240lbs and not sure where to start

This is my first time really starting a weight loss anything and after college and starting birth control, I've gained 60 pounds on top of the 180 that I weighed back in high school. Now I'm 25, and I'm getting closer and closer to 250 lbs. I love my husband and he is so loving and supporting of me, and he makes me feel beautiful despite me being so overweight. Though I don't hate my body, I want to live a long healthy life... But I'm having a hard time getting motivated. The depo has killed my energy to get up and move, school takes even more time out of my schedule and now I'm stuck.

What are you guys doing to stay motivated? I'll take any tips you can send my way! This seems like such a supportive community and I'm glad that I get the chance to meet you all! =)


  • Pkeenan1229
    Pkeenan1229 Posts: 51 Member
    feel free to friend me! i love keeping each other motivated!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    please read this,you will have enough info to get started
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    Absolutely this.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    For a tip: don't dive in to multiple extreme changes at once.

    If you're just looking to lose some weight, figure out a caloric deficit and stick with that by itself until you have the energy to be more active. I see people that start on this site... immediately eat 1200 calories, try to start insanity, go 100% clean eating, fail, delete their account, then come back again.. trying to figure out what went wrong.

    Calculate your BMR using a number of calculators online (I use fat2fitradio.com), eat at least your BMR, get enough water and sleep, and go from there.

    best of luck.
  • beautifulregardless
    Not sure where to start? Stop questioning and do it. That's where you start. I'm not saying I'm a changed person but my mind is slowly changing. It has only been one week of eating in my macros and walking, not even running and I've went from 177 to 174.5 and I'm proud of it. Just eat in your macros and walk, when you feel like taking it another level, do it. Think about it this way, you think... Oh my goal weight is 160 and I'm 177, that's so far away.. Well, now I've lost a couple pounds and I'm 174.5 , darn , not really anything. But then you say well 177-160 =17 and 174.5-160 = 14.5 and 14.5 sounds a lot better than 17. So take it a day at a time.

    I was 209 when I was pregnant... Even after I had more weight to lose, it's four months later and i still have weight to lose. But you can do anything you put your mind to. I promise you.
  • Mommydearest06
    Mommydearest06 Posts: 10 Member
    You are not alone. I've just started here about 2 weeks ago and has lost 4 pounds. I feel good. But most importantly its about you feeling good about your self inspite of your weight. No matter what your weight is, you must love yourself even if your 150 or 250. and when you loss those first couple of pounds you'll appreciate it better knowing you did it for you and not for nothing else.
  • GADavies
    GADavies Posts: 62 Member
    What are you guys doing to stay motivated?
    Looking in the mirror every day and seeing a fat *kitten*. I'm not big on illusions, accepting reality works for me.
  • ReccaThorn
    ReccaThorn Posts: 5 Member
    I have a family, mother of two. I am very busy on top of being a full-time nursing student. I find that if I plan out my meals before the day starts, I stay within my calorie allowance for the day. If I don't get up early before everyone else to work out, it doesnt happen. I follow the meal plans on fit2fat2fit.com. I've married the two websites to help me stay healthy and stay withing my Calorie count. Keep records of your measurements and take a photo EVERY WEEK. There have been 2-3 weeks that have gone by in the past where I felt like there was no progression at all due to no weight loss. I look at the measurements and photos and it keeps me motivated because I see the change there! Just started back up myself. I'm feeling great, you will too. Just remember, nothing worth having is going to come easy. You have a lot of work ahead of you, but you can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • b_fit4life
    b_fit4life Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with the poster that said to take it slow. I've caught myself trying to dive too far into the deep end and I get bogged down. Pick one or two things to change that you can control. What is your vice? Do you snack a lot? Then make it your goal to say "no" to one snack a day. Don't cut them out all together as that can easily lead to a binge...no fun! Are you able to exercise and do you have some time you know you can COMMIT to exercise? Go for it! For most people, getting exercise in is actually easier than changing eating habits. So, maybe find time in your day to exercise 3-4 times a week to start and continue eating as usual. You'll find that when you do exercise, your body will start to crave healthier foods. It's pretty awesome actually! Also, feel free to friend me. Good Luck!!
  • maddogg82
    maddogg82 Posts: 159 Member
    No excuses ..

    Don’t blame it on the Depo or the Pill.. I have to remember to take responsibility for my own actions. Yes it sucks I have to be on the pill but u know what the pill didn’t make this way .. I did.. and I have to look in the mirror and accept it and make a change. First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    Millions of women are on BC and they are able to exercise and diet. WHY not ME!

    Don’t blame BC. Its US.. we did it now change it.
  • CupcakeKendra
    CupcakeKendra Posts: 212 Member
    That is where I started! I just started by walking a few times a week. Then each week I tried to beat my time from last walk. This required me to jog/run. Then I improved my endurance through hiking, Jillian Michael's DVD's and riding my bike. Just keep moving forward! :) Feel free to add me!
  • hhammerm
    hhammerm Posts: 2 Member
    HI there! I understand what you're going through. I used to weigh 216lbs, have an autoimmune disease, and digestive issues - and I'm a full-time college student, married mom to three grown men - AND NOW FEEL AMAZING! I'm now at my goal weight of 135lbs and did it by literally taking one day at a time. Don't make too many changes at once. The key is to develop habits and that comes with consistency and dedication. Hang in there. You've got this! Take your time and set small, achievable goals and YOU WILL ge there! Just always keep in mind that small achievements = HUGE results! Be proud of them and celebrate each and every one :) You can friend me if you would like :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    First place to start is with journaling your food and paying attention to what you're eating. One of my nutritionists told me if I focus on lean, healthy protein, the fats/carbs will take care of themselves, and that's proven to be pretty true.

    Most of my proteins include grilled chicken, ground turkey (for chili and/or spaghetti sauce), greek yogurt, light string cheese, periodically a sirloin steak, and protein bars.

    Be sure to make small gradual changes, unless you're ready to plunge into the deep end (which has always been hard for me - small steps worked best for me).

    Then just be consistant with journaling and paying attention to the numbers.

    To stay motivated, I just remember what it was that got me started: I went to an event at my daughter's school and could hardly walk from the parking lot to the door and then had to sit down once inside - it was on the floor and people had to go around me. I was humiliated/embarrassed, name the negative emotion-I felt it. It was then that the voice inside said, "Something has to change." That was in April 2011.

    Good luck!
  • proudmommy_iam
    I have been on My fitness for a few years but never knew where to start. I would work out but never changed my eating habits. I would keep track of my calories but never had a balanced healthy eating lifestyle! I am so excited that I was finally able to find a health plan that helped me get motivated and loose my weight! I am down 27lbs! I would love to help anyone else looking for their optimal health and motivation! :D
  • proudmommy_iam
    @ hhammerm...Congrats on all your hard work!!! :)
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    One day at a time!!! This is my second journey with weightloss...I weighed 275 pounds, size 22/24 and lost 130 pounds and was wearing a size 8 and some 6s. I was the healthiest that I have ever been in my life...then I was diagnosed with breast cancer...during my treatment I packed on about 20 pounds because radiation drained me and I didn't work out...six months after I finished treatments I learned I was pregnant...well, that added another 65 pounds to the equation. Now, I'm on the journey again...I have done it before and I know I can do it again...don't look at the big goal, make small goals. Yes, I have 65 pounds to lose right now but I'm taking it one pound at a time!!! You can do it!!!
  • mrook2009
    mrook2009 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I am going to school, I work part-time, and I have two 3 year olds, and a 5 year old. My husband works during the day during the week, so I'm at home w/ the kiddos, and I work on the weekends. I totally understand not having time for anything. lol. But, once you get in a routine of exercising, you feel so weird when you don't do it. I just recently started going to a gym and I LOVE it! I was just using the treadmill that I have at home. You just have to find a workout that you enjoy, and not one that you have to force yourself to do. You can do this!!!! :)
  • carksey
    carksey Posts: 5 Member
    You seem stressed on time and wondering how you will lose weight without the time to do so.

    All I have to say is that nutrition is half or more of the battle...you DON'T have to go to the gym initially.

    Think about it you're overweight now because your calorie intake has been too high so getting that below maintenance (usually a 500cal deficit) will cause you to lose weight...people just to cardio to speed the process up not because it is necessary.

    So start with nutrition and as time frees up add the cardio...and then as you start to lose...maybe 20-30lbs then think about adding in some strength training to boost your confidence! :)
  • jbobb15
    jbobb15 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey there! Just wanted to talk a little about your BC choice. I was on Depo for under a year and put on 20 pounds. I recently read an article saying that Depo is the only contraceptive proven to contribute to weight gain. So perhaps seek an alternative. I know the one injection is a lot easier than a daily med, and that you absolutely can lose the weight while on it, just giving you some food for thought.
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member

    Absolutely this.

    I found this to be very useful, I'll have to update the macros (I'm assuming that's how many calories we're supposed to have a day) so that the count is more accurate.

    About 6 months ago, I cut out all pop and sugary drinks and mostly drink water now after working myself down. That began to slow the gain by quite a bit. I've been getting my vitamins in regularly too so I was ready for the next step.

    Thank you all for your encouragement!