being looked down upon



  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I've actually become one of those that look down upon those who are overweight. Sad as that may seem.

    I was overweight for 20 years, so it's not like I don't know what it's like at all, but having lost all my weight & worked hard at getting there...I've become someone who sees a fat person and actually thinks "OMG they could try eating a bit better" (most of the time I see larger people eating some horrid junk from the take away shops along my way of walking cause it's a major shopping strip) and I kinda just think back & go...that was me once, I did it..... why can't they? Why are they shoving that extra bit of deep fried chicken into their body? Why are they waiting for the bus rather than walking those 2 stops I know they will get off at later? (yeah I know where most of them get on & off cause I used to catch the bus further than they did...till I started walking the 3km there instead)

    Yep I look down upon fat people.... perhaps that is what is needed in a way. I now know I look great.... an I show it off. I want people to look at me..... before I wanted to hide along with all the other fat people. I kinda despise fat now, I lived with it for over half my life, it ruled what I did. So I guess looking down upon others that allow the same.... well I guess it's just nature.

    Everyone looks down upon something or someone, anyone who says a liar.

    Yep, I look down on people who look down on people for being overweight.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    it is just a fact of life. even if everyone looked the same people would still find ways to band together and be critical of other people's appearances.

    but you shouldn't care. just do your thing (keep losing weight for you and your health and don't worry what others think).

    by the way. i was at the gym yesterday and saw a guy that was fairly overweight doing sprints for 20 minutes and i was extremely impressed by his effort. he might have looked at me and assumed i judged him for his weight, but i really only judged him by his effort (which was fantastic)
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Bill Clinton was overweight....

    while being president or at the time he was elected? Also, really: Clinton? as compared to, say, Rush Limbaugh or Roger Moore?

    Dude they were never presidents.

    exactly. Name ONE obese president? One that was obese at the time they were elected. Bat**** crazy, can be tolerated, apparently, but not obese.

    Taft (bmi of 42.3) Cleveland (34.6) McKinley (31.3) Taylor (30.2) and Teddy Rooselvelt (30.2). Clinton was overweight at 28.3

    President William Taft was morbidly obese and got stuck in the white house bath tub.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    Bill Clinton was overweight....

    while being president or at the time he was elected? Also, really: Clinton? as compared to, say, Rush Limbaugh or Roger Moore?

    Dude they were never presidents.

    exactly. Name ONE obese president? One that was obese at the time they were elected. Bat**** crazy, can be tolerated, apparently, but not obese.

    Taft (bmi of 42.3) Cleveland (34.6) McKinley (31.3) Taylor (30.2) and Teddy Rooselvelt (30.2). Clinton was overweight at 28.3

    And the common denominator of all presidents who had a BMI over 30 is that they were presidents before TV became commonly used and the media exploded.

    though, again, Clinton at 28.3 when he was elected? strange, though I can't find any other numbers online either.
  • melmckay99
    Selfish people who are full of themselves and think they are entitled to do and say whatever they want are one of my biggest pet peeves. I find it very sad that some people feel the need to resort to making others feel bad so they can feel better...

    Anywho,... the main point I really wanted to make here is that when I see overweight people at the gym, I feel very proud for them and am inspired by their efforts no matter how bog or little. I also hope that THEY aren't the ones looking down on ME. Maybe they think it is easy for me? Or that i don't need to be there cause I am already pretty small? What I really hope is that when overweight people look at me they also feel inspired and that they realize that I have worked really hard to get where I am and that they can reach their goals too as long as they stick with it!

    We all have insecurities, but at least when we are aware of them we can work together to overcome them!
  • JadeLovesGin
    Reading things like this absolutely breaks my heart. I've been plagued with an inferiority complex for years and it's left me battling depression and anxiety.

    My darling, it's human nature unfortunately. Ignorant (read:stupid) people will find your one weakness/ flaw/ imperfection/ vulnerability and they will exploit it and use it to bully you in whatever manner they see fit. That's just how discrimination works.

    You can never, ever, ever waste your time trying to change the opinions of others because their 'opinion' is actually a judgement. They don't know you, what you've achieved, what you've been through, what challenges you face every single day of your life. You must accept that if they judge you then that's their problem and most definitely not yours!

    F**k them. Life's too short. If I ever think someone is smirking at me these days at the gym I just think to myself 'I may be fat but I've had better looking s**ts than you!'

    It always does the trick.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've actually become one of those that look down upon those who are overweight. Sad as that may seem.

    I was overweight for 20 years, so it's not like I don't know what it's like at all, but having lost all my weight & worked hard at getting there...I've become someone who sees a fat person and actually thinks "OMG they could try eating a bit better"

    Yes - that's very sad. And unfortunately, very common. A LOT of people who've lost a lot of weight are even more sanctimonious than people whov'e quite smoking!
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Yes but only because I am short.
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    do you guys sometime feel looked down upon because of your weight? like people feel bad for you in a way.

    I don't know. I'm too busy being awesome to notice if people are.

    ^^^ This.
    Also, if you are hygenic and wearing clothes that fit, your weight is basically nobody's business.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    do you guys sometime feel looked down upon because of your weight? like people feel bad for you in a way. im 5'7 273 lbs and im morbidley obese. it feels that people look down on me because im obese. does anybody else feel that way or is it just me being paranoid?

    it's you.... not them.
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Do people say stupid things about your size/weight/height/age/gender/occupation/education/fitness level/hairstyle/taste in music? Probably.
    But stupid people say stupid things to everyone. Don't assume that the stupid speakers are voicing the opinons of the world (they are not.). Tell yourself "When it comes to me --other people are wrong almost all the time, while I am right almost all the time." Because it's true.
    And don't assume your self fears, or your insecurities are obvious to others or despised by others. Be yourself, be comfortable with yourself -- because that is the opinon that matters.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    You're focusing (dwelling) on the wrong thing. Focus on the revolution happening in your heart and leave these painful negative things in the past. It's a time and spirit suck. Dont waste time on this stuff.

    Revolution! Dont miss it!
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    If a person is slightly overweight that is OK with me, I am overweight and working on it now. If someone is morbidly obese, very big in other words, I tend to look down upon them, honestly, although I am myself not perfect at all. I just think can't you control your eating? stop eating junk, or that a person has issues and comforts him/herself with food. I know it may be cruel but many people would look great if they lost weight...
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    I feel looked-down upon all the time, and typically I feel that way because of myself... If you're at the gym and feel that way, don't, because I'm 100lbs lighter than you and I would feel proud of you for working on yourself - but you gotta do it for yourself. If you're doing it for them, they've already won. You gotta do you.

    ^^ This, especially the part about being proud of you :smile:
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

    ^^THIS! I would never look down on your for eating right and exercising.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    The thing is, it's 99% about mental attitude. When I told my nephews and nieces that I was always embarrassed for them to have a fat uncle. Pretty much all of them said 'we never thought of you like that way' or 'thing was that you were always there for us'. We often feel ashamed that we get big and it makes things in life hard and then we probably comfort eat. People's perceptions are often quite different to our own.

    You're right, most of it just exists in our own heads. :flowerforyou: The 1% of people who actually would look down on any of us for this (or possessions, or wealth, a job, clothing...and so on) are people who (in my opinion) are broken and must pull down others to feel good about themselves.
  • 52in13
    52in13 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 5'4" and 234 lbs. I feel like I am looked down on a lot. You are not alone. Some people do judge, but I think we are our harshest critics. Try not to take it to heart, but also remember who the mean people are when you reach your goal weight.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Yes. I myself have been fat and thin and one thing I really noticed the last time I had trimmed down substancialy was that people looked me in the eye, smiled and were friendly, not something I experience as a fat person. That being said, there's a lot of confidence at issue here.... when I was strong and fit and thin I was confident, not so much as a fat person. I often wonder if some of how we feel we are treated is also based somewhat on what we put out there.

    This is what Tyra Banks discovered when she did the fat suit challenge. There is definitely a difference in how people are treated.