The Master Cleanse...The good, the bad the ugly???



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The thing is, when she detoxes, she will be very dizzy and weak. I felt weak and hungry my first two days. Not from overworking and only consuming the cleanse, but from detoxing. I took the first two days off from work.

    That dizzy and weak feeling was from lack of food, not detoxing.

    You would have experienced the same symptoms had you decided to "cleanse" with nothing but water, too.

    i haven't stabbed myself in the eye with a fork, but i feel qualified to advise against that too.

    This is also valid. This is a weight loss site, in which many members are (through common sense if nothing else) very able to advise against approaches that are at best useless and at worst damaging.

    You needn't be experienced in weight loss to know that starving yourself is a bad idea.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    LOL...i came in to comment and I am already here.
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    I did it. I liked it. I didn't do it for weightloss. I followed it for 7 or 8 days and eased off as reccomended then I went vegetarian, which is ultimately the goal. I always said I'd do it again but never did. Different things motivate us at different points in life. Everybody wil have an opinion on this, some very strong/negative. But it's something you definitely have to decide for yourself. Do research OUTSIDE of this message board and formulate your own opinion and not necessarily follow the people stuffing down your throat that ths is the worse thing ever.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    LOL...i came in to comment and I am already here.

    I did that too. I came in to post the "Master Cleanse- My 30-day Story" thread link.

    Guess we're just that good.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    Urban myth (along with mucoid plaque). Google it.

    Think about it... how much space does an 8lb baby take up? Now have a think about how much space 30lbs of poo would take up in your belly.

    Or just ask any pathologist or surgeon if they have ever see this. Or have a look at a colonoscopy being carried out - lovely pink walls to the intestines after an overnight fast. And no sign of 30lbs of poo.

    Myths like this are made up by holistic therapists to part us with our hard earned cash by having colonic irrigation and doing 'cleanses'.

    I'm actually not certain if you could fit 30lbs of matter into a human colon if you wanted to.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    The Master Cleanse I am referring to is also called the lemonade diet where you drink at least 60 oz a day of the "lemonade" mixture which consists of pure filtered water, orgnic maple syrup, organic cayenne pepper, organic lemons (fresh squeezed lemon juice), and not iodized sea salt or epsom salt. You can drink as much water as you want as well as noncaffeinated herbal tea.

    Sounds great for your teeth. Did a dentist invent this ?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    This cleanse is actually typically 10 - 40 days. I have done it twice. It was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life. I felt so amazing. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days the first time. I did another for 3 days and lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back and it was 7 mos ago. the 5 lbs were during the month of November when I went on a trip to another state to my family's for Thanksgiving. So I am still down 17 lbs from it.

    My allergies were so bad prior that I was having migraines. I was leaving work early. Meds weren't working. I was in bed by 7:30 at night. I suffered for 4 mos with this and then cleansed. They all went away within three days.

    My first days of detox, I first had joint pain for two days. Hard to walk up and down stairs. I got an eye ache in my left eye and then it went away the next day and I broke out in 7 pimples around that eye for one day. That is detox. Our organs are connected to parts of our face. Where you break out tells you what organ has issues. I am a certified Reflexologist.

    I had so much energy that I went from sleeping 9 hrs a night with daily naps for the last 2o + yrs to only sleeping 3 hrs a night and bouncing off the walls. I cleaned my house extensively, I worked overtime, etc. I am also a massage therapist.

    Before the cleanse I was so sluggish that sometimes it was an effort to walk from the car to the house. I would collapse. felt nauseaus like I had the flu nearly daily. I thought something was really wrong with me. I was going to go to a doctor but procrastinated. I suffered from this for 2 yrs. It went away with the cleanse and never returned.

    During the first days of the cleanse my tongue turned white - so coated, I even tasted metal for one day. Hugest coat you have ever seen in your life. That is detox. Slowly the tongue went from white to a pink, but I stopped before it fully changed. If you read the book you know what i am talking about. I then got pimples on my lip and inside of my mouth for one day. It looked like I had herpes, lol. That is detox.

    Prior to the cleanse, I had a hard thing in my stomach that I could feel from the outside. It hurt so bad and wouldn't go away so I went to a doctor who sent me to a specialist who wanted to do an ultrasound. They thought maybe a growth/mass. I had it for about 5 mos. I kept cancelling my appt. I was scared it was maybe cancer (I am a hypochondriac). Anyway, one doctor said, it is probably hardened fecal. Sorry to be gross. I told him it was there for mos. He said, yeah that is normal for many. Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    When I cleansed that hard thing went away on the 5th day and never returned.

    The allergies have returned, but not as bad (yet). The sluggishness and all the other symptoms including the weight have never returned.

    I have read the book and done extensive research. Watched every Youtube vid on it that is available. Belong to Facebook support groups, etc. I know more about this cleanse than I know the back of my hand. It makes sense.

    I am starting again tomorrow and hope to go for three weeks. If you want me to connect you on Fbook, let me know. I am sure you can do a search. Any questions, ask.

    No ONE who hasn't tried it can give any valuable feedback. No one who has tried this will say not to do it. NO ONE. It is that life changing.

    p.s. I see someone is talking about sugar and I agree on the maple syrup. I only use it the first three days and then I trade it in for wheat grass juice.

    p.s. I am also a holistic practioner. If this isn't healthy then why do people look and feel so good. YOu are still consuming 1200 calories a day. You are detoxing from all the bad while getting nutrients. You will not go into starvation mode. After three days you are not hungry. One more thing, I lost my addiction to Redbull due to this cleanse. I don't have one bad thing to say about this experience. I wish I did so I could not be so "pro" but I can't think of a single one. How is it unhealthy? Processed foods are unhealthy. They are all sitting here posting while they are putting processed toxins in their bodies. Even our water and air have toxins. Make up has toxins, shampoo and soap do too. The toxins come back but when you get an overload of it, your body reacts. You will lose fat. Excess toxins are stored in your fat for the liver to process. But if it keeps getting an overload of toxins, it can't get to the stored toxins. the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, to be honest, I can't lose unless i do this. I do well as of late on maintaining, but I can't lose. This works!

    1. There are people in this thread (and a lot of people in the link I posted) who say they would never do this again.

    2. How exactly are you getting all your nutrients from cayenne pepper, lemonade, and maple syrup?

    A lot of the other information you posted is bunk. I'd like to see your proof that there is 30 lbs of fecal matter in the colon, or that the symptoms you experienced are evidence of detoxing and not just evidence that you're stressing your body by starving it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The Good

    Rapid weight loss
    Psychological boost
    Quick changes in physique helps mentally with adherence
    Possible reduced cravings and hunger

    The Bad

    Possible lethargy, slowing of cognitive function, nausea or diarrhea, loss of sex drive
    Greater difficulty in maintaining weight loss as results usually transitory

    The Ugly

    Truly dreadful nutritional profile, which given the lack of protein and essential fatty acids could be downright dangerous
    Muscle wasting
    Potential medical complications including gall stones

  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    This cleanse is actually typically 10 - 40 days. I have done it twice. It was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life. I felt so amazing. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days the first time. I did another for 3 days and lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back and it was 7 mos ago. the 5 lbs were during the month of November when I went on a trip to another state to my family's for Thanksgiving. So I am still down 17 lbs from it.

    My allergies were so bad prior that I was having migraines. I was leaving work early. Meds weren't working. I was in bed by 7:30 at night. I suffered for 4 mos with this and then cleansed. They all went away within three days.

    My first days of detox, I first had joint pain for two days. Hard to walk up and down stairs. I got an eye ache in my left eye and then it went away the next day and I broke out in 7 pimples around that eye for one day. That is detox. Our organs are connected to parts of our face. Where you break out tells you what organ has issues. I am a certified Reflexologist.

    I had so much energy that I went from sleeping 9 hrs a night with daily naps for the last 2o + yrs to only sleeping 3 hrs a night and bouncing off the walls. I cleaned my house extensively, I worked overtime, etc. I am also a massage therapist.

    Before the cleanse I was so sluggish that sometimes it was an effort to walk from the car to the house. I would collapse. felt nauseaus like I had the flu nearly daily. I thought something was really wrong with me. I was going to go to a doctor but procrastinated. I suffered from this for 2 yrs. It went away with the cleanse and never returned.

    During the first days of the cleanse my tongue turned white - so coated, I even tasted metal for one day. Hugest coat you have ever seen in your life. That is detox. Slowly the tongue went from white to a pink, but I stopped before it fully changed. If you read the book you know what i am talking about. I then got pimples on my lip and inside of my mouth for one day. It looked like I had herpes, lol. That is detox.

    Prior to the cleanse, I had a hard thing in my stomach that I could feel from the outside. It hurt so bad and wouldn't go away so I went to a doctor who sent me to a specialist who wanted to do an ultrasound. They thought maybe a growth/mass. I had it for about 5 mos. I kept cancelling my appt. I was scared it was maybe cancer (I am a hypochondriac). Anyway, one doctor said, it is probably hardened fecal. Sorry to be gross. I told him it was there for mos. He said, yeah that is normal for many. Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    When I cleansed that hard thing went away on the 5th day and never returned.

    The allergies have returned, but not as bad (yet). The sluggishness and all the other symptoms including the weight have never returned.

    I have read the book and done extensive research. Watched every Youtube vid on it that is available. Belong to Facebook support groups, etc. I know more about this cleanse than I know the back of my hand. It makes sense.

    I am starting again tomorrow and hope to go for three weeks. If you want me to connect you on Fbook, let me know. I am sure you can do a search. Any questions, ask.

    No ONE who hasn't tried it can give any valuable feedback. No one who has tried this will say not to do it. NO ONE. It is that life changing.

    p.s. I see someone is talking about sugar and I agree on the maple syrup. I only use it the first three days and then I trade it in for wheat grass juice.

    p.s. I am also a holistic practioner. If this isn't healthy then why do people look and feel so good. YOu are still consuming 1200 calories a day. You are detoxing from all the bad while getting nutrients. You will not go into starvation mode. After three days you are not hungry. One more thing, I lost my addiction to Redbull due to this cleanse. I don't have one bad thing to say about this experience. I wish I did so I could not be so "pro" but I can't think of a single one. How is it unhealthy? Processed foods are unhealthy. They are all sitting here posting while they are putting processed toxins in their bodies. Even our water and air have toxins. Make up has toxins, shampoo and soap do too. The toxins come back but when you get an overload of it, your body reacts. You will lose fat. Excess toxins are stored in your fat for the liver to process. But if it keeps getting an overload of toxins, it can't get to the stored toxins. the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, to be honest, I can't lose unless i do this. I do well as of late on maintaining, but I can't lose. This works!

    1. There are people in this thread (and a lot of people in the link I posted) who say they would never do this again.

    2. How exactly are you getting all your nutrients from cayenne pepper, lemonade, and maple syrup?

    A lot of the other information you posted is bunk. I'd like to see your proof that there is 30 lbs of fecal matter in the colon, or that the symptoms you experienced are evidence of detoxing and not just evidence that you're stressing your body by starving it.

    Rubbing up against food in the grocery store works for me.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    The Good

    Rapid weight loss
    Psychological boost
    Quick changes in physique helps mentally with adherence
    Possible reduced cravings and hunger

    The Bad

    Possible lethargy, slowing of cognitive function, nausea or diarrhea, loss of sex drive
    Greater difficulty in maintaining weight loss as results usually transitory

    The Ugly

    Truly dreadful nutritional profile, which given the lack of protein and essential fatty acids could be downright dangerous
    Muscle wasting
    Potential medical complications including gall stones


    Yup, scary stuff! Think hard before deciding!!!!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Reflexologist, holistic practitioner...
    Fairy wing collector, unicorn horn prescriber...
    All valid sciences.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    Urban myth (along with mucoid plaque). Google it.

    Think about it... how much space does an 8lb baby take up? Now have a think about how much space 30lbs of poo would take up in your belly.

    Or just ask any pathologist or surgeon if they have ever see this. Or have a look at a colonoscopy being carried out - lovely pink walls to the intestines after an overnight fast. And no sign of 30lbs of poo.

    Myths like this are made up by holistic therapists to part us with our hard earned cash by having colonic irrigation and doing 'cleanses'.

    I'm actually not certain if you could fit 30lbs of matter into a human colon if you wanted to.

    That's a lot of matter!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I'm actually not certain if you could fit 30lbs of matter into a human colon if you wanted to.

    That's a lot of matter!

    For some reason this sends my brain off into a sci-fi direction. "Sir, we need to evacuate the matter but there is too much interference for the beaming projectors to work!" "Can we adjust the flux anti-matter capacitor to match the frequencies of the matter that we need to remove?" "I don't know, Captain, maybe if we -" (and on so on and so forth.)

    I am watchng WAAAY too much Star Trek lately.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    I'm actually not certain if you could fit 30lbs of matter into a human colon if you wanted to.

    That's a lot of matter!

    For some reason this sends my brain off into a sci-fi direction. "Sir, we need to evacuate the matter but there is too much interference for the beaming projectors to work!" "Can we adjust the flux anti-matter capacitor to match the frequencies of the matter that we need to remove?" "I don't know, Captain, maybe if we -" (and on so on and so forth.)

    I am watchng WAAAY too much Star Trek lately.


    Would have to be a very big worm hole to fit that matter... send in The Borg... resistance is futile.

    (Confession: I'm a total girl geek too)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    You don't need to "detox" or "cleanse". Your body does that just fine so long as you are feeding and hydrating it properly. Master Cleanse is a bunch of dangerous nonsense. Just eat and exercise sensibly. You'll feel better and be a much more pleasant person to be around, and you're far more likely to keep the weight off than if you suddenly drop 10 lbs from some sort of starvation diet. That's what it is when you have nothing but water with lemon, cayenne pepper, and a bit of maple syrup.

    I couldn't tell if you work a physical job--there was talk of commercial fishing and farming. If you have a job like that, PLEASE do not do this, and please do NOT eat 1200 calories/day. Eat to support your bodily processes AND your level of daily activity.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member


    Would have to be a very big worm hole to fit that matter... send in The Borg... resistance is futile.

    (Confession: I'm a total girl geek too)

    YES! FISTBUMP OF AWESOME SOLIDARITY! (Now the visual of the cube ships going up someone's butt....that is HILARIOUS!)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    It's very wrong but I can't help but think we would need Odo's help at that point - bit more flexible and fewer pointy edges ;)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    I'm actually not certain if you could fit 30lbs of matter into a human colon if you wanted to.

    That's a lot of matter!

    For some reason this sends my brain off into a sci-fi direction. "Sir, we need to evacuate the matter but there is too much interference for the beaming projectors to work!" "Can we adjust the flux anti-matter capacitor to match the frequencies of the matter that we need to remove?" "I don't know, Captain, maybe if we -" (and on so on and so forth.)

    I am watchng WAAAY too much Star Trek lately.

    Sorry - we're out of unobtainium - and you need a LOT of that, for this to work.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    This cleanse is actually typically 10 - 40 days. I have done it twice. It was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life. I felt so amazing. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days the first time. I did another for 3 days and lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back and it was 7 mos ago. the 5 lbs were during the month of November when I went on a trip to another state to my family's for Thanksgiving. So I am still down 17 lbs from it.

    My allergies were so bad prior that I was having migraines. I was leaving work early. Meds weren't working. I was in bed by 7:30 at night. I suffered for 4 mos with this and then cleansed. They all went away within three days.

    My first days of detox, I first had joint pain for two days. Hard to walk up and down stairs. I got an eye ache in my left eye and then it went away the next day and I broke out in 7 pimples around that eye for one day. That is detox. Our organs are connected to parts of our face. Where you break out tells you what organ has issues. I am a certified Reflexologist.

    I had so much energy that I went from sleeping 9 hrs a night with daily naps for the last 2o + yrs to only sleeping 3 hrs a night and bouncing off the walls. I cleaned my house extensively, I worked overtime, etc. I am also a massage therapist.

    Before the cleanse I was so sluggish that sometimes it was an effort to walk from the car to the house. I would collapse. felt nauseaus like I had the flu nearly daily. I thought something was really wrong with me. I was going to go to a doctor but procrastinated. I suffered from this for 2 yrs. It went away with the cleanse and never returned.

    During the first days of the cleanse my tongue turned white - so coated, I even tasted metal for one day. Hugest coat you have ever seen in your life. That is detox. Slowly the tongue went from white to a pink, but I stopped before it fully changed. If you read the book you know what i am talking about. I then got pimples on my lip and inside of my mouth for one day. It looked like I had herpes, lol. That is detox.

    Prior to the cleanse, I had a hard thing in my stomach that I could feel from the outside. It hurt so bad and wouldn't go away so I went to a doctor who sent me to a specialist who wanted to do an ultrasound. They thought maybe a growth/mass. I had it for about 5 mos. I kept cancelling my appt. I was scared it was maybe cancer (I am a hypochondriac). Anyway, one doctor said, it is probably hardened fecal. Sorry to be gross. I told him it was there for mos. He said, yeah that is normal for many. Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    When I cleansed that hard thing went away on the 5th day and never returned.

    The allergies have returned, but not as bad (yet). The sluggishness and all the other symptoms including the weight have never returned.

    I have read the book and done extensive research. Watched every Youtube vid on it that is available. Belong to Facebook support groups, etc. I know more about this cleanse than I know the back of my hand. It makes sense.

    I am starting again tomorrow and hope to go for three weeks. If you want me to connect you on Fbook, let me know. I am sure you can do a search. Any questions, ask.

    No ONE who hasn't tried it can give any valuable feedback. No one who has tried this will say not to do it. NO ONE. It is that life changing.

    p.s. I see someone is talking about sugar and I agree on the maple syrup. I only use it the first three days and then I trade it in for wheat grass juice.

    p.s. I am also a holistic practioner. If this isn't healthy then why do people look and feel so good. YOu are still consuming 1200 calories a day. You are detoxing from all the bad while getting nutrients. You will not go into starvation mode. After three days you are not hungry. One more thing, I lost my addiction to Redbull due to this cleanse. I don't have one bad thing to say about this experience. I wish I did so I could not be so "pro" but I can't think of a single one. How is it unhealthy? Processed foods are unhealthy. They are all sitting here posting while they are putting processed toxins in their bodies. Even our water and air have toxins. Make up has toxins, shampoo and soap do too. The toxins come back but when you get an overload of it, your body reacts. You will lose fat. Excess toxins are stored in your fat for the liver to process. But if it keeps getting an overload of toxins, it can't get to the stored toxins. the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, to be honest, I can't lose unless i do this. I do well as of late on maintaining, but I can't lose. This works!

    1. There are people in this thread (and a lot of people in the link I posted) who say they would never do this again.

    2. How exactly are you getting all your nutrients from cayenne pepper, lemonade, and maple syrup?

    A lot of the other information you posted is bunk. I'd like to see your proof that there is 30 lbs of fecal matter in the colon, or that the symptoms you experienced are evidence of detoxing and not just evidence that you're stressing your body by starving it.

    Rubbing up against food in the grocery store works for me.

    How do you know the fruits and veggies aren't stealing YOUR nutrients? Hmm. This apple tastes a little derpy.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    This cleanse is actually typically 10 - 40 days. I have done it twice. It was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life. I felt so amazing. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days the first time. I did another for 3 days and lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back and it was 7 mos ago. the 5 lbs were during the month of November when I went on a trip to another state to my family's for Thanksgiving. So I am still down 17 lbs from it.

    My allergies were so bad prior that I was having migraines. I was leaving work early. Meds weren't working. I was in bed by 7:30 at night. I suffered for 4 mos with this and then cleansed. They all went away within three days.

    My first days of detox, I first had joint pain for two days. Hard to walk up and down stairs. I got an eye ache in my left eye and then it went away the next day and I broke out in 7 pimples around that eye for one day. That is detox. Our organs are connected to parts of our face. Where you break out tells you what organ has issues. I am a certified Reflexologist.

    I had so much energy that I went from sleeping 9 hrs a night with daily naps for the last 2o + yrs to only sleeping 3 hrs a night and bouncing off the walls. I cleaned my house extensively, I worked overtime, etc. I am also a massage therapist.

    Before the cleanse I was so sluggish that sometimes it was an effort to walk from the car to the house. I would collapse. felt nauseaus like I had the flu nearly daily. I thought something was really wrong with me. I was going to go to a doctor but procrastinated. I suffered from this for 2 yrs. It went away with the cleanse and never returned.

    During the first days of the cleanse my tongue turned white - so coated, I even tasted metal for one day. Hugest coat you have ever seen in your life. That is detox. Slowly the tongue went from white to a pink, but I stopped before it fully changed. If you read the book you know what i am talking about. I then got pimples on my lip and inside of my mouth for one day. It looked like I had herpes, lol. That is detox.

    Prior to the cleanse, I had a hard thing in my stomach that I could feel from the outside. It hurt so bad and wouldn't go away so I went to a doctor who sent me to a specialist who wanted to do an ultrasound. They thought maybe a growth/mass. I had it for about 5 mos. I kept cancelling my appt. I was scared it was maybe cancer (I am a hypochondriac). Anyway, one doctor said, it is probably hardened fecal. Sorry to be gross. I told him it was there for mos. He said, yeah that is normal for many. Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    When I cleansed that hard thing went away on the 5th day and never returned.

    The allergies have returned, but not as bad (yet). The sluggishness and all the other symptoms including the weight have never returned.

    I have read the book and done extensive research. Watched every Youtube vid on it that is available. Belong to Facebook support groups, etc. I know more about this cleanse than I know the back of my hand. It makes sense.

    I am starting again tomorrow and hope to go for three weeks. If you want me to connect you on Fbook, let me know. I am sure you can do a search. Any questions, ask.

    No ONE who hasn't tried it can give any valuable feedback. No one who has tried this will say not to do it. NO ONE. It is that life changing.

    p.s. I see someone is talking about sugar and I agree on the maple syrup. I only use it the first three days and then I trade it in for wheat grass juice.

    p.s. I am also a holistic practioner. If this isn't healthy then why do people look and feel so good. YOu are still consuming 1200 calories a day. You are detoxing from all the bad while getting nutrients. You will not go into starvation mode. After three days you are not hungry. One more thing, I lost my addiction to Redbull due to this cleanse. I don't have one bad thing to say about this experience. I wish I did so I could not be so "pro" but I can't think of a single one. How is it unhealthy? Processed foods are unhealthy. They are all sitting here posting while they are putting processed toxins in their bodies. Even our water and air have toxins. Make up has toxins, shampoo and soap do too. The toxins come back but when you get an overload of it, your body reacts. You will lose fat. Excess toxins are stored in your fat for the liver to process. But if it keeps getting an overload of toxins, it can't get to the stored toxins. the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, to be honest, I can't lose unless i do this. I do well as of late on maintaining, but I can't lose. This works!

    1. There are people in this thread (and a lot of people in the link I posted) who say they would never do this again.

    2. How exactly are you getting all your nutrients from cayenne pepper, lemonade, and maple syrup?

    A lot of the other information you posted is bunk. I'd like to see your proof that there is 30 lbs of fecal matter in the colon, or that the symptoms you experienced are evidence of detoxing and not just evidence that you're stressing your body by starving it.

    Rubbing up against food in the grocery store works for me.

    How do you know the fruits and veggies aren't stealing YOUR nutrients? Hmm. This apple tastes a little derpy.

    One bite and all your dreams will come true.