P90X Fat Man - Phase 3!!



  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Starting week 10!

    Did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps today. The last time I did this was back in week 7. It's pretty awesome seeing the improvements. I'm still on my knees for the pushups, but my reps are increasing which is great.

    I was excited when I was able to do the first set with great form and I thought I'd try a real one and failed miserably, lol. So, I went back to knees, but finished strong.

    I used my new weights for the lifting exercises and really felt the burn there. I feel like I'm at the point where I can tell where my failure point is and I push right up to it.

    I've been feeling pretty sore in the mornings, DOMS and all. But after I get my blood flowing and stretch things out, I feel fine.

    CardioX tomorrow! Looking forward to that!!

    Oh! And I lost another 2 pounds at my weigh in today, for a total of 21.8 pounds since I started MFP (15 since I started P90X).
  • Rwhite606
    I found a decent review of p90x before i started. I always check out this website before starting a new fitness program - www.topfitnesssites.com - My personal favourite is p90x because it's hard enough that you know your getting results but not so hard that you give up after a few days
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I had a pretty great round of CardioX today! Pauses were at a minimum. I got all the way to swing kicks without pausing. :)

    I like that my family is getting used to me exercising. I'm sure they'll want to join in at some point, but I'm happy enough for now that they are supportive of me doing it. Regardless of the program, every time I say it's time for me to exercise, my one year old goes and gets me a yoga block. :)

    Tomorrow is another new video! Back and Biceps!

    Looking forward to working on my arms again!

    Be fit every day!
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    You are doing do well! I am starting my first round of P90X on Monday. I am determined to do it. Thank you for posting consistently, I can get my motivation from you.:) Bring it on Tony!!!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    You are doing do well! I am starting my first round of P90X on Monday. I am determined to do it. Thank you for posting consistently, I can get my motivation from you.:) Bring it on Tony!!!

    Excellent! The most important thing is to keep at it every day, and just do your best for that day.

    I can't believe how much fitter I feel because of doing this program.

    Stay positive! You can do this!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Swash, you continue to be a fantastic motivator for yourself! I love that your little one brings you the yoga block when you say it's exercise time. I workout with my son in the room. It's the biggest room, and we get to talk while I workout and he plays legos or watches tv or reads. Well, he talks and I respond when I'm not counting or trying to catch my breath. Why do they always like to ask you deep thinking questions during plyo??

    Chest and Back today. Did better than the last time, but I can feel my lower back wanting to sag and fighting it all the time. Genetics are great.

    This is almost over for us, Swash. What are your plans for after Week 13? I'm up for another round with some other stuff thrown in as well.
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    Im so proud of you for trying a regular push-up.. Congrats. You are not letting anything get in your way. Keep trying and you will get there before your know it. Awesome on the 2 pounds loss also :smile:
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Wow! Man! Just finished Back and Biceps. That's heavy duty!

    I kind of took it easy since it was my first time through it, but I was still toast at the end! lol

    It's been a crazy day here, but I still got it done.

    Next up Yoga!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Had a late round of Yoga today. It went horribly, lol.

    It was kinda like that time after the phase 1 recovery. My legs were on fire and giving out on me, my balance was all over the place.

    Not to mention crying children during the meditative section. It was just a mess :D Oh well, that's just one really bad day out of 90, so that's good.

    One great thing however, once or twice I was able to finally kick my right leg up into runner's pose all the way, and I'm very happy about that. :)

    Back and Biceps really did my arms in too. Really feeling the DOMS today.

    But I still brought it, sore, stiff, falling over... I was there and I did my workout. woot!

    I guess I can start counting down now. 24 days left!
    What are your plans for after Week 13?
    After a day like today, I'm tempted to take a week off! ;)
    But, seriously, I'm thinking of doing the regular version over the next 90 days, and then (if i'm really insane) doing doubles the following 90 days.

    These are just wild ideas though :) My plans are to take things day by day.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Had a pretty awesome day with Core. I only had to pause once, about halfway at the Squat X-Press. I did something new with the prison cell pushups. I did two and then I just did some fake burpees. I realized that my problem with them is mostly the squat, kickback, stand up parts, so I'm working on those.

    Then I took a walk with the family. Pulled the boys behind in a wagon. That was a lot of fun.

    Saturday Kenpo tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it and I hope my body cooperates more than last time.

    Keep being fit every day!
  • mom2BandD
    mom2BandD Posts: 101 Member
    I love how you keep pushing play, keep posting about your progress through the program, etc.

    You are motivating others and likely yourself by doing this.

    Keep up the good work.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I love how you keep pushing play, keep posting about your progress through the program, etc.

    You are motivating others and likely yourself by doing this.

    Keep up the good work.



    That was so encouraging. This is the first video I've made it all the way through.

    Got the X Stretch tomorrow. I've been so sore all week. I'm looking forward to that .
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Had a great stretch session today, and then took a lovely walk at the local park. It's been an awesome day.

    So I'm on week 11 now. Only three weeks left!

    Chest and Back tomorrow. I'm hoping to really push myself.

    Those of you asking about before and after pics, I did take before pics and I will take after pics, although I feel like the majority of the benefits of this (fitness, strength, endurance, etc.) aren't going to show up in the photos. :)

    But I'll get there one day at a time.
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    Yes you will get there for sure....youll be "finishing" P90X one week before I finish JMBR.
    You know the results you are getting the pictures may surprise you. Keep going.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Yes you will get there for sure....youll be "finishing" P90X one week before I finish JMBR.
    You know the results you are getting the pictures may surprise you. Keep going.
    Thanks! Yes! I'll keep on going for sure, and I hope you do too. :)

    I had an awesome day with Chest and Back today!

    There are two pushups that I'm just not strong enough to do yet, the decline pushups and the dive-bombers. Usually I do standard pushups on my knees. But I was feeling really motivated today and I thought, I'll try to do a real, proper, standard pushup. I DID FIVE OF THEM! WOO HOO! And in the second round I was able to do three more!

    So, I'm going to be substituting those for these tougher pushups for the time being.

    Next up is CardioX :)
  • Adriennerp720
    Great Job!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Great Job!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Today was pretty average day for CardioX. I got a 660 calorie burn from it. I didn't have to pause until right after the first plyo section. So, that's more progress. :)

    I'm in a bit of pain today. I slept funny on my neck last night and it's been bothering me all day. It didn't affect the workout though. I just had to modify Back Knuckles in the Kenpo section, and one side in Warrior Two in Yoga.

    So, anothe great P90X day :) I'm also going to be going on a walk with my family in a little while. We're enjoying these beautiful days (but I'm also secretly trying to get my wife interested in fitness :)

    Next up is Shoulders and Arms! I've really been feeling the pump in my arms and I'm looking forward to that again tomorrow!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member

    There are two pushups that I'm just not strong enough to do yet, the decline pushups and the dive-bombers. Usually I do standard pushups on my knees. But I was feeling really motivated today and I thought, I'll try to do a real, proper, standard pushup. I DID FIVE OF THEM! WOO HOO! And in the second round I was able to do three more!

    So, I'm going to be substituting those for these tougher pushups for the time being.

    Next up is CardioX :)

    Fantastic! Awesome! GO YOU!!!
  • ZTazlor
    ZTazlor Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I've just read through your threads, and it's fantastic motivation.
    Good Luck and keep up the wonderful work! :)
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    Good for you I find the best way is to lead by example