What is the WORST fitness advice....



  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Sweat the weight off in the sauna and drink a slurpee size cup of hot water and a cup of Epsom salt..... This was in effort to lose weight for meps.

    Consequently, if the sauna doesn't kill you you'll be in the bathroom within 5 minutes after the Epsom salt.
  • TailorGirl
    TailorGirl Posts: 1 Member
    I joined a new gym a few months back and some of the advice from the trainers has been insane. Part of their six week joining programme focuses on nutrition. I mentioned that I need to replace some fruit with more veg in my diet because I eat a lot of fruit. His advice: there's no difference between fruit or vegetables so don't worry.

    I love cardio, find it de-stressing and, unlike most posters here, I'm bored lifting but I do a couple of sessions a week so my body is in a good state for long distance runs. Trainers advice: concentrate on lifting and do a couple of 25 min runs a week - no one needs more than that (I run 30+ miles a week and am marathon training now but this was consistently ignored)

    Told trainer about past knee trouble and how my workouts were geared towards not making the same mistakes that led to that - she insists on much heavier weights on the leg extention contraption to build up my leg and prevent injury, despite my protests, and I couldn't walk down stairs or run for two weeks...

    (Needless to say after their six week programme where I gained weight, was frequently in pain and was bored working out I went back to setting my own routines)

    Also so many people telling me I should't eat carbs (all much larger than me!)