For those Lean & Strong: What do you eat?



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    <--- Red Velvet Pop Tarts w/ Red Velvet Cake Ben & Jerry's ice cream sandwich.

    Nom Nom Nom Red Velvet Pop Tarts Rock!!! OP I really do not have anything off limits... I eat alot of veggies, salads, beans, egg, dairy, lean meat, fish, pork, poultry, grains, nuts, etc.....

    ^ This, minus the fish, is what I eat. As well as grossly awesome ice cream sandwiches of course!
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Whatever fits my macros!

    2700-3000 cals

  • mona_patty
    Whatever fits my macros!

    2700-3000 cals


    this is foreign to me LoL so much to learn..... what is macros and 20f/40c/40p....... i feel dumb :/
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    you need to post the macros of your weekday diet. And also, depending on what you eat on the weekend you may be nullifying your deficit for the week. That is if your goal is weight loss.

    To get strong, you just need to be consistent with your training and I would recommend starting strength or similar routine. Basic linear progression style.

    Get enough protein and don't have too large of a deficit or your strength gains will be limited very quickly.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Whatever fits my macros!

    2700-3000 cals


    this is foreign to me LoL so much to learn..... what is macros and 20f/40c/40p....... i feel dumb :/

    Macros are the macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. These are the components of food that actually contain calories. Carbs and protein are both 4 calories per gram. Fat is 9 calories per gram.

    A great many people advocate an "IIFYM" type diet. Set macro targets (for instance, 1800 calories, with 30% from protein, 30% from fat, and 40% from carbs) and eat whatever you like as long as, at the end of the day, you are hitting those targets.

    That's what I do. The macronutrients are what really matter; your body doesn't really care whether a food is "whole" or "organic" or "all natural" or shows up on some "nutrition expert"s list of acceptable foods. Your body cares about protein, fat, and carbs. Eat enough fruits and veggies to make sure you're doing OK vitamin and fiber wise, eat enough protein to ensure you're feeding your muscles, and forget about everything else.

    It's very liberating. And it's extraordinarily effective.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I eat a variety of foods within +/- 20% of my TDEE. I aim to get ample protein (at least 1g per lb LBM) and fat (at least .35g per lb of BW). This includes but is not limited to Sausage & Egg McMuffins, Peanut Butter Cookies, and Bacon Cheeseburgers.
  • Honeybea86
    Since I have bumped up my protein intake I have seen great results!
  • mona_patty
    Macros are the macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. These are the components of food that actually contain calories. Carbs and protein are both 4 calories per gram. Fat is 9 calories per gram.

    A great many people advocate an "IIFYM" type diet. Set macro targets (for instance, 1800 calories, with 30% from protein, 30% from fat, and 40% from carbs) and eat whatever you like as long as, at the end of the day, you are hitting those targets.

    That's what I do. The macronutrients are what really matter; your body doesn't really care whether a food is "whole" or "organic" or "all natural" or shows up on some "nutrition expert"s list of acceptable foods. Your body cares about protein, fat, and carbs. Eat enough fruits and veggies to make sure you're doing OK vitamin and fiber wise, eat enough protein to ensure you're feeding your muscles, and forget about everything else.

    It's very liberating. And it's extraordinarily effective.

    I guess this is the next step for me..... Thanks so much jonnythan!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I drink the tears of the vanquished.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I drink the tears of the vanquished.

    Aren't they high in sodium?
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chicken canned and with the bone. I do not like boneless its always to dry(only in stir fry).
    ground beef
    pork loin
    beef ribs
    oats(whole kind)
    wheat bread
    rice (any color or flavor)
    vegetables (fresh or out of a can)
    pasta flavored noodles (side dishes)
    Occasional fruit
    Dry Cereal (For my sugar intake)
    Protein powder(to help reach my high protein macro intake)

    I use different sauces for a variety of flavored dishes.

    ETA: My macros are 35% Protein 35% Carbs 30% fat
  • mona_patty
    Chicken canned and with the bone. I do not like boneless its always to dry.
    ground beef
    pork loin
    beef ribs
    rice (any color or flavor)
    vegetables (fresh or out of a can)
    pasta flavored noodles (side dishes)
    Occasional fruit
    Dry Cereal (For my sugar intake)
    Protein powder( to help reach my high protein macro intake )

    I use different sauces for a variety of flavored dishes.

    im getting hungry...... lol thanks for posting a list :) there is so much info out there about what to eat, and not to eat. I just need to figure what works best for me. But definitely I need to add more protein in my food intake.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chicken canned and with the bone. I do not like boneless its always to dry.
    ground beef
    pork loin
    beef ribs
    rice (any color or flavor)
    vegetables (fresh or out of a can)
    pasta flavored noodles (side dishes)
    Occasional fruit
    Dry Cereal (For my sugar intake)
    Protein powder( to help reach my high protein macro intake )

    I use different sauces for a variety of flavored dishes.

    im getting hungry...... lol thanks for posting a list :) there is so much info out there about what to eat, and not to eat. I just need to figure what works best for me. But definitely I need to add more protein in my food intake.

    LOL... Your welcome I edited to add my macros percentages as well.
    Just concentrate on hitting your calorie target goal every day and when you get that dialed in then try and stay with in your macros while hitting your calorie target for the day. Remember you can eat any thing just eat it in moderation(balance your nutrition)...

    ETA: I would advise to stay away from processed foods(mostly the frozen kind) though. That garbage is not real food. :wink:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Nom Nom Nom Red Velvet Pop Tarts Rock!!! OP I really do not have anything off limits... I eat alot of veggies, salads, beans, egg, dairy, lean meat, fish, pork, poultry, grains, nuts, etc.....

    Y'all making me want ice cream, cake, and nachos!! @EdDavenort, no fruits?? I guess I'm in the right track, just need to add more protein....... not into too much meat but i will try.

    Oops I did leave those off the list didn't I.... lol I have a banana every morning with my pop tarts (yea weird combo lol but there is also a bagel and honey in there too) and I love apples and oranges but do mix frozen fruits in smoothies too so yep there is fruit in my meal plan as well....
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member

    Damnit, I knew I was missing something. Goal body, here I come!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    There are lots of lean, strong people that post in this thread:
  • mona_patty
    LOL... Your welcome I edited to add my macros percentages as well.
    Just concentrate on hitting your calorie target goal every day and when you get that dialed in then try and stay with in your macros while hitting your calorie target for the day. Remember you can eat any thing just eat it in moderation.

    that's the problem with me, I can not eat food in moderation hahaha!!! I did notice a change in my body since I started to add protein powder to my green smoothies.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I need more guidance in what to be eating to achieve a leaner body. I do weights and getting myself into doing more intensity workouts. I was out for 3 weeks due to a knee injury. But finally it is starting to heal.
    Since I started on my weight loss journey, I have been adjusting my eating habits and now this is what I typically eat (more or less):

    Mon- Fri
    4 oz plain non fat greek yogurt, 4 oz mixed frozen berries, 10-15 almonds, 1 tbsp coconut flakes, 1 tbsp goji berries
    2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
    fish, broccolli or homemade chili (pinto beans, onions, garlic, green pepper, black beans, kidney beans, corn), or salads
    Usually an apple
    Green smoothie (2 cups spinach, 1 cup kale, 1 cup mixed berries, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 scoop of protein powder)
    Snack: Depends, a piece of cheese or some almonds.

    Varies LoL

    Thanks so much!!!

    Monday-Friday I have a protein shake for breakfast (just protein power and coffee mixed together), then for lunch i usually have grilled chicken, rice, and veggies, or a sandwich (low sodium turkey, pesto mayo, whole grain bread, tomatos, pepper jack cheese, pickles, onions, and balsamic glaze), sometimes a salad with chicken or a quinoa salad. Then for a snack and/or post workout i have a protein shake (this just the protein powder in water, sometimes milk), dinner grilled chicken, salmon, or streak, or a turkey dog or turkey burger (no bun because I'm GF), with rice, or chips, some veggies usually, and I usually have some other snack that can range from ice cream, to chocolate, to crackers, to cheetos, lots of things, nothing is off limits for me, everything in moderation.

    Saturday and Sunday I have 2 eggs usually with maybe tater tots or vegan GF pancakes, and sausage or bacon, and sometimes a sandwich with that (usually a BLT with pesto mayo) or instead of the eggs sometimes I'll have a veggie egg white omelete (sometimes with a little bit cheddar cheese). and then the rest of the day just depends.

    I eat a lot of protein (my protein shakes have 23-26 grams of protein), and i eat healthy meals, but I leave room for desserts and snacks, and am less strict on weekends (still count and try to stay within macros and calories).

    I work out a lot, I do new rules of lifting for women 3 days a week and cardio other days (elliptical or dance)
  • mona_patty
    Oops I did leave those off the list didn't I.... lol I have a banana every morning with my pop tarts (yea weird combo lol but there is also a bagel and honey in there too) and I love apples and oranges but do mix frozen fruits in smoothies too so yep there is fruit in my meal plan as well....

    Ok, I was wondering about the fruits lol.... um pop tarts and bananas? lol
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    LOL... Your welcome I edited to add my macros percentages as well.
    Just concentrate on hitting your calorie target goal every day and when you get that dialed in then try and stay with in your macros while hitting your calorie target for the day. Remember you can eat any thing just eat it in moderation.

    that's the problem with me, I can not eat food in moderation hahaha!!! I did notice a change in my body since I started to add protein powder to my green smoothies.

    Eat more frequently but make the meals smaller. If you eat 3 meals a day then eat 5 or 6 times but make sure they fit into your Calorie goal for that day. Plan the meals you can i.e lunch...etc Learn your hunger times this helps a great deal!! For example I know late at night no matter what I do I will wake up out of a deep sleep because I get hungry. So I save my final planned small meal for that time at night and I am still within my calorie goal for the day.