The Master Cleanse...The good, the bad the ugly???



  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.

    I work in Farming now and most of my career prior to that was fish farming - it is outdoors and extremely physical and is dangerous too. One slip in concentration can kill you if you are unlucky.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. People are to consume what works for THEIR bodies. Point being, you don't starve.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. What do you have to say now?

    I say you won't drown doing that.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    Well, here's testimony from someone who has tried it, several times. I did it years ago and although I lost weight at the time I have to say that my experience did nothing to teach me about sustainable lifelong eating patterns and I put all that weight back on and then some. One of those times I did it for almost 40 days. A couple of other times I did it for 10-20. My belief is that it screwed up my metabolism and only perpetuated the unhealthy patterns in my mind (quick fix) and body. The last time I had tried doing it my body absolutely rejected it to where I couldn't go even 2 days. I know I'll never try this again.

    I felt horrible while on it, for most of the time. I was very weak, my breath was rank, and that white stuff that appeared on my tongue never went away, even after doing it over a month. I didn't have any glaring health issues prior to doing this, so I have nothing to report about that.

    It's not my intent to discount the positive experiences of others, but only to describe my own experiences with this. From everything I've read, quite a few people claim to have had good experiences with it and you know, my attitude is, to each his/her own. I just know this is not a solution for me and because of my own experience with it I would not recommend it to others. I think for a long-term sustainable result a moderate sensible approach and true LIFESTYLE change is what is needed.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    I did it for 2 weeks, but I did the relaxed version, where you eat fresh fruit and veg at the same time. I was young, stupid, and had bought my prom dress a size too small, in the hope to fit into it.

    When I tried it on 2 weeks before prom, it wouldn't even pull over my shoulders. I was in bits, and had no time to save for another dress. So I did this as a last resort.

    I lost 16lbs in 2 weeks, and fitted into my prom dress, and then some - my mum had to pin it to stop it from falling down.

    HOWEVER - I got very sick. When I started eating normally again, my body went through hell. Oh... and I gained it ALL back, and then some.

    It is not worth it.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. What do you have to say now?

    I say you won't drown doing that.
    No I won't drown, but I need a lot of energy. She will be swimming faster than sharks. Trust me. But then again, you have never done it, you haven't a clue what I am talking about.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I did it for 2 weeks, but I did the relaxed version, where you eat fresh fruit and veg at the same time. I was young, stupid, and had bought my prom dress a size too small, in the hope to fit into it.

    When I tried it on 2 weeks before prom, it wouldn't even pull over my shoulders. I was in bits, and had no time to save for another dress. So I did this as a last resort.

    I lost 16lbs in 2 weeks, and fitted into my prom dress, and then some - my mum had to pin it to stop it from falling down.

    HOWEVER - I got very sick. When I started eating normally again, my body went through hell. Oh... and I gained it ALL back, and then some.

    It is not worth it.
    . With ANY diet or ANY weight loss plan, you WILL gain it back if you do the same things afterward which got you there in the first place. I do like her plan though of fruits and veggies. That is a really healthy cleanse.

    I did think of a negative. I did the cleanse for three days with today being an off day, but going back on tomorrow. I stayed up until 5am last night and up at 8:30 just due to waking up on my own. Now it is 4:08 am and I am wide awake. NOt wanting to sleep IS a downside. It isn't normal. You will just have too much energy. This is good and this is bad. I feel like I am on ephedrine.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. What do you have to say now?

    I say you won't drown doing that.
    No I won't drown, but I need a lot of energy. She will be swimming faster than sharks. Trust me. But then again, you have never done it, you haven't a clue what I am talking about.

    Its not quite the same as operating heavy machinery in the wind/rain etc is it? I know you were being facetious, but if she goes in, she probably knows full well there is a good chance that she will die. I assume that she is crewing the boat alone, because it looks like a small one in the pic, but I could be wrong. If she has to work with a crew, she could be risking them as well. I would expect her TDEE is way over 1200. If you are feeling funny all of a sudden doing her job, you can't just take a rest - nobody is going to stop the winch halfway through a haul because they feel off.

    Such a bad idea on so many levels.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Seconded - you don't need to cleanse your body - your organs already do this. If you want to feel better, eat lots of fresh healthy food for the same time period - slightly less calories and move a bit more. Far healthier than living off maple syrup for x days. Plus this will help you sort out your eating habits. Much better for long term success. :flowerforyou:
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. What do you have to say now?

    I say you won't drown doing that.
    No I won't drown, but I need a lot of energy. She will be swimming faster than sharks. Trust me. But then again, you have never done it, you haven't a clue what I am talking about.

    Its not quite the same as operating heavy machinery in the wind/rain etc is it? I know you were being facetious, but if she goes in, she probably knows full well there is a good chance that she will die. I assume that she is crewing the boat alone, because it looks like a small one in the pic, but I could be wrong. If she has to work with a crew, she could be risking them as well. I would expect her TDEE is way over 1200. If you are feeling funny all of a sudden doing her job, you can't just take a rest - nobody is going to stop the winch halfway through a haul because they feel off.

    Such a bad idea on so many levels.
    Yeah, that makes total sense when you word it like that. The thing is, when she detoxes, she will be very dizzy and weak. I felt weak and hungry my first two days. Not from overworking and only consuming the cleanse, but from detoxing. I took the first two days off from work. At that time, I would try to walk and would have joint pain or stand and feel light headed from the cleanse. She should do it when she has two or three days off. By day three or four it is smooth sailing (pun).

    Honestly, it is AMAZING. I wish I could get you to try it to relate to it. But timing is everything. She needs to do it while on vacation.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    Well, here's testimony from someone who has tried it, several times. I did it years ago and although I lost weight at the time I have to say that my experience did nothing to teach me about sustainable lifelong eating patterns and I put all that weight back on and then some. One of those times I did it for almost 40 days. A couple of other times I did it for 10-20. My belief is that it screwed up my metabolism and only perpetuated the unhealthy patterns in my mind (quick fix) and body. The last time I had tried doing it my body absolutely rejected it to where I couldn't go even 2 days. I know I'll never try this again.

    I felt horrible while on it, for most of the time. I was very weak, my breath was rank, and that white stuff that appeared on my tongue never went away, even after doing it over a month. I didn't have any glaring health issues prior to doing this, so I have nothing to report about that.

    It's not my intent to discount the positive experiences of others, but only to describe my own experiences with this. From everything I've read, quite a few people claim to have had good experiences with it and you know, my attitude is, to each his/her own. I just know this is not a solution for me and because of my own experience with it I would not recommend it to others. I think for a long-term sustainable result a moderate sensible approach and true LIFESTYLE change is what is needed.
    You are correct that "to each there own". There is no way that everyone can have the same experience, because we are all different. We all start the cleanse at different levels. Sorry, it didn't work for you, but I do admire that you went for so long (nearly 40 days). Whist this didn't work, I am sure other things will work for you. It's all about discovery and finding what works for ourselves.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Honestly, it is AMAZING. I wish I could get you to try it to relate to it. But timing is everything. She needs to do it while on vacation.

    I couldn't function on 1200 cals anyway and also I'm now a livestock farmer - I dont have vacations.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    Seconded - you don't need to cleanse your body - your organs already do this. If you want to feel better, eat lots of fresh healthy food for the same time period - slightly less calories and move a bit more. Far healthier than living off maple syrup for x days. Plus this will help you sort out your eating habits. Much better for long term success. :flowerforyou:

    Thirded (not sure there is such a thing, but anyway!)

    I used to be a health journalist for a daily newspaper and was offered the chance to try the Master Cleanse by a health food store. I've studed human biology at university and think of myself as fairly well informed and knowledgeable but did a a lot of research before making a decision, including speaking to a doctor and registered dietician (i.e. someone formally qualified, workng for the health service and not someone just calling themselves a 'nutritionist').

    The resounding message I got was:

    1. Your body cleanses itself perfectly well without stopping eating
    2. If anything the cleanse will put your body under unnecessary strain - it's designed to take in nutrients from food and removing that for extended periods of time works against how we are designed to function
    3. There is nothing healthy or nutritious about maple syrup, irrespective of its alleged quality. All the syrup does is provide a sugar it to keep your energy up and convince you the 'cleanse' is working

    Even the health food store owner who offered me the products said he would always regain the weight lost within a month - he did it for psychological reasons instead. Getting in touch with his body etc etc etc (while a lovely chap he also tried to convince me that aura testing and parasite zappers could improve the population's health. Hmmmmmmmm. Very eager to 'self-improve' but not exactly an expert in how the human body works).

    I chose not to do the Master Cleanse.

    The link posted above is fantastic - and really honest. Getting rid of the junk out of your diet for a few weeks is great for your body (which I'm sure you know already). But our bodies do need nutrients and real food and lemon and syrup simply can't provide those.

    And hats off to you for asking for advice before jumping in blindly :flowerforyou: Before I did my research I did consider it, so do understand where you are coming from.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The Good

    Rapid weight loss
    Psychological boost
    Quick changes in physique helps mentally with adherence
    Possible reduced cravings and hunger

    The Bad

    Possible lethargy, slowing of cognitive function, nausea or diarrhea, loss of sex drive
    Greater difficulty in maintaining weight loss as results usually transitory

    The Ugly

    Truly dreadful nutritional profile, which given the lack of protein and essential fatty acids could be downright dangerous
    Muscle wasting
    Potential medical complications including gall stones
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    The Good

    Rapid weight loss
    Psychological boost
    Quick changes in physique helps mentally with adherence
    Possible reduced cravings and hunger

    The Bad

    Possible lethargy, slowing of cognitive function, nausea or diarrhea, loss of sex drive
    Greater difficulty in maintaining weight loss as results usually transitory

    The Ugly

    Truly dreadful nutritional profile, which given the lack of protein and essential fatty acids could be downright dangerous
    Muscle wasting
    Potential medical complications including gall stones

    Wow. THAT is scary.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member

    Seconded - you don't need to cleanse your body - your organs already do this. If you want to feel better, eat lots of fresh healthy food for the same time period - slightly less calories and move a bit more. Far healthier than living off maple syrup for x days. Plus this will help you sort out your eating habits. Much better for long term success. :flowerforyou:

    Thirded (not sure there is such a thing, but anyway!)

    I used to be a health journalist for a daily newspaper and was offered the chance to try the Master Cleanse by a health food store. I've studed human biology at university and think of myself as fairly well informed and knowledgeable but did a a lot of research before making a decision, including speaking to a doctor and registered dietician (i.e. someone formally qualified, workng for the health service and not someone just calling themselves a 'nutritionist').

    The resounding message I got was:

    1. Your body cleanses itself perfectly well without stopping eating
    2. If anything the cleanse will put your body under unnecessary strain - it's designed to take in nutrients from food and removing that for extended periods of time works against how we are designed to function
    3. There is nothing healthy or nutritious about maple syrup, irrespective of its alleged quality. All the syrup does is provide a sugar it to keep your energy up and convince you the 'cleanse' is working

    Even the health food store owner who offered me the products said he would always regain the weight lost within a month - he did it for psychological reasons instead. Getting in touch with his body etc etc etc (while a lovely chap he also tried to convince me that aura testing and parasite zappers could improve the population's health. Hmmmmmmmm. Very eager to 'self-improve' but not exactly an expert in how the human body works).

    I chose not to do the Master Cleanse.

    The link posted above is fantastic - and really honest. Getting rid of the junk out of your diet for a few weeks is great for your body (which I'm sure you know already). But our bodies do need nutrients and real food and lemon and syrup simply can't provide those.

    And hats off to you for asking for advice before jumping in blindly :flowerforyou: Before I did my research I did consider it, so do understand where you are coming from.

  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    For once Wikipedia tells it like it is -

    "Master Cleanse is a modified juice fast that permits no food, substituting tea and lemonade made with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Proponents claim that the diet detoxifies the body and removes excess fat. There is no scientific evidence that the diet removes any toxins, or that it achieves anything beyond temporary weight loss. Though unlikely to be harmful over the short term it can be harmful over the long term. Short term side effects include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and dehydration, while long term harm includes loss of muscle mass"

    On a side note, I'm surprised my wife hasn't suggested this to me, she believes in homeopathy, Father Christmas, fairies, and that the police are there to help you, and any alternative therapy going .:laugh: No I lied, she doesn't believe in Fr Christmas or fairies..................
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    Seconded - you don't need to cleanse your body - your organs already do this. If you want to feel better, eat lots of fresh healthy food for the same time period - slightly less calories and move a bit more. Far healthier than living off maple syrup for x days. Plus this will help you sort out your eating habits. Much better for long term success. :flowerforyou:

    Thirded (not sure there is such a thing, but anyway!)

    I used to be a health journalist for a daily newspaper and was offered the chance to try the Master Cleanse by a health food store. I've studed human biology at university and think of myself as fairly well informed and knowledgeable but did a a lot of research before making a decision, including speaking to a doctor and registered dietician (i.e. someone formally qualified, workng for the health service and not someone just calling themselves a 'nutritionist').

    The resounding message I got was:

    1. Your body cleanses itself perfectly well without stopping eating
    2. If anything the cleanse will put your body under unnecessary strain - it's designed to take in nutrients from food and removing that for extended periods of time works against how we are designed to function
    3. There is nothing healthy or nutritious about maple syrup, irrespective of its alleged quality. All the syrup does is provide a sugar it to keep your energy up and convince you the 'cleanse' is working

    Even the health food store owner who offered me the products said he would always regain the weight lost within a month - he did it for psychological reasons instead. Getting in touch with his body etc etc etc (while a lovely chap he also tried to convince me that aura testing and parasite zappers could improve the population's health. Hmmmmmmmm. Very eager to 'self-improve' but not exactly an expert in how the human body works).

    I chose not to do the Master Cleanse.

    The link posted above is fantastic - and really honest. Getting rid of the junk out of your diet for a few weeks is great for your body (which I'm sure you know already). But our bodies do need nutrients and real food and lemon and syrup simply can't provide those.

    And hats off to you for asking for advice before jumping in blindly :flowerforyou: Before I did my research I did consider it, so do understand where you are coming from.


  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    Urban myth (along with mucoid plaque). Google it.

    Think about it... how much space does an 8lb baby take up? Now have a think about how much space 30lbs of poo would take up in your belly.

    Or just ask any pathologist or surgeon if they have ever see this. Or have a look at a colonoscopy being carried out - lovely pink walls to the intestines after an overnight fast. And no sign of 30lbs of poo.

    Myths like this are made up by holistic therapists to part us with our hard earned cash by having colonic irrigation and doing 'cleanses'.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. What do you have to say now?

    I say you won't drown doing that.
    No I won't drown, but I need a lot of energy. She will be swimming faster than sharks. Trust me. But then again, you have never done it, you haven't a clue what I am talking about.

    i haven't stabbed myself in the eye with a fork, but i feel qualified to advise against that too.