Recording when you go over cal goals



  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I definitely try to record it, be honest and accountable to myself. However, usually when I go off the rails it is going out to eat and I feel like it is nearly impossible to log that. How does one log cinnamon roll pancakes with cream cheese icing at a local brunch spot? On those days/meals, I just accept that I have not followed my meal plan and pick up where I left off with the next meal or day.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I record everything. I went over by 1258 yesterday eating doughnuts. :grumble: Every single bite is in my diary.
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I log everything 'cause that's the point of the food diary. It's not the end of the world if I go over my daily goal (like today) 'cause that happens once in a blue moon.
  • nje444
    nje444 Posts: 62
    I don't if I am going to treat myself! Last night I had "date night" with my husband. I recorded the dinner but neglected to add the wine - why? - because I was treating myself, I didn't want to beat myself up if I "went over", and I don't go over often so its not like I put back everything I lost in one night of indulgence.
  • queenbear5
    queenbear5 Posts: 76 Member
    I log every bite. There's no reason not to. On days when I eat cake and chocolate I feel a twinge of guilt because I know the people reading my food diary deserve to see a better example. Regardless, I know I've got to keep it real, otherwise I'm just wasting my time. I also feel guilty when I bank calories so I can eat like a hog the next day. Life is like that, though. I've got luncheons, book club meetings, coffee club meetings, brunches, and meet-ups that seem to occur at least once a week and are always centered around a potluck buffet. Planning/banking calories in advance for these events is the only way to stay within my goals, since I am NOT going to be the annoying chick at the party that 'can't eat because I'm on a diet.'
  • muayqis
    yup, logging every muthful.
    almost 3000 over today. and its not even 7pm
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Of course you record everything. Who are you trying to keep a secret from exactly? :)
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    I have gone over lots this last week as it was half term and we had lots of long days and meals out. I have recorded everything and put on weight. Just goes to show that unless you stick to the cals - you put on the weight.
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    I am really wondering how many people record literally everything you eat even when you have a BAD eating day. I record literally eat bite sometimes it's 2500 cals but I'm being honest. How many others make sure they do this or do you just quit and start again the next day???

    Depends on why I went over, if its just a day I get to cheat, every bite is logged, if I"m super stressed for some reason then I don't even take the time to log.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    I record it (YAY, WHOLE BOX OF WHEAT THINS!) because my body records it!
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I record what I eat/drink. I'm only kidding myself if I don't. I usually know what I will eat for the day in advance, so it helps me to record all of my meals and see where I am at. That way I can tweak it if I need to, or sometimes just live with it that day.
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    I record everything, If I mess up and go over, which has only happened twice so far in almost three months, then boohoo, i record it, get on the bike and move on, if you're actually in that much denial that you don't record when you go over, then you're probably not ready for this journey just yet. Because let's be honest, denial got most of us here in the first place, it won't get us out of it.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I used not to record cheat days but as I'm now running analysis on my weight loss I log absolutely everything.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I often don't complete the food log, partly because I can't estimate the calories of certain dishes, but I weigh myself several times a week and almost always log my weight and body fat.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am really wondering how many people record literally everything you eat even when you have a BAD eating day. I record literally eat bite sometimes it's 2500 cals but I'm being honest. How many others make sure they do this or do you just quit and start again the next day???

    i do same as you. each bit. no matter how far over it takes me. and there have been some days when that red number is shocking.
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    Record it all. If you can't be honest with yourself... you can't be honest with anyone, right?
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    For the most part I log everything. Yes, at times it's ugly but, I don't know one person who is perfect... I wasn't recording coffee because it has no value but, I will going forward. I even put my probiotic and vitamin in. Sometimes if I don't plan ahead I forget certain things. I will go back and add it. I try to write out my plan for week...sometimes, I change due to life happening...meetings with customers, unexpected events, etc. It holds you more accountable and lets you see patterning or cycling of intake and workout progression. I log my waters as well.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I log it all, even the embarassing days.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I record everything. I don't see the point in doing this, if I'm not going to honest.
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I record it all as well. It may not look pretty but it will be fun to check my progress over time!