I just want to know I'm right



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I think you're being a little bit precious about this. It's easy to project our journey onto others, but at the end of the day, you're changing you're habits, not his. As much as it seems to suck, its us who are changing the status quo who need to be more understanding, not the other way around.

    He picked Wendy's. You didn't object or make another suggestion. He offered Jack in the Box. He has probably done that 100s of times in your relationship and would think it was rude not to. You asked what he wanted for dinner. He responded honestly.

    I get that you are just blowing off steam, but if you don't want to make fried chicken, don't. If you want to be in total control of what you're cooking, don't ask his opinion. Or, as someonbe else said, fry him up some chicken and bake some for yourself.

    My partner often offers me stuff that doesn't fit in my plan or requests meals that might not fit my macros. I say no, offer alternatives, or make room in my daily goals. I don't get mad at him for wanting what he wants or being polite and offering it to me too, because I made the choice to change my diet, not him. Having said that, I often exercise the "I cook, so you eat what you're given" mentality. He is also fine with that.

    Frankly, I don't blame him for still offering me stuff or wanting stuff not in my plan, I've started this road so many times and fallen off before, the poor guy probably doesn't know whether I'm coming or going.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    oh you are right.