LADIES: how much protein do you take in per day?

So I posted a question about protein the other day but I am still curious.

Please let me know your start weight, current weight, goal weight and height. Also your goals (gaining muscle, getting lean and toned, etc) and how many grams of protein you eat per day (about). Thanks!!


  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    SW: 154ish
    CW: 149
    GW: 125ish

    I'm 5' 4" and my goal is to fit back into the jeans I ballooned out of, lean would be wonderful. I always try for at least 40 grams, usually get around 50, and try to aim closer to 70. I don't have much control over my food, however, and I know it should be a bit higher.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    SW: 266 lbs
    CW: 243 lbs
    GW: 120-ish

    I'm 5'3", and I'm currently wanting to lose weight. I take in about 100-150 grams of protein a day. Doctor told me to have protein with every meal to keep me full. So far, it's done the job.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    Highest Weight: 250
    Current: 140
    Goal: 130


    Protein: 110-130g/day

    I have a lot of muscle on my frame at this point, and need to focus mainly on slow weight loss and shedding fat, not muscle. Eating at a low-moderate deficit, doing cardio (high intensity intervals) and lifting heavy weights. Focusing on body recomposition in addition to losing the last few pounds.

    Also- there will be the occasional day I don't hit my protein goal, usually a non-lifting day when I am REALLY not in the mood to choke down more protein powder :P
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    SW 160ish
    CW 127
    GW: Lower bodyfat percentage. I'll know when I get there.

    I shoot for my body weight in grams of protein per day but like to hit 130g just to be safe. I'm trying to gain more muscle, and at the very least not lose any of the muscle I currently have.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    SW - 180
    CW - 160
    GW - BF of 15%
    I'm 5'5". Currently I take in around 100 grams of protein a day. It helps me stay fuller longer. :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    SW: 153
    CW: 125-127

    I'm at goal and now focusing on my fitness. Doing Stronglifts 5x5 along with cardio, plyo and calisthenics work. I aim for 130-150, but I've been hitting upwards of 160-170 lately with trying to keep my macros close to 45c/30p/25f and eating 2000+ cal a day. I wouldn't say I'm eating to gain muscle, but I'm not eating to lose weight at this point. I'm aiming for maintenance.
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 183lb
    CW: 155lb
    GW: 130lb

    Currently taking in about 130g ish (sometimes more, sometimes less). I'm making a conscious effort for the most part to keep my carbs between 50 and 100g because that's a level I feel good at. Eating moderate carbs means more vege/protein based dishes so I've had no problem keeping protein up.

    I don't life weights at the moment, just bodyweight exercises, although I'm probably going to have to commit to a weights routine soon as all the yo-yo dieting means I'm not as firm as I'd like to be as the scale goes down!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    SW 172
    CW 139
    GW 135ish

    Im 5' 7", currently Im only getting 50-70g a day, but thats because I cant figure out how to get more, I add pbs to my oat meal, eat alot of beans, have a protien shake after heavy workouts, but I cant seem to get it up there, but I want to up it to atleast 100 because im working on getting lean muscle
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Pre-2nd baby weight 117
    CW 123.5 post 2nd CSEC (almost 7mo pp)
    GW (doesn't matter)

    5'2" small frame BF% 28% currently and I'd love to get down to 20% for starters. Just started logging again yest and it seems I'm averaging around 100gms per day through food alone. Sometimes I supplement with shakes. I weight train more than I cardio.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    80-120, depending on the day. I use this rule-1 gram for every 2 pounds of ideal weight, minimum, so, since I want to be about 140, 70 would be my minimum. It seems to work well for me.
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
  • renitawalker9
    Hw: 180 lbs
    CW: 125 lbs
    Goal: lose body fat, retain muscle. not sure what weight that will be or body fat percentage, I just know what I want to look like.

    Over the last 7 days I've averaged between 90 and 130 grams protein per day.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    SW- 213.2

    Right now I'm more focused on lowering my bf% than my goal weight. I'm currently at 22% and would like to get to 18%. I aim for 125 g of protein on a non-workout day and up to 150 on workout days.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    So I posted a question about protein the other day but I am still curious.

    Please let me know your start weight, current weight, goal weight and height. Also your goals (gaining muscle, getting lean and toned, etc) and how many grams of protein you eat per day (about). Thanks!!

    SW: 169
    CW: 129-130
    Height: 5'4"
    Goal: Fat loss while maintaining muscle, gaining strength

    I eat 97 grams of protein per day. That's 1 gram per pound of lean body mass.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    SW 172
    CW 139
    GW 135ish

    Im 5' 7", currently Im only getting 50-70g a day, but thats because I cant figure out how to get more, I add pbs to my oat meal, eat alot of beans, have a protien shake after heavy workouts, but I cant seem to get it up there, but I want to up it to atleast 100 because im working on getting lean muscle

    I eat greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and eggs pretty much every day to meet mine, in addition to whatever meat we have with dinner. I prefer the dairy route to the meat route personally.
  • Aelita_92
    SW: 70kg
    CW: 53kg
    GW: 50kg

    I aim for 100+ g of protein every day, or about 25% of my calories, but occasionally that's hard to reach without ingesting a bunch of protein bars and shakes since I don't eat very much meat. I've been having over 100g of protein a day for a few months now and I do think it's helping - I've lost a couple of kilos since. I do strength training about 3 or 4 days a week. I'm trying to get abs!! And trying to get lean and toned.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Highest Weight: 250
    Current: 140
    Goal: 130


    Protein: 110-130g/day

    I have a lot of muscle on my frame at this point, and need to focus mainly on slow weight loss and shedding fat, not muscle. Eating at a low-moderate deficit, doing cardio (high intensity intervals) and lifting heavy weights. Focusing on body recomposition in addition to losing the last few pounds.

    Also- there will be the occasional day I don't hit my protein goal, usually a non-lifting day when I am REALLY not in the mood to choke down more protein powder :P

    I am a fairly "new" vegetarian and I struggle to get any where near my protein goal - what proteins do you use?? I eat beans cheese eggs nuts but still woefully low!
    Thank you
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    start weight,: 146
    current weight 142
    goal weight ~130
    and height. 5' 2.5"
    Also your goals : get toned, lose weight, get stronger

    I eat a LOT of protein. Given my muscle mass I am really not sure how much I am supposed to be eating, but given the MFP tracking, I am ALWAYS in the red for my protein. tonight I am at 93....
  • wagonblaster
    wagonblaster Posts: 13 Member
    I am 50 and a strict vegetarian. I currently weigh 150 lbs, and am working on lean body mass and upper arm strength. I love extreme sports, so I am very active. I work out 3 days a week just on strength training and cardio, and then jog 3-6 miles one or two days a week. I am 5'7". I make certain I get 75 grams of protein when I am in training, and 55 grams on my days off. I feel very healthy and energetic. I track my protein on MFP, and that really helps. I also drink a vegan protein shake when I train to keep my energy level.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    SW 237
    CW 230
    GW 125

    Height 5'6 to be fit with a flat tummy and stronger

    my protein is set at 45% (170g) but I only ate 127g tonight