High Protein Meal Ideas (W/O Protein Supplements)

kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
Hey guys,

I am on the lookout for new meal ideas (snacks and all three mains!) - which are high in protein. I know what foods are high in protein - I just want ideas of what to do with these things!

I have been told by my bf I am now allowed protein powder - because apparently that is 'going too far'. His words, not mine. I will eventually want to start building muscle, so I am looking out for new recipe ideas. These cannot contain whey.

Any recipes will be highly appreciated! :)


  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I think my diary is open. I eat a lot of protein but also cannot be doing with buying powdered whey.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I think my diary is open. I eat a lot of protein but also cannot be doing with buying powdered whey.

    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately your diary is not open. :(
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .
  • breyannasmith
    This is what I've been making for lunch lately. My five-minute lunch. Literally. I thought it would make sense to share it, in part, because it's ridiculous how often I make it. Or some slight riff on it. It's a quesadilla - sort of. I don't really like all-cheese, white tortilla quesadillas, so this is my take. Corn tortilla - unda style, a bit of cheese, fresh herbs, and a dollop lemon-zested greek yogurt or creme fraiche. The egg helps make it more substantial and extra good.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .

    Well, I'd rather save arguments, so I'll just keep away from it. (I have nowhere to hide it either :laugh: ) I would love to use it, especially the cherry bakewell stuff you can get.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    This is what I've been making for lunch lately. My five-minute lunch. Literally. I thought it would make sense to share it, in part, because it's ridiculous how often I make it. Or some slight riff on it. It's a quesadilla - sort of. I don't really like all-cheese, white tortilla quesadillas, so this is my take. Corn tortilla - unda style, a bit of cheese, fresh herbs, and a dollop lemon-zested greek yogurt or creme fraiche. The egg helps make it more substantial and extra good.

    That sounds lush! Thank you.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    stirfrys with chicken or shrimp and lots of veggies- its quick and easy and 6oz of lean meat= lots of protein :)

    nothing wrong with protein powder, btw. i use EAS lean 15- its not as high in protein as others, but i dont mind the taste at all.

    feel free to steal ideas from my diary as well :)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Use it! does your bf know anything about whey protein? curds and WHEY , its from dairy... perfectly natural 100% whey protein
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    stirfrys with chicken or shrimp and lots of veggies- its quick and easy and 6oz of lean meat= lots of protein :)

    nothing wrong with protein powder, btw. i use EAS lean 15- its not as high in protein as others, but i dont mind the taste at all.

    feel free to steal ideas from my diary as well :)

    Thanks. :) I love stirfrys! I usually just have chicken though. Never tried using shrimp though, probably because of how expensive it is. But I actually really like the idea of using them in a stirfry.

    @Chadomaniac - He obviously doesn't. I think he thinks I'm going to turn into a female hulk or something. He says he'll think I'm obsessive. :laugh: Don't make me rebel! I am seriously tempted. I'd rather get small packets, easier to hide - but that's easier said than done.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .

    Well, I'd rather save arguments, so I'll just keep away from it. (I have nowhere to hide it either :laugh: ) I would love to use it, especially the cherry bakewell stuff you can get.

    and yet you dont because your boyfriend says so?! in what way is it 'taking it too far'? its simply an easy way to get more protein into your diary.

    you really should be careful of people who want to control your life so much, it can become a slippery slope...
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    hiding whey protein from your BF? hmmm solid relationship ;)

    i cant offer any more advice
  • andycet
    andycet Posts: 55 Member
    Think he needs to be on here more than you for nutritional advice. My wife has whey in a shake every morning with me and far from a hulk.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .

    Well, I'd rather save arguments, so I'll just keep away from it. (I have nowhere to hide it either :laugh: ) I would love to use it, especially the cherry bakewell stuff you can get.

    and yet you dont because your boyfriend says so?! in what way is it 'taking it too far'? its simply an easy way to get more protein into your diary.

    you really should be careful of people who want to control your life so much, it can become a slippery slope...

    I was waiting for a post like this. Yes, it has really angered me for him to tell me what I can and can't do. He doesn't understand whey powder can be used to get more protein. He thinks it's stuff body builders drink, as well as egg whites to get where they are. He is extremely wrong, but you wouldn't expect someone who can eat two large pizzas in a day to know that. He hasn't told me I can't do it, I just don't want to argue with him.

    Thanks for the last tip though.. I know what you mean. You've made me realise that I should probably do what the hell I want. :flowerforyou:
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    hiding whey protein from your BF? hmmm solid relationship ;)

    i cant offer any more advice

    Eh, I don't live with him. Don't matter. And it's only until I got him around the idea and 'educated' him.

    @andycet - He did start out on here. But he gave up with it after a day in the half because he couldn't be bothered to log. :laugh:
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member

    @Chadomaniac - He obviously doesn't. I think he thinks I'm going to turn into a female hulk or something. He says he'll think I'm obsessive. :laugh: Don't make me rebel! I am seriously tempted. I'd rather get small packets, easier to hide - but that's easier said than done.

    he doesnt know what hes talking about :) i know u are trying to avoid an argument, but he should know that women arent going to get bulky unless we REALLY try to- with an extreme lifting regiment and a lot of supplements far beyond what the majority of us use to be healthier.

    and btw- more ways to incorporate protein- throw some nuts into your salads. put some natural peanut butter into your smoothie. replace a simple carb snack with yogurt (esp greek yogurt. i actually like the new danon ones- 12g of protein and they taste good!)
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    the first part of my last post was missing the quote.

    when i say he doesnt know what hes talking about- i mean your boyfriend, NOT chadomaniac :)
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member

    @Chadomaniac - He obviously doesn't. I think he thinks I'm going to turn into a female hulk or something. He says he'll think I'm obsessive. :laugh: Don't make me rebel! I am seriously tempted. I'd rather get small packets, easier to hide - but that's easier said than done.
    he doesnt know what hes talking about :) i know u are trying to avoid an argument, but he should know that women arent going to get bulky unless we REALLY try to- with an extreme lifting regiment and a lot of supplements far beyond what the majority of us use to be healthier.

    and btw- more ways to incorporate protein- throw some nuts into your salads. put some natural peanut butter into your smoothie. replace a simple carb snack with yogurt (esp greek yogurt. i actually like the new danon ones- 12g of protein and they taste good!)

    Yep! Tried explaining that many times! And I don't really lift too heavy anyway. I just struggled with my protein macro. And being toned would be nice too.

    Thanks for the advice! I love peanut butter and greek yoghurt. I need to go shopping again soon. :love:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .

    Well, I'd rather save arguments, so I'll just keep away from it. (I have nowhere to hide it either :laugh: ) I would love to use it, especially the cherry bakewell stuff you can get.

    and yet you dont because your boyfriend says so?! in what way is it 'taking it too far'? its simply an easy way to get more protein into your diary.

    you really should be careful of people who want to control your life so much, it can become a slippery slope...

    I was waiting for a post like this. Yes, it has really angered me for him to tell me what I can and can't do. He doesn't understand whey powder can be used to get more protein. He thinks it's stuff body builders drink, as well as egg whites to get where they are. He is extremely wrong, but you wouldn't expect someone who can eat two large pizzas in a day to know that. He hasn't told me I can't do it, I just don't want to argue with him.

    Thanks for the last tip though.. I know what you mean. You've made me realise that I should probably do what the hell I want. :flowerforyou:

    to be honest, i can kind of see where you are coming from, in that when i bought my first tub of protein powder, my husband was a bit like 'eeeer, what have you got that for? i dont want you turning into jodie marsh' (she's a page 3 girl who turned body builder in the uk)

    but it never caused an argument and he never told me not to get it. i said the same as i have just said to you, its only to help me up my protein, and its actually the cheapest form of protein you can get. and then i got drinking yummy protein shakes!
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    My boyfriend is strongly against any form of healthy eating, whey or soya suplements,the fact I lift and excercise every 2nd day ,the fact i'm now significantly lighter than he is because it "doesnt fit his perfect woman image". I should be his weight, curvy bordering on fat and eat the **** he does cos then he doesnt feel like he is being pushed towards my lifestyle.
    Needless to say this boyfriend will soon be my ex if we can;t fix this problem and communicate.

    Lass, get him to pull head of his bumm, read what supplements really are and how they are not muscle-steroids injection but a frigging milk byproduct *twitch*. If you cant communicate and respect eachothers decision - it surely aint good sign.

    Do not take and accept controling health orders from man who speaks without knowledge and chugs it down with junk food.

    Take care of YOURSELF first. :)

    Yes ,I'm mad.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    whey protein isnt going too far loooool , and Mcdonalds is perfectly fine? way more better .

    Well, I'd rather save arguments, so I'll just keep away from it. (I have nowhere to hide it either :laugh: ) I would love to use it, especially the cherry bakewell stuff you can get.

    and yet you dont because your boyfriend says so?! in what way is it 'taking it too far'? its simply an easy way to get more protein into your diary.

    you really should be careful of people who want to control your life so much, it can become a slippery slope...

    I was waiting for a post like this. Yes, it has really angered me for him to tell me what I can and can't do. He doesn't understand whey powder can be used to get more protein. He thinks it's stuff body builders drink, as well as egg whites to get where they are. He is extremely wrong, but you wouldn't expect someone who can eat two large pizzas in a day to know that. He hasn't told me I can't do it, I just don't want to argue with him.

    Thanks for the last tip though.. I know what you mean. You've made me realise that I should probably do what the hell I want. :flowerforyou:

    to be honest, i can kind of see where you are coming from, in that when i bought my first tub of protein powder, my husband was a bit like 'eeeer, what have you got that for? i dont want you turning into jodie marsh' (she's a page 3 girl who turned body builder in the uk)

    but it never caused an argument and he never told me not to get it. i said the same as i have just said to you, its only to help me up my protein, and its actually the cheapest form of protein you can get. and then i got drinking yummy protein shakes!

    And has also stopped lifting by the looks of things because she appears to be losing her 'tone'. She got her 5 mins of fame! (Sorry, rant over :laugh: )

    That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for that, very helpful - I think I shall get some. Like your husband, I think he'd get used to the idea too. I think he'd be a bit annoyed at first - but he'd get used to it. And it'd definitely help me out in protein too. You never know, I might be able to make him a protein smoothie and he might even enjoy it himself!