"No Carbs After Lunch!"



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I saw a sign in my local park saying "Pick up your dog mess"

    Does anyone here do this?

    Yes I do, and not sure I get the `whole, how it relates to the OP?`

    Since when do posts on mfp have to relate to the op?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    (Do I?)
    I go by the opposite
    No carbs at breakfast!

    But just 'no grain type carbs' at breakfast, because they seem to upset my hyperglycemia problems, yet that don't bother me if eaten later.
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    I saw a sign in my local park saying "Pick up your dog mess"

    Does anyone here do this?

    Yes I do, and not sure I get the `whole, how it relates to the OP?`

    Since when do posts on mfp have to relate to the op?

    Haha true
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    Today I saw a poster on the gym wall that says in bold "NO CARBS AFTER LUNCH!" No description or reason why. :huh:
    Who goes by this rule? And if so why or why not?
    Just curious! :smile:

    Ask your gym they put it up.

    No, because I'm asking YOU guys if you would go by this... not my gym!
    ^^^ This right here means you don't deserve an answer.

    He didn't even read my question first of all. I did ask a staff at my gym, and they did not know. My question was "Who goes by this rule," meaning, any of you guys follow this. I was clearly looking for opinions about why or why not some people would do this.

    Obviously not THAT clearly, or you wouldn't need to explain yourself.

    "Who goes by this rule"
    That was my question :smile: hope this clears things up for you
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Today I saw a poster on the gym wall that says in bold "NO CARBS AFTER LUNCH!" No description or reason why. :huh:
    Who goes by this rule? And if so why or why not?
    Just curious! :smile:

    Ask your gym they put it up.

    No, because I'm asking YOU guys if you would go by this... not my gym!
    ^^^ This right here means you don't deserve an answer.

    He didn't even read my question first of all. I did ask a staff at my gym, and they did not know. My question was "Who goes by this rule," meaning, any of you guys follow this. I was clearly looking for opinions about why or why not some people would do this.

    Obviously not THAT clearly, or you wouldn't need to explain yourself.

    "Who goes by this rule"
    That was my question :smile: hope this clears things up for you

    What do you mean, "hope this clears things up for you"? I didn't say it was unclear to ME. I said it was obvious you were not clear to the person who asked for the clarification. Duh.
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    Today I saw a poster on the gym wall that says in bold "NO CARBS AFTER LUNCH!" No description or reason why. :huh:
    Who goes by this rule? And if so why or why not?
    Just curious! :smile:

    Ask your gym they put it up.

    No, because I'm asking YOU guys if you would go by this... not my gym!
    ^^^ This right here means you don't deserve an answer.

    He didn't even read my question first of all. I did ask a staff at my gym, and they did not know. My question was "Who goes by this rule," meaning, any of you guys follow this. I was clearly looking for opinions about why or why not some people would do this.

    Obviously not THAT clearly, or you wouldn't need to explain yourself.

    "Who goes by this rule"
    That was my question :smile: hope this clears things up for you

    What do you mean, "hope this clears things up for you"? I didn't say it was unclear to ME. I said it was obvious you were not clear to the person who asked for the clarification. Duh.

    Wow, why so rude? Im not sure how clear I can be with my question for whoever that is confused about it, but I will try to explain this question better for them if they need it
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've lost 95 pounds in 13 months eating pretty well whatever. I put my time in at the gym and I don't eat ALL the food. I have carbs after 6, in fact generally every night I have a cookie and a glass of milk about an hour before bed so that means after 10:00p sometimes after 11:00pm. I have the occasional adult beverage with a meal, but because I have reasonable portion sizes and I exercise I've lost weight.

    The only "rule" I stay to is keep under my calorie goals, and I generally try to keep under my fat total and I don't attempt to stay under my sodium but if I see I've gone over a couple of days in a row I'll make sure it doesn't continue and drink extra water.

    The biggest rule is more calories out than in...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I eat carbs when I please. I don't tend to be up early enough for breakfast and am not a breakfast person anyway, so I happily have some fruit, dark chocolate and sweet potato or quinoa in the evening. Makes no difference for me as I tend to work out fasted the next day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's basically BS.

  • Sherman7057
    Sherman7057 Posts: 88 Member
    I understood your question, yes I heard that limiting your carbs after lunch would speed up your weight loss. I am a low carb person so I normally eat low quantiites anyways.

    I dont understand why people on here feel they need to be so rude to you. You only asked for help, obviously everyone else already knows the answers and are perfect already, and so happy with their results they are choosing to lash at you.

    Dont stop asking questions because thats how you learn and become more fit, as you change you will have to make changes when your weight loss stalls. :)
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    I understood your question, yes I heard that limiting your carbs after lunch would speed up your weight loss. I am a low carb person so I normally eat low quantiites anyways.

    I dont understand why people on here feel they need to be so rude to you. You only asked for help, obviously everyone else already knows the answers and are perfect already, and so happy with their results they are choosing to lash at you.

    Dont stop asking questions because thats how you learn and become more fit, as you change you will have to make changes when your weight loss stalls. :)

    Ah, thank you sir!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I stopped eating carbs after 5pm and I dropped 6-7 lbs. it works!

    no you just starting eating in a deficit...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just my 2 cents... for me.. when I have "bad carbs" (white bread, white rice, white pasta etc) with supper I am almost always up a pound or two in the morning. Think of it this way, carbs are "sugar energy" meant to help you run around and do stuff.. what are you doing after dinner? Sitting on the couch? Do you really need that sugar burst to get you going at that point? Nope... and if you don't use it up where does it go? ... you guessed it... fat stores for the next time you need a boost. I don't worry about carbs in pure vegetables though and that doesn't seem to matter and in the first half of the day whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice are fine.. even good!)

    Since I've switched up my suppers to be clean lean protein and vegetables, I'm losing an extra 1/2 lb a day!!! No joke.. and I'm 45 yrs old! I put the majority of my carbs in the morning or at lunch but I stick with whole grains and unprocessed.

    you put on two pounds from dinner?

    so that means you had a 7000 calorie dinner???? Wowsers....

    Also, you can eat carbs whenever you want. The carb at night thing has been dispelled as a myth...
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I stopped eating carbs after 5pm and I dropped 6-7 lbs. it works!

    no you just starting eating in a deficit...


    OP, why your gym would suggest it is because they're into bro-science and the "bros" aren't always into backing up their BS beliefs. Most people here don't follow the no carbs after lunch rule. I get all my carbs at lunch or dinner because I like bacon and egg beaters and yogurt and stuff for breakfast. If I ate like that, I'd never have energy and be one miserable person. If it works for someone, it's strictly because they've been over-eating at night.
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    Really randomly unhelpful people out there and you were only asking a question!
    Sooo, here are my thoughts on carbs -
    If I eat bread early on in the day I am really hungry for the rest of that day and tend to crave more of the same (processed bread, doughnuts, pizza etc)
    If I have pasta or bread for lunch its kind of the same, but not soo bad as I tend to have veg or salad with lunch.
    Rice and potatoes don't seem to affect my appetite or cravings.

    For me the better I make myself eat, the more I crave healthier varied food.
    Have to fight the learnt associations with craving processed food when I am not even hungry.

    The less carbs & processed food I eat, the less I hungry i get and therefore lose more weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    You talkin to me?

    Heeeeellllllll no. I'll eat carbs whenever I damn well please. Your gym wants you to eat a crappy dinner and snacks. You should pass on that advice
    Hey you left out:


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hmmm, sort of defeats the purpose of carbs. Most agree that loading carbs prior to a work out delivers energy for the workout ... and protein after the workout helps build muscle... Sounds like a variation of the meal timing theory... big breakfast, moderate lunch, little dinner... I eat carbs whenever I want... and that is usually a macro that is low for me for the day.. It is fats and proteins that tend to go over; but mostly the good fats... like fish, etc.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Hey Folks - A bunch of posts in this topic were reported by various members in our community. I have removed several posts and contacted a few of you directly, but also wanted to respectfully ask everyone to keep in mind our community guidelines when posting.
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    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

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    Thanks everyone for your understanding!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Just my 2 cents... for me.. when I have "bad carbs" (white bread, white rice, white pasta etc) with supper I am almost always up a pound or two in the morning. Think of it this way, carbs are "sugar energy" meant to help you run around and do stuff.. what are you doing after dinner? Sitting on the couch? Do you really need that sugar burst to get you going at that point? Nope... and if you don't use it up where does it go? ... you guessed it... fat stores for the next time you need a boost. I don't worry about carbs in pure vegetables though and that doesn't seem to matter and in the first half of the day whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice are fine.. even good!)

    Since I've switched up my suppers to be clean lean protein and vegetables, I'm losing an extra 1/2 lb a day!!! No joke.. and I'm 45 yrs old! I put the majority of my carbs in the morning or at lunch but I stick with whole grains and unprocessed.
    If you're in calorie deficit, then the carbs don't get stored at fat. You're in NEGATIVE calorie state.

    Question coach: What activity burns more fat than any other?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CoachGwenna
    Just my 2 cents... for me.. when I have "bad carbs" (white bread, white rice, white pasta etc) with supper I am almost always up a pound or two in the morning. Think of it this way, carbs are "sugar energy" meant to help you run around and do stuff.. what are you doing after dinner? Sitting on the couch? Do you really need that sugar burst to get you going at that point? Nope... and if you don't use it up where does it go? ... you guessed it... fat stores for the next time you need a boost. I don't worry about carbs in pure vegetables though and that doesn't seem to matter and in the first half of the day whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice are fine.. even good!)

    Since I've switched up my suppers to be clean lean protein and vegetables, I'm losing an extra 1/2 lb a day!!! No joke.. and I'm 45 yrs old! I put the majority of my carbs in the morning or at lunch but I stick with whole grains and unprocessed.

    you put on two pounds from dinner?

    so that means you had a 7000 calorie dinner???? Wowsers....

    Also, you can eat carbs whenever you want. The carb at night thing has been dispelled as a myth...

    Actually I don't believe that they are "actual" pounds, I don't think my body properly processes carbs at that time of the day and I just feel better if I avoid them then. Dispelled as a myth or not, it matters to my body and that's what I'm listening to.