High Protein Meal Ideas (W/O Protein Supplements)



  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    My boyfriend is strongly against any form of healthy eating, whey or soya suplements,the fact I lift and excercise every 2nd day ,the fact i'm now significantly lighter than he is because it "doesnt fit his perfect woman image". I should be his weight, curvy bordering on fat and eat the **** he does cos then he doesnt feel like he is being pushed towards my lifestyle.
    Needless to say this boyfriend will soon be my ex if we can;t fix this problem and communicate.

    Lass, get him to pull head of his bumm, read what supplements really are and how they are not muscle-steroids injection but a frigging milk byproduct *twitch*. If you cant communicate and respect eachothers decision - it surely aint good sign.

    Do not take and accept controling health orders from man who speaks without knowledge and chugs it down with junk food.

    Take care of YOURSELF first. :)

    Yes ,I'm mad.

    Sorry to hear that. I got to a point when mine was like that. But he's actually quite enjoying me now. And we've come to an agreement when I go to classes and when we see each other - so arguments have stopped. And he will quite happily eat what I will eat - but then other times, he will order rubbish. Like this weekend, he knew he had pizza in the evening, but he went ahead and ordered a large Domino's for lunch!

    He has finally realised I do not starve myself and I eat what I want - it just takes him time because he's a bit uneducated to say the least.

    Thanks hun. :flowerforyou:
  • ACatherineC
    0% Fat Greek Yoghurt is king! In a 170g pot there is 18grams of protein and only 100 calories. Zero fat (obviously :-)) and light on carbs. Since it's so creamy it fills you up to.

    As a snack/breakfast i have that by itself or with some melon - nom nom!

    Chicken breast salad is a wicked lunch and really filling.

    On the whole whey protein debate, i drink a shake a day after exercise for recovery. My trainer at the gym says to be big you need to eat big....i.e. chuck the shakes down two or three times a day etc. Used in the right way the shakes help build lean muscle.
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Tuna is your friend, full of protein and other good nutrients. Tasty too.

    Here's one of my favourite recipes. Do the numbers exactly for your own raw materials, but per serve it was around 400 calories.

    Tuna Casserole (serves 4)


    Tuna chunks in springwater, drained and flaked with a fork. About 400gm/1lb (near enough is good enough)
    3 rashers short cut bacon (fat removed), diced
    1 cup diced green beans & carrots, cooked (boiled, steamed or nuked, you pick)
    500ml (2 cups) low fat milk, 4 tablespoons (or so) reserved. You can use no fat if you prefer, it won't be an issue.
    4 tablespoons cornflour
    1 medium red onion, as finely diced as you can manage (just don't use brown onions for this, anything else is fine)
    3/4 cup shell pasta (dry), cooked and drained
    1 tablespoon worchestershire sauce (if you don't have it just leave it out but you'll need to season a little more heavily
    50gm parmesan cheese


    In a non-stick pan (ideally with no oil), fry the bacon and onion together over a low heat (that would be sauted...) until the bacon is crispy. Dran on paper towel and set aside.

    In a large saucepan over a low heat, warm the milk up. Mix the reserved milk with the cornflour and stir vigorously until smooth. Add to the warm milk along with the worchestershire sauce and heat for 5-10min until thickened. Adjust seasoning with pepper and salt.

    Throw all the ingredients into a casserole dish and mix together. Pour the sauce over the top, scatter the parmesan over that and bake in the over for 10-15min until the cheese melts and the top takes on a little colour (not much, otherwise you just have burnt milk. Serve immediately.

    You can throw the cheese into the white sauce if you want, in fact you CAN just toss everything into the thickened sauce, bring it up to a full simmer and serve from there if you like. It won't suffer any from it, but it's now Tuna Mornay :)
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    0% Fat Greek Yoghurt is king! In a 170g pot there is 18grams of protein and only 100 calories. Zero fat (obviously :-)) and light on carbs. Since it's so creamy it fills you up to.

    As a snack/breakfast i have that by itself or with some melon - nom nom!

    Chicken breast salad is a wicked lunch and really filling.

    On the whole whey protein debate, i drink a shake a day after exercise for recovery. My trainer at the gym says to be big you need to eat big....i.e. chuck the shakes down two or three times a day etc. Used in the right way the shakes help build lean muscle.

    Thank you! I think when I got for my lunchtime walk, I will go to the little shop we have here and buy some greek yoghurt.

    @styledsky - It most definitely is my friend! I eat so much tuna. :)

    Wow. That sounds AMAZING. Thanks for sharing! I am going to have a go at this sometime this week! :)
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Ox heart.

    I kid you not, it tastes just like steak and is dirt cheap. Grind it up with some spices and serve it on potatoes and eat it as nachos/chilli, you won't even know it's offal.
    Srsly. Leaner protein than chicken.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I love using Quark, it is a cheese with the consistency of greek yoghurt, fat free (I think a bit higher in protein), I mix it with tuna and chopped tomatoes. Sometimes I add it to salad instead of dressing and it is perfect, I up my protein through the day with that and is perfect for me (I haven´t found anything yet better than that, low carb, no fat, high protein) you can use it as a dressing for anything or eat it like a yoghurt.

    Sorry to get into the bf dilema but if you want to get him into the idea I would get one or two good articles where they talk about the benefits of using protein powder to supplement your protein requirements in your diet and get him to read them. I knew a couple of nutritionists that use to give it to their small children to up their protein levels. Then I would get a few photos of those fitness models or "amazing" MFP ladies that lift (and/or have protein powder) and say "Doesn't she look amazing?....Well, this is the body that they actually get when you think that they bulk up". I hope it helps, some men are usually lazy to do their own research but they can not refuse it when you "serve" them with it on a tray. Good luck ;-).
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I am going to have a go at this sometime this week! :)

    You're welcome. I really hate the recipe database system here because I can't add the methods in. Irritates me no end. There are some more recipes on my blog, along with a massive treatise on the greatest food of all :)

    I'll add to that recipe that if you have some spare calories then up the cheese amount for a little luxury, or throw some breadcrumbs on the top for a bit of crunch. It can be a little bland if you don't season it right, be aggressive and taste test. Normally you'd make this with a proper roux but the calorie count goes flying up if you do that, hence the MFP-friendly use of cornflour.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I love using Quark, it is a cheese with the consistency of greek yoghurt, fat free (I think a bit higher in protein), I mix it with tuna and chopped tomatoes. Sometimes I add it to salad instead of dressing and it is perfect, I up my protein through the day with that and is perfect for me (I haven´t found anything yet better than that, low carb, no fat, high protein) you can use it as a dressing for anything or eat it like a yoghurt.

    Sorry to get into the bf dilema but if you want to get him into the idea I would get one or two good articles where they talk about the benefits of using protein powder to supplement your protein requirements in your diet and get him to read them. I knew a couple of nutritionists that use to give it to their small children to up their protein levels. Then I would get a few photos of those fitness models or "amazing" MFP ladies that lift (and/or have protein powder) and say "Doesn't she look amazing?....Well, this is the body that they actually get when you think that they bulk up". I hope it helps, some men are usually lazy to do their own research but they can not refuse it when you "serve" them with it on a tray. Good luck ;-).

    Yummy!!! Is all I can say. I just had a conversation on porridge with a colleague and now we're extremely hungry! I'm going to look at lunchtime.

    That sounds like a brilliant idea. I really like your thinking! I think I will!

    @styledsky - Sounds good. :) I have some spare breadcrumbs from another recipe I made so that's a nice idea.
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    Greek yogurt, peanut butter, sweetener and apple. Yum!!!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I like to eat big salads with assorted veggies and a nice bunch of protein added. I add stuff like chicken, salmon, tuna, hard boiled eggs, steak, venison, mackerel--essentially whatever protein is hanging around the fridge or pantry.

    Supplementing with whey is a cost effective way to get more protein. It's not a must that you use whey, but if you want to, don't let your bf's backwards opinions take precedence over what you want to eat or how you want to train.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Greek yogurt, peanut butter, sweetener and apple. Yum!!!

    Peanut butter is awesome! I love it so much. Got two jars coming from the USA this week. I am so excited!

    @Lupercalia - I just bought a tin of mackerel yesterday. Wasn't too sure what to do with it, but it'll be in my meal plan tomorrow anyway. But I forgot I bought that until you just mentioned it!

    Thanks for the advice. With all the advice I have gotten, I think I am going to get some to help me get more protein. It's my body, and I'd like to balance out what I eat more. :flowerforyou:
  • selmafeki
    selmafeki Posts: 48 Member
    cottage cheese, not the sweetened ones, are a good source of protein, I use it in different was such as with pancakes or as topping, or even in chicken wraps. The other day I made an egg white omelet with mushroom and leek and wrapped it up - it was delicious to say the least!
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    Bump for recipes, as I am also trying to up my protein intake :wink:
  • StefieLou
    StefieLou Posts: 45 Member
    I have been adding Chia seeds to my meals, which I am loving! They are full of a zillion good for you things, and might help you out! =+)
    Good luck!
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    cottage cheese, not the sweetened ones, are a good source of protein, I use it in different was such as with pancakes or as topping, or even in chicken wraps. The other day I made an egg white omelet with mushroom and leek and wrapped it up - it was delicious to say the least!

    I have a love for cottage cheese with pineapple at the moment. I do like plain though too.

    @StefieLou - I've never seen Chia seeds before! Although seen a lot of good recipes for them! Thanks. :)
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Cottage cheese, tofu, cans of tuna/chicken, yogurts and nuts.

    Also, can't believe your boyfriend won't let you have protein powder! Maybe you could buy some and put into a powdered milk bag, none the wiser ;):devil:
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    1 cup Non fat Greek yogurt
    15 blueberries or 4 strawberries
    1/2 table spoon of molasses
    ~189 calories 24 g protein 21 g carb
    MIx it all up... :wink:

    I add 1/2 serving of whey to mine for even more protein.
    add 2 table spoons of any granola if you want more crunch ~ 35 cal
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Cottage cheese, tofu, cans of tuna/chicken, yogurts and nuts.

    Also, can't believe your boyfriend won't let you have protein powder! Maybe you could buy some and put into a powdered milk bag, none the wiser ;):devil:

    You, my friend, have just given me a wicked idea. The little devil horns are appearing right out of my head right now! Bwahahahaha. Thanks. ;)

    @MarkGuns - Yummy! Pretty nice nutrition there!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Ummm, just wondering if you use skim or semi-skim dairy? If so, switch to full-fat (better for you anyway), and you'll get all the protein you would be getting from protein powders at a fraction of the cost. The dairy companies are laughing all the way to the bank, having convinced people to pay twice - once for the milk without any of the protein/good fats, and twice at an exorbitantly-inflated price for all the whey they are skimming off and selling as 'protein powder'.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Read Forks Over KNives. Loads of great recipes in the boolk along with a ton of helpful info.