240lbs and not sure where to start



  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Go with what others have said in regards to online guides, but from a personal experience, I am 242lbs atm you are not alone. so far if i could suggest joining a health club/gym and get some professional guidance since thats there job to help people get the best results with what they are given, guide you on what best to eat, how much and work out a training plan to maximise weight loss and toning, and they'd have a better idea what type of metabolism etc. you have and how to use that to your advantage, provided that isn't too costly ofcourse, my health club the first 3 personal trainer sessions only cost $50 and are compulsory after that it's $50 a session or there abouts (not compulsory) but thats here in a local South Australian health club.

    personal experience i just turned 40 last sunday and was at 242lbs (110kg's where i live) i was already walking most days for 30mins but otherwise lived a unhealthy lifestyle being a forkilift driver and sitting on my *kitten* when i wasn't at work, that was just the walking just enough to myself spiraling out of control weight wise, but to lose weight it would never cut it. I have had some help from a family member who'd already joined the gym and with him being there it certainly helps with motivation.

    Yours will be different but for me a 40yr old male at 110kg's and 175cm tall, Training for 60-90mins at an average heart rate of 165+BPM a day + walking for 40+ mins at 5pmh on varying surfaces in 4 days i've lost almost a kilo. Today i was even able to break into a jog on the treadmill for a minute, felt like an idiot with everything jiggling but others don't care it's all about you and your progress.

    I with no personal training yet, thats coming down the line just waiting for an available trainer. I by myself have worked up bout an hour of cardio on treadmill, Cross Trainer and Static Bike + Rowing Machine and 30mins on resistance training (weights etc,) I hate the weights but i understand that muscles burn more fat then just cardio alone plus if you lose lots of weight and haven't tones you will be skinnier but still flabby.

    The rest is purely about caloric intanke and outgoing which once again varies with each person. There's guides on here, let the site decide that for you based on the basic information you put in.

    Good luck :)
  • purplelizzard
    purplelizzard Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • ReccaThorn
    ReccaThorn Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, congrats hhammerm. That's amazing. I used to call myself fat when I was 135 lbs. What I would give to be there now! You're an inspiration! We have to love ourselves and know we are worthy of good health. (Congrats to everyone else who has lost, just read them after posting above)
  • gablue444
    gablue444 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the exact same situation! I decided to change after hitting over 250 and feeling horrible. I am counting calories and using this site everyday really helps me!
  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    It's funny and cheesy- but knowing your overweight and saying it. That is what helped me. I always knew I was a Big guy, it really wasn't until I recently helped a friend move some boxes- no steps at all and I was getting tired for no reason. This is when it hit me that I am TRULY out of shape. So I just woke up one Sunday morning and said let's try it.

    I started by just focusing on a routine with food(I am doing slimfast for now and I haven't been starving for dinners). Once I had that routine down, I started the elliptical. This has only been three weeks and I have lost 16 pounds so far. I know this pace won't continue forever, but I am fine with it for now.

    My goal is to lose 100 by Christmas at the latest(if I do it earlier GReat, if not, as long as I lost weight I am fine with it). Then the last 50 by June 2014.

    So far, this site has been tremendous help, just by logging daily and being honest with yourself.
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    Everyone is different, but for me what has worked is making small manageable changes. I started about three months ago just logging my calories on MFP --- not really paying any attention to macros, or what I was eating specifically, but just making it a goal to stay within my allotted calories. Once I had that down, I added more water. This had started happening already, because it was easier for me to give up drinking calories than eating calories. I used to drink almost no water; now I drink at least 14 cups a day, and often more. It helps keep me full, and it also keeps me from retaining water. Once I was used to that, I started to add in exercise. I started with just a walk around my neighborhood once a week. Now I am building up to doing more, and my current goal is to get to the point where I am doing at least 30 minutes of some type of exercise three to four times a week. I have also started to pay more attention to what I am eating, and doing more to try to balance my macros and eat more healthful food -- but a little bit at a time. I am not good at deprivation, though, so I regularly budget food I like into my allotted calories, and have it without guilt as long as it fits within my calories.

    I'm down about 40 pounds so far, so I think this is working for me. Progress, not perfection.
  • violinkeri
    First of all, anyone can friend me, i accept all the help i can get! and try to give it too

    I gained weight and cup sizes in less than 2 months on Yaz, and then it ceased immediatley when i switched to nuvaring. you may just have to play around with BCs to find one thats right for you--every person is different.

    Second, one day at a time. Start slow. for a week, just eat normally and track everything. Get a picture of what exactly is going into your body. When you see all those red numbers...ooh boy.

    Track your sodium macro. I thougth i was being much healthier until i saw just how much salt i was eating! Make small changes...switch out your soda for teas, skim milk, fresh juices. buy popcorn instead of doritos. eat more chicken instead of fatty ground beef.

    After you make one change and are used to it, add another. Once you are eating healthy and at a safe deficit, then add the exercise.

    Third, this doestn work for everyone (nothing is universal!) but I found that I have more success staying in my limits by eating at the maintenance calories for my goal weight. I recommend this to everyone who struggles to maintain healthy eating by doing too much too soon. By eating for the body I want, not the body I have, I am getting into the habits of what Im going to need to be doing when I get to my goal.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    bumping for later
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Find out what your routine is. Track your calories as if you were not trying to lose weight, etc. Just see what you are and what your habits are. Then go from there.

  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race! Welcome!! BELIEVE you can and it will be so!!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    HI there! I understand what you're going through. I used to weigh 216lbs, have an autoimmune disease, and digestive issues - and I'm a full-time college student, married mom to three grown men - AND NOW FEEL AMAZING! I'm now at my goal weight of 135lbs and did it by literally taking one day at a time. Don't make too many changes at once. The key is to develop habits and that comes with consistency and dedication. Hang in there. You've got this! Take your time and set small, achievable goals and YOU WILL ge there! Just always keep in mind that small achievements = HUGE results! Be proud of them and celebrate each and every one :) You can friend me if you would like :)

    Best first post ever! I started at at 260 and while I had plenty of knowledge about how to eat right and exercise from all my previous weight loss attempts, putting it to good use was still tough. As others have said, try not to dive in and change your whole lifestyle in a week. Just pick one small goal at a time and focus on that. And be open to learning and trying new things all the time. In the 3+ years I've been at this, I've changed my food choices, workouts and general approach several times in order to find what really worked for me.

    I'd also recommend taking progrses pictures and body measurements. Best of luck! Here's to getting healthy!
  • trammelgal
    I am 52 years old and I have arthritis in my back. My pain motivates me. It'swierd, after I exercise my pain goes away for awhile, 4-5 hours.

    You can do this. You are a young woman. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Focus on what you are eating and try to adopt a healthier diet. Consentrate on that and when you get that down to a science start some exercise. Maybe you and your husband can dance or better yet, take a walk together.

    I am not a healthcare professional, so use my advice cautiously. I just know how you feel. "Where to start?"
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member

    Absolutely this.

    Agreed !! This is where I have learned the most on my journey. Feel free to add me if you would like !!
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    add me hun, im with you on this x x
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member

    When I recommitted to taking care of myself, I started by first tracking everything I ate. Firstly, so I could get an idea of how tracking worked, but also with the idea to just be more aware of what I was eating. The next step was to change my diet. The IPOARM link that has been offered is really valuable and I highly recommend taking that advice. You'll calculate the appropriate number of calories for you to be eating each day, which is probably gonna be a whole lot more than you're thinking it will be.

    I started exercising after a week or two of changing my diet. I gave myself that block of time to adjust because I made some pretty big changes. I started drinking more water during that period and adjusting to that as well. When I started exercising after that initial period had passed, I started by just walking for 30-40 minutes at a time. About a month later I had lost a bunch of weight, and was super motivated, so added a new sort of exercise (kettlebells). Two months later, I joined a gym and started lifting weights.

    That's how I got started this past summer. I was at 235 in July and have lost 55 lbs since then.
  • tolae2006
    tolae2006 Posts: 54 Member
    Ask yourself how bad do you want to be healthy why are you doing it. No body can help you reach your goal than you. You have to put your health first, I personally could not find the in strength to workout for a long time with a busy schedule.

    I promised myself to workout 5- 6 days a week, be it 10mins or an hour, it could be doing 20 push ups just make sure you do something each day whether the numbers reflect on the scale or not just keeping doing it.

    I started in December since then I have lost 17 pounds it works then I added drinking more water I started adding a glass per week. I started working out to you tube video.

    You don't need a gym to be healthy.

    I do look at the success stories a lot and it motivates me to keep going.
  • rylovesty23
    This is my first time really starting a weight loss anything and after college and starting birth control, I've gained 60 pounds on top of the 180 that I weighed back in high school. Now I'm 25, and I'm getting closer and closer to 250 lbs. I love my husband and he is so loving and supporting of me, and he makes me feel beautiful despite me being so overweight. Though I don't hate my body, I want to live a long healthy life... But I'm having a hard time getting motivated. The depo has killed my energy to get up and move, school takes even more time out of my schedule and now I'm stuck.

    What are you guys doing to stay motivated? I'll take any tips you can send my way! This seems like such a supportive community and I'm glad that I get the chance to meet you all! =)

    Just signing up on this website and getting in the habit of logging is a good place to start! If you have netflix I do recommend you watch a couple of the food documentaries, "hungry for change" is really awesome !
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    Hmm motivation. How do I stay motivated. I look at where I've been, and compare it to where I want to go. Crazy fun workouts will never stand in my way :) I know how I want to look, how I want to feel and its really all in all pretty simple how to get there. Getting into better shape became something I want more than anything else. Eat right, stay within a suitable calorie limit, and workout regularly. It really doesn't matter so much -what- you do to get started, just -that- you do it. "No matter how slow you go you're still lapping everyone still sitting on the couch"

    I was 240 when I found MFP. It's been a happy and fast 6 months ;)
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    don't worry friend! we are there for you!

    add me if you wish!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    For me it was a slow start. In the past I've done the 1200 calories and drastic workouts. Didn't take long for me to give up. I don't deprive myself of anything, I just work it into my calories. I joined a while back, but didn't start in until January 7th. I am down 18 pounds. Logging it before I eat helps because if I don't like the number, I change my mind about what I want to eat.

    I am not a big fan of walking - I find it boring. I joined the Y and have found some classes that I really enjoy. Everybody is busy nowadays, so you really have to make it a priority. My husband (who hasn't been all that supportive in the past) has been wonderful and does his share of taking kids to activities so I can get to some of my favorite classes. On the nights I don't get to the gym, I started filling in with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. YOu can find so many videos on You Tube to find the one that you can handle for now.

    I have found my friends are a great motivator. In my daily feed, I see them succeeding and it makes me want to keep going.

    Most important, don't beat yourself up when you have a slip. It's going to happen. Just remember that it's just one time/ one day/ one meal and get back on track. If I can do this, anyone can. Good luck and if you want to add me as a friend, go ahead. :)