Eating uncontrollably

So, I am one of you who loves to eat. Period. Especially sweets. Sometimes though I'll start out eating breakfast very healthy, lunch as well, then as soon as I get home I go on a binge spree and eat everything in site. I've seriously watched myself sit and eat a little of this and that and this and that for like an hour.....I need motivation to quit doing this and continue to just eat my healthy snacks and meals through out the day. Not binge.



  • ladyhaelstorm
    I have the same problem. What is helping me right now is to repeat a mantra, it could be your favorite quote, but something short works best (mine is "Commit to be Fit") and I say this when I want to eat something I shouldn't or if I feel like eating mindlessly. I also know that usually the reason I want to snack or keep eating is because I am bored, not because I am hungry. So instead of eating, I do something else, like right now I am going to study for an exam I have on Wed.
    Hope this helped!
  • JanelleSonnenberg1
    I have just stopped buying unhealthy things to eat! If it is not in the house..I can't eat it :)
  • vannahcometrue
    I think repeating a mantra will definitely help! And try to stop being a "black or white" thinker. Either I'm all on board or completely off. I really need to learn balance. Thanks for your advice !
  • vannahcometrue
    I agree with that but I'm so bad I'll get in my car and go BUY STUFF................. =/
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have that problem, but with fatty food like burgers and tacos. The only thing that helps me is logging everything before I eat it.
  • vannahcometrue
    Yeah, I've found coming on here actually helps. I just need to do it DAILY!
  • cluelessang
    cluelessang Posts: 36 Member
    I have struggled with the same issues in the past. Some things I try to do is to try not to take that first compulsive bite. Because I always think its just one bite and then it almost always gets out of control.
    Try doing something to distract yourself next time the thought of having that sugary sweet comes up. For me it helps to write, because there is usually an underlying issue why I want that extra something (ie angry, tired, lonely, etc) Sometimes after writing in my journal I feel better and dont want to eat as much anymore.
  • strongerthanFAT
    strongerthanFAT Posts: 24 Member
    I've been that way for months! I just recently watch this video: and it really helped. "Losing weight without losing your mind" I feel way better with food right now. Also, "Repeat after me: I choose what I eat and I choose how I feel about it."

    I've literally struggled for MONTHS but between that video and that quote I totally feel better. I also pay close attention to the ingredients in processed foods I eat, watch your habits AFTER you eat one. You want more don't you? Slightly explained in the video. All I know is that by switching my meals like he suggested, it's really helped, I didn't think that WHAT I ate was going to give me control but it did. Black bean tacos packed with veggies and salsa anyone??

    Stay strong!
  • strongerthanFAT
    strongerthanFAT Posts: 24 Member
    I have just stopped buying unhealthy things to eat! If it is not in the house..I can't eat it :)

    Lol I tried this, but living on a college campus doesn't help. I literally compulsively can use that vending machine or walk to get junk food on campus. :P
  • kcgray5k
    kcgray5k Posts: 2 Member
    I totally school puts out the menu for the week so I plan ahead and it makes things so much easier. It's a lot easier to say "I won't eat that bran muffin" if I go in already planning not to eat it. Another thing that helps me [and this is probably useful if you're going somewhere that has a bunch of food or if you're at a school like me that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner family style] is remembering: "that food will always be there. It will come up on the menu again in a few weeks time. I don't need to eat that muffin, eggs, biscuit, etc this morning because food will always be body doesn't need to go in to survivor mode because this is 2013 and I can get food whenever I want. I've struggled with the desire to binge for a while now.
  • vannahcometrue
    Thanks so much girl! I'm going to watch that video right now <3
  • pattigates
    I can totally relate to what you are describing. Honestly, its a relief to know that others are living the same frustrations I am about food and eating. I like the mantra idea. I think that will do me good Change is hard!
  • girllimberlost
    I am really bad if I am trying to "relax" because that usually involves watching TV, which is right by the kitchen. What works for me is knitting and crocheting. It keeps my hands busy and I don't feel as bored. Also, logging everything before I eat it is amazingly helpful. You really think, "Do I want those calories?" Another trick is to drink water and eat protein first. Carbs seem to beget more carbs. If you can drink 32 ounces of water and then have some good protein, it will stave off the hunger cues because your tummy is full and you have the protein your body is craving. Good luck and keep coming here! This site has literally saved my life.
  • vannahcometrue
    That's so true. I can totally eat like I'm never going to see it again. It's so weird.
  • vannahcometrue
    Tracking my food on this DAILY is helping. Even though I'm on a solid DAY 2......I can't give up!
  • vannahcometrue
    Thanks so much to you all. I'm so glad to know others feel this way!
  • dogwalk
    dogwalk Posts: 57 Member
    Like that comit to be fit! I also have eting problems,I'M going to try this I'll keep in touch
  • lyndabraczynski
    I hav ethe same problem....I have found that I need to stay busy...Now I have a light snack and go to the gym. Than have a reasonable dinner and get out a good book or work on a craft. If i am not busy I am eating......
  • NGFive
    NGFive Posts: 125 Member
    This has been a problem for me also for the last week. I am fine until I get home from work. After a feeding frenzy, I am too disgusted to log all the food...Today however I am going to prevail and be one of those who completes the entry UNDER her total!
  • babygoddess
    I hear you when it comes to lazy eating habits. I just joined yesterday as I've gone from 120lbs to 143lbs in the last year or has slowly crept up. It's all due to lack of exercise but mostly my bad combination of an office job and a dozen drive-thru places within a block of my work. I couldn't believe my calorie intake when I plugged my usual eating habits into the calculator. This girl has some serious changing to do! :-)