Detox Cleanse..any ideas??



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?
  • How about you eat whole, natural foods and get active!

    Your body is very capable of cleansing itself so these body cleanses are highly unnecessary. You are wasting your hard earned money on some scam!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    What are you hoping to cleanse?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I honestly wasn't looking for a quick drop 5-10lbs just like that..I haven't been the best eater & honestly thought I needed to do a cleanse to get me started right..I'll still to watching what I'm eating & continue with the gym:-)
    Sounds reasonable!:) What sort of cleanse do you have in mind?
    There are a few cleanses I like.
  • I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    What are you hoping to cleanse?

    "if your dog does a cleanse... he's gonna have a baaaad time."

    ...warning - gif is funny, but gross. view at your own risk...
  • CrimsonStain
    CrimsonStain Posts: 23 Member
    The toxins we are speaking of include bad fat such as saturated, trans fat from proccessed food. Others include sugar. Bascially just helping "cleanse" out the digestive system of leftover unhealthy foods that you may have eaten. Just like your skin needs hyigene to stay healthy, so does your digestive system. Eating a diet high in animal fats & low in fiber actually increases your risk for constipation and cancer. So just the vegetables & fruits help "cleanse" the toxins out.

    My suggestion AVOID products that claim to cleanse your system & go for the natural path. Any mixture of fruits or vegetables will do. If you want to go the extra step, listen to Breathe Glamo's advice. Juicing is beneficial. Here's a quick drink you could make...though I warn you, some smoothie drinks like this make the deadliest smelling farts.

    1 3/4 cup chopped Kale leaves (remove stems)
    1 1/4 cup of frozen cubed mango (or fresh, doesn't matter)
    2 med ribs of celery, chopped
    1 cup fresh tangerine or orange juice
    1/4 cup chopped flat leaf parsley
    1/4 cup chopped fresh mint

    Final note...peppermint is known for its soothing qualities on the digestive system.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    My suggestion AVOID products that claim to cleanse your system & go for the natural path. Any mixture of fruits or vegetables will do.

    While I take issue with several of the other things you say, I endorse this excerpt wholeheartedly. :flowerforyou:
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.

    i am afraid that you are the one that doesn't understand. chemicals compounds that could cause damage to our bodies by accumulating in our tissues are already routinely "cleansed" by our kidneys and liver. any such compounds that cannot be effectively removed by these organs would require medical intervention (e.g., heavy metal poisoning or organ failure). the notion that there are chemicals inside of us that our kidneys and liver cannot deal with, but which can be removed by drinking nothing but lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers is laughable on its face. the same goes for the idea that juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables would have the same effect. there's no science supporting detox cleanses. they are scams and patients who undergo them and attribute their well-being to them, are being fooled by the placebo effect.

    i don't mean to be insulting to you personally. i am sure that you are very nice, albeit misguided in this regard, so don't take my comments as any sort of attack on your intelligence.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat clean, keep yourself hydrated and your body will do the rest for you.


    don't worry about eating clean, just worry about meeting your nutritional needs with whatever foods you like to eat and eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

    I don't recommend not eating clean. Eating the right amount of calories and getting the right amount of fiber doesn't really count if all the food is coming out of a box and is junk food.


    I don't eat clean and I've lost 40 lbs. In my opinion it still "counts."

    It doesn't have to be all or nothing either. I try to go for mostly whole foods and homemade stuff, but I don't sweat the processed stuff as long as it fits into my goals.

    OP read this:
  • CrimsonStain
    CrimsonStain Posts: 23 Member

    While I take issue with several of the other things you say, I endorse this excerpt wholeheartedly. :flowerforyou:

    Thank-you :smile: Not sure what particular information you have issues with, but I wouldn't provide it if I didn't know it to hold truth and do my own research first.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Cleanses are a SCAM. Your body naturally cleanses itself. Drink lots of water. There's your cleanse!:drinker:
  • CrimsonStain
    CrimsonStain Posts: 23 Member
    i am afraid that you are the one that doesn't understand. chemicals compounds that could cause damage to our bodies by accumulating in our tissues are already routinely "cleansed" by our kidneys and liver. any such compounds that cannot be effectively removed by these organs would require medical intervention (e.g., heavy metal poisoning or organ failure). the notion that there are chemicals inside of us that our kidneys and liver cannot deal with, but which can be removed by drinking nothing but lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers is laughable on its face. the same goes for the idea that juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables would have the same effect. there's no science supporting detox cleanses. they are scams and patients who undergo them and attribute their well-being to them, are being fooled by the placebo effect.

    i don't mean to be insulting to you personally. i am sure that you are very nice, albeit misguided in this regard, so don't take my comments as any sort of attack on your intelligence.

    She still has a point. There are unhealthy "toxins" so to speak in certain foods such as processed food or fast food. Animal fats (aka saturated fat) increases constipation, and if you don't have a proper balance of fiber (which is coming from these vegetables & fruits that are considered to "cleanse") over a period of time, a diet like this can increase your chance of colorectal cancer. Maybe the word "toxin" is the wrong word & maybe "cleanse" isn't the right word either...but either way, you can't deny the beneficial effects of fruits & vegetables on your G.I. tract. And it kinda makes sense to call it a "cleansing" because if you just drink blended vegetables & fruits for several days, it promotes health and you know that there aren't any lingering "toxins" (saturated fats, sugar...etc) hanging around in your G.I. Tract or sigmoid to each their own.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Thank-you :smile: Not sure what particular information you have issues with, but I wouldn't provide it if I didn't know it to hold truth and do my own research first.

    Too much arguing on the internet! We agree on the most important stuff :happy:
  • CrimsonStain
    CrimsonStain Posts: 23 Member
    Too much arguing on the internet! We agree on the most important stuff :happy:

    Fair enough, just stay healthy :tongue:
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Eat clean, keep yourself hydrated and your body will do the rest for you.


    don't worry about eating clean, just worry about meeting your nutritional needs with whatever foods you like to eat and eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

    Eating clean means a diet plan of unprocessed, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, healthy fat and avoid artificial ingredients, preservatives, "chemically charged foods," sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat. How is that wrong?
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    What are you hoping to cleanse?
    Leave it to "skinnyinnotime" to cut right to the heart of the matter.

    Really! What the hell is a cleanse, and what needs cleansing?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat clean, keep yourself hydrated and your body will do the rest for you.


    don't worry about eating clean, just worry about meeting your nutritional needs with whatever foods you like to eat and eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

    Eating clean means a diet plan of unprocessed, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, healthy fat and avoid artificial ingredients, preservatives, "chemically charged foods," sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat. How is that wrong?

    It's not wrong. It's just not necessary. Telling people that it is necessary is discouraging to many people. If I had thought that to lose weight I'd have to cut out all "non-clean" foods I would never have started.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The only cleanse I see working is the water cleanse. Start of just doing 24 hours and then a few months later try to do two days. I've heard of people going up to about 5 days. Going 5 days on only water is very difficult. You do have to remember though because you are not in-taking any food you will have to compensate for drinking a lot more water. The more water you can get to pass through you, the more your body will cleanse out. Your body, with the use of water, will clean itself out, so you do not need to be tricked into buying any sort of products. I hope I was helpful in some way.


    Stop. No. No. No. No.

    One day without food won't hurt you. It'll make you cranky and likely to binge the next day, but whatever. FIVE DAYS is called "starvation." That is not healthy.