 glasses to do and I am finding I am getting them prior to leaving work. :)
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I read an article somewhere about metabolism being affected by hydration level...that even MILD dehydration will slow your metabolism.
    I read another article about drinking 16oz of COLD water first thing upon rising in the morning contributed to weight loss. Now if that was because of the body having to heat up that water or what, I dont' know...

    I DO drink my water usually. I DO notice a HUGE difference in my skin and my hair! My feet aren't nearly so calloused. I get compliments on my skin...and I'm no spring chicken! I FEEL better on days when I drink enough. I started out going to the bathroom frequently, but my bladder seems to have gotten used to it. Also, I don't experience the leg swelling like I have in the past. I LIKE when the nurse at the doctors office comments "My aren't YOU well hydrated" when she takes my urine sample! These may be silly reasons, but they are enough to keep me motivated to drink! And I count only water. I do typically have a coffee on work mornings. Wintertime brings the occassional herbal tea. But mostly, just plain WATER!
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I don't put any goals on water. There's no advantage to drinking large quantities of water and drinking excess actually puts strain on your kidneys and can wash away essential minerals. Most people get adequate fluids between liquids they drink and foods they eat.

    Bingo! I actually think the whole water quota thing is kind of silly.

    ^^ This. It's also a distraction to the important things like calories, and macro- and micro-nutrient intake.

    Yes. Thank you!

    Absolutely with everyone who is in the quote. I drink when I'm thirsty. I don't track water.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Personal daily goal: 100 ounces

    Currently at: 60 ounces
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    I went from being a total non water drinker to a 8-10 glasses a day girl. I am much better off and I start with 2 cups first thing in the mnorning before I eat or drink anything else. If I drink that 2 before I leave my house I only have 6 more to get in through out the day. Way easier :) Plus my hubby just bought me a giant and I do mean giant mug that I fill with ice and water. It's 64 oz. I almost always have it done by the time I get off work at 430pm. I feel less hungry and likely to snack if I have my water near me all day. And I no longer drink that much in pop!
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I drink a lot of water throughout the day.
  • wrests
    wrests Posts: 84 Member
    I go way overboard. I stop counting glasses at around noon, and I'm already at 8...I need to cut it back to a gallon a day or so :L
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    The Doctor just put me on a minimum of 80oz a day. I have to stack it so I get the majority in the morning and I can taper off as the day goes on... so I don't spend the night running to the bathroom (sucks getting old). Feel like I'm going to float away......
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I reuse a disposable 24oz water bottle, so I don't have to refill it as often - three bottles a day gets me 72oz :)

    That's usually about my goal... I don't see any point in getting 100oz or more (unless I sweat a lot) but staying hydrated gives me more energy and such. Yep. Love water!