Eating uncontrollably



  • joeymalone142
    I think repeating a mantra will definitely help! And try to stop being a "black or white" thinker. Either I'm all on board or completely off. I really need to learn balance. Thanks for your advice !

    This was something I really have had to learn too, and I still don't get it right all the time. Just because I decide I'm going to have pizza I can't count for dinner with the family, doesn't mean I can then go and eat whatever else I want for the rest of the night and do way more damage ya know? Just because I "messed up". I am learning to just give the calories my best guess so I can log and maintain some sort of tracking for the rest of the day.
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    The book 'Weight loss for food lovers' by Dr Dr Blair Wright is quite helpful for eating mindfully, self sabotage and related issues.

    It is not something you can stop overnight, but each time you do manage not to makes you stronger for the next time. I find if there is a lot of temptation, then not having anything is best - that first bite is some sort of release and I can't then stop at that one bite.

    Also asking yourself if I am hungry helps. If you are, chew gum, eat a carrot, drink water as people have suggested. I spent some time challenging myself to only eat when hungry and it made a big difference in the long term.
  • HollywoodDJ
    So, I am one of you who loves to eat. Period. Especially sweets. Sometimes though I'll start out eating breakfast very healthy, lunch as well, then as soon as I get home I go on a binge spree and eat everything in site. I've seriously watched myself sit and eat a little of this and that and this and that for like an hour.....I need motivation to quit doing this and continue to just eat my healthy snacks and meals through out the day. Not binge.


    No one understands this more than myself. I also deeply struggle with wanting to eat all the time ....even after I have eaten and am full. I talked with my chiropractor about this and she said it sounds like I have a LEPTIN deficiency . Leptin is a hormone that our body creates that is supposed to tell our brains that our body is full . This makes perfect sense to me that this whole struggling with weight is very much a ying yang thing.
    A low inflammtion diet along with enough vitamins and nutrients and the problem should begin to correct itself. I have started using Nature Rich Greens and the Neautralizer (it's only been three days) but so far I am seeing some differences. I definitely don't feel as hungry all the time, the ringing in my ear is less and so we'll see where I am at in a month or so.

    The greens are supposed to be proven to help with feeling full and I think the biggest reason for that is that your body is not fighting to get nutrients out of the processed foods I eat. Now I try to eat healthy but it's nice to add the greens to my diet and they are only 47 calories. When mixed with water it tastes like you are drinking Wellness Tea.

    The link is to the book. I am planning on re-reading it now that I am more in a place to change my life and habits.

    Remember, ONE DAY AT A TIME!

    Blessings and Peace
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Don't buy the stuff.

    You have the power to decide what you do or do not eat. The store or the takeaway or the vending machines don't run after you and force you to swallow it.

    Don't act helpless. You alone have the power to stop.
  • ValGerman
    ValGerman Posts: 6 Member
    I completely empathize with everyone who has posted on this forum, but also find relief and hope that I'm not the only one experiencing this torture. My story is another verse of the same song; feel great all day, motivated, in 'control", commit to not binge eating after dinner etc. Things are going great, then it starts. The pep talk I gave myself earlier escapes my mind entirely, I go into trance mode, numb I shove whatever food I find (preferably a carb) into my mouth until its gone. For some reason I perpetually lie to myself at night, "Just have one..." Insanity; doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome! I know much of this behavior is habitual, routine.

    Something that would help me and maybe others is a reminder to be true to yourself around the time binge is about to start. Would anyone like to turn this forum into a night time encouragement forum? Not a "challenge", we have enough challenges to worry about. Not a place to look for sympathy or to post your "failures", but a place where one can sign on and see an encouraging qoute or message from other people going through the same thing. By signing on for five minutes each night we will be forming a new, replacement habit/routine. By directing your efforts to helping someone else, you're indirectly helping yourself. It takes 21 days to break a habit. We could keep this up for 21 days.

    If anyone is interested, let's do it.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    So, I am one of you who loves to eat. Period. Especially sweets. Sometimes though I'll start out eating breakfast very healthy, lunch as well, then as soon as I get home I go on a binge spree and eat everything in site. I've seriously watched myself sit and eat a little of this and that and this and that for like an hour.....I need motivation to quit doing this and continue to just eat my healthy snacks and meals through out the day. Not binge.


    If it's not in the house you won't eat it :)
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    I try and cook a healthy meal right when I get home from work, like salmon or sweet potatoe something filling that way I can eat that and be stuffed early and more likely to not feel cravings...
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Have you guys had your macros tested? I can tell you from experience than once I addressed my Vit-B12, D3 and Iron deficiencies, my mindless eating is gone. Incessant craving could be your body's way of telling you that it isn't getting sufficient nutrition.

    Also, remember that we sometimes mistake thirst for hunger...try drinking a large glass of water before you go and find something to eat.
  • vannahcometrue
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    We're in the same boat, lady. I'm a huge, huge fan of food, and it's also always been my comfort and easy option for when I'm bored. I know how difficult those cravings can be, and even sometimes I'll end up giving in. I realize if it's something I've given into earlier in the day, then later on I'll have to make an exception and say, not have that full fat yogurt later.

    But when it comes to late at night, that is my hardest as well. The best thing is to just not have any of it in the house. If you find yourself ready to go buy it, talk yourself out of it as much as you can. Distract yourself with something else to do. Chug a huge glass of water. Want anything sweet? Have fresh fruit on hand. This is where the willpower and strength comes in - the more you flex that, the stronger it'll get. Don't deprive yourself though or else you may end up on a full out binge later on.

    Honestly, calorie counting is what helps me the most, but if I snack at night it's only in moderation. Hypothetically speaking, if I have 1300 calories consumed and say, 150 left to go to reach my max for the day (1450), then I'll treat myself to that 150 calories of whatever snack I'm craving, even if it just ends up being 2 bites of ice cream, or 2 oranges. But then you need to gain the self control to say "Okay, I'm done. No more sweets, I allowed myself that exception, now get your dirty hands off of that ice cream pint, McButter Pants." That'll help the deprivation factor many of us may feel. :)

    this. just don't have it around, and you won't eat it!
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    I have struggled with the same issues in the past. Some things I try to do is to try not to take that first compulsive bite. Because I always think its just one bite and then it almost always gets out of control.
    Try doing something to distract yourself next time the thought of having that sugary sweet comes up. For me it helps to write, because there is usually an underlying issue why I want that extra something (ie angry, tired, lonely, etc) Sometimes after writing in my journal I feel better and dont want to eat as much anymore.

    This!!! It's all about taking that first compulsive bite!! I can unmindfully plow through the cabinets and refrigerator after a perfect day while I'm making dinner - it's ridiculous! My oldest daughter inherited that trait from me and now when I see her doing it, I'm like "Oh my God, stop!!" She is always stunned because she doesn't even realize she's doing it! That was me for 30 years!! Now I'm very aware of everything I put in my mouth and I judge each thing because there's going to be a trade off somewhere along the day if I go off plan. And writing is a wonderful idea. I'm big on journaling - you can discover so much about yourself and the underlying issues that are driving you. It doesn't help to have a love affair with food, I know, but you can have the foods you like - you just have to learn how to have them in moderation. Good luck!!
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    You are just starting this, it is normal make mistakes, we are humans, your weight will fluctuate sometimes, you will eat more than you should sometimes, but that’s okay. Keep in mind that binging happens for a reason and you need to find yours.

    You need watch what you eat, I was crazy about food like you, I couldn't control myself and in MY CASE, I stopped buying anything that could lead me to a binge, why? Because I didn't know how to control myself yet, easy and simple... I stopped going out for a while because I would eat a lot and drink a lot, because one beer wasn't enough for me, one small portion wasn't enough, I had to have 5 of them so I stayed at home for a while until learn how to control this starving beast inside me lol

    And log EVERYTHING you eat, when you go crazy and see the calories going up you can see what you are doing to yourself and exactly what you are eating and can managed better your meal plan for the next day. It is important LEARN about food, how to read a food label, know the ingredients, what they mean, everything.
    And remember that the only way you can fail is by failing to try.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    Dont buy anything that tempts you... No matter how yummy it is. Sometimes even too much healthier food can pack a mean punch with calories. I experienced this about a week ago. I bought Jalapeno Cilantro hummus dip and ate the whole thing within 2 days.. Oops. LoL.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Bump to find that video later ;)
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    Try making your diary open, then your friends can frown upon you and give you a little motivation
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    I had a day like this recently too. Don't be too hard on yourself, just be conscious of it and try not to keep doing it! Today is a new day to start over and do it right!
  • raiderlifer53
    raiderlifer53 Posts: 23 Member
    So, I am one of you who loves to eat. Period. Especially sweets. Sometimes though I'll start out eating breakfast very healthy, lunch as well, then as soon as I get home I go on a binge spree and eat everything in site. I've seriously watched myself sit and eat a little of this and that and this and that for like an hour.....I need motivation to quit doing this and continue to just eat my healthy snacks and meals through out the day. Not binge.


    Sounds to me that you're snacking for anxiety or emotional reasons rather than being hungry. If you try to find out why you're snacking you could trigger a different response than going for some nibblers. I had the same problem and before I grab something and eat it I call for a personal timeout to analyse what it is. Often you're thirsty and not hungry, I found drinking cold water as an alternative to a quick snack really helps me. Others have said not to have bad foods in the house and this is very important for me. Good Luck
  • xxTracey
    xxTracey Posts: 85 Member
    I'm the same! :( but i live with my mum and dad so i do try get them on board with me but then they go shopping and buy biscuits and crisps and its too hard to resist haha! My downfall is also cheese, i crave cheese baguettes, cheese crackers ALL THE TIME! by the time i get home, im home about half an hour before my mum and dad and we always try eat together so before i know it ive ate 4 crackers and cheese and a packet of crisps waiting on them getting home! :( x
  • xxTracey
    xxTracey Posts: 85 Member
    I dont why people always say ur not hungry ur just bored ... sometimes im just hungry! haha especially after work, i have healthy snacks like nuts and carrots and hummous but still by the time i get in from work im STARVING! x
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    bumping for later