Why/how did you become overweight?



  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    food was my best friend. it didn't care about petty things and it didn't yell at me and it was always there for me. some friend, pft!!
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member

    How rude and immature of yours to judge ANYONE and their problems. Shame on you, seriously.

    ETA: some people gain from pregnancy, some people gain after being emotionally and physically abused by someone, it's not only a matter of eating too much, something has to cause the urge to binge, it's not that simple for everyone. Your post was one of the rudest I've read on this site.

    sincerely, a victim of constant physical abuse that resorted to food to escape.

    Thank you, you were much politer about that terrible person than I felt like being.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ummmm I ate a lot of horrible foods. The kinda foods at fast food places of chains that easily have 1-2000 calories per meal. One of my favorite foods (Dairy Queen Blizzard) has approx 1500 calories in it. I used to eat that before going to bed.

    Add that to

    Barely moving. Sitting in the same spot for most of each day and whalla. By my BMI standards I am not overweight, but OBESE.
  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    I've always considered myself a 'sturdy' girl, although looking back at my photos I did look pretty good - I just didn't appreciate an hour glass figure. At school I was on the hocky, netball and cricket teams and did a fair bit of cross country running.

    In my teens I did a lot of drinking but with all the energetic dancing I did, I still stayed pretty fit. I continued like this until my 30s when I got a desk job. In 1999 my (then) husband became disabled and I became his full time carer, when I was also full-time carer for my elderly parents. In 2003 I had a child (which was a miracle as we had tried IVF 3 times and I was told I was not producing eggs), so after taking care of my three patients and looking after a baby, I didn't do anything but sit down, eat and try to relax. In 2006 I lost my dad and then my marriage ended, then 9 months later I lost my mum. I then spent the next few years just looking after my son and any me time was spent sitting down, comfort eating and being sad.

    I'm now almost 50 and feel so ill inside - everything I do takes so much effort and I put off everything I can. I already knew I was borderline diabetic and after my latest routine blood test, it appears my cholesterol isn't looking good. This is the last thing I expected as I'm a lifetime vegetarian but can only put it down to too much dairy and convenience food. To be honest I am really scared that I've done too much damage.

    Now is the time for a change, so I can face the milestone birthday with hope that I have many more years ahead of me to spend with my son and my new partner.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    My fiancé and I liked to eat lots of nice food.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    11 weeks of hospital bedrest with twins plus two daily shots of steroids..YaY
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    As a teenager I used to play alot of sports which naturally gave me a big appitite. Whilst doing these sports I was using all of the energy that food gave me so I remained slim. When I started university and met my wife I gave up those hobbies to spend more time studying and with my partner but without realising I was still taking in the same volume of food.

    I didnt even notice myself getting fat. I had the opposite of body dismorphia where i'd actually look in the mirror and only ever see good things!! Its only in photos i'd see the real me everyone else could see.

    I'd say it was good and crap food. It was more about portion size and amount of meals that did it for me. I'm glad I understand that now so I have again increased my activity level and decreased my intake so the balance shifts and I slowly lose the weight.
  • ihaveplans
    I went pretty much seamlessly from cute, chubby baby to plump schoolkid, to teenage fat, to pregnancy to middle-age spread, and now I'm 66 and still over-cuddly!
    My mum cooked good food, but large portions, so my stomach developed expectations. I played some sport at school, being a scarily large goal keeper in hockey, and blocking out the goal in netball, so I had my uses. My Uni landlady was a young widow who spoiled us rotten and i put on 2 stone in a year.
    I was generally between 11 to 13 stone for most of my adult life.The worst jump was when we got a car again about 11 years ago, because a new job said I had to have one: I went from walking miles and using public transport in my previous job, to feeling aggrieved if I had to park more than a couple of minutes' walk from my destination! In five years I went from 13 to 18 stone, then managed to lose about a stone staying at around 17 st, joined weightwatchers and got down to 15 st 5lb, decided I knew how to sort it out by myself and went back up to 17st!
    My main problem is portion sizes, we generally eat reasonably healthily, but often too much; I'm getting a much better idea of what weights of foods I regulary eat look like now.. Now around 16 st and hopefully heading for about 11st 7. Only time will tell, but I want to have the energy to play with my 8 grandchildren, and live long enough to see them grow up, and maybe even some great grandchildren.
  • katief1982
    katief1982 Posts: 16 Member
    My weight gain was slow and steady initially, so I didn't really notice it as a lot of it (I now realise) was losing muscle but gaining fat

    I also fell pregnant whilst overweight and hadn't found the motivation to lose it quick enough as I "had done well" that 18 months - in that I am currently lower than pre-baby weight, however I miss being fit

    My diet is completely to blame, as I used to swim (competative) and then stopped - however correcting the diet alone will not fix the damage so am currently motivated to tackle as a complete issue (diet and fitness, weights and cardio as required), its just the getting into a routine which I know is the way to victory (for me this is fitness rather than a weight loss number)

    I have started this year knowing last year I was focused on the wrong things (weight loss alone) so think this is where it went "wrong". So far this year I have completed a qualification which will enable me to take a training qualification for teaching lifeguards. Having to stand in a room of people and training them then assess their fitness is enough to motivate me in to ensuring my fitness exceeds the minimum requirement. I do not want to be training a 16 year old and worring they are laughing at my fat behind my back (shallow but true)

    I do not want to return home and have no energy as this impacts my son. I cant keep leaving it to my partner to be the one chasing after him at the soft play (adventure type playgrounds with padded climbing frames etc) despite it was my choice to have the day of activity (and then sit there wishing I had more energy and feeling sorry for myself).

    I think putting down the reasons (pure greed and lack of awareness) and confirming out loud/in writing the reasons why I want this "fixed" helps me to keep the motivation up.
  • ihaveplans
    You've had a really rough time - hope you achieve your goals!
  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    very VERY fussy eater. textures of foods would (and still do) make me sick. I didn't do exercise at all and my highest weight was at the peak of my 2nd Pregnancy - 220lb!! (little boy was born just last year November) a few weeks after my sons birth and feeling able to walk and move etc... again (c-section#2) i thought to myself -

    2013 is my year i like to think. 12lb down, exercising almost every day and feeling better for it.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    Were you always overweight?
    No. But I haven't really been 'fit' since middle school either.

    Or were you once a healthy weight?
    Yes. And I guess I technically still am, but I despise the chub around my middle enough to want to make it a bit lower.

    Did you "let yourself go"?
    Sort of. I quit gymnastics in 6th grade. I had a different body type than the girls there and always felt big even though I was slim. I ballooned up a bit, gaining ten pounds in about a year, but kept it controlled and eventually lost it and a little more by freshman year. I was in track a little during middle school and the last couple years of high school, but after Junior year I started gaining a little weight, then due to getting a job and eating at irregular intervals, mostly fast food and store throwaways Senior year, accompanied by the stress of a very competitive Senior class (I had a 3.7 and wasn't even in the top 33%) I gained something like 20 pounds in half a year.

    I hit track season and lost inches but not weight and when it was over, I ballooned again, gaining at least another 10-15 pounds over summer.

    I figured to get out of buying more pants I can't afford that I should maybe do something to combat the Freshman 15.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I was considered overweight at 165lbs but I was fit and looked good. I'm one of those people who look sickly at 130lbs on my body frame. Anyway, I was 165lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I gained 55lbs and I never lost it all. Whether it was a combo of diet related and hormonal changes,or just diet alone I have no idea. I do know that it's much harder for me to lose weight now versus before I had kids. Before I had kids, I could eat out every day and only gain a few but then I'd lose them. Now, it goes on and never goes off..haha. Definitely diet related (unless it's medication related, it almost has to be, right?) but I swear hormones attacked me too.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Gave up Cocaine.

    Were you always overweight? No. Was in great shape until about mid-30's.

    Or were you once a healthy weight? Not according to BMI, but I was about 185 lbs and 5'10. Worked out everyday.

    Did you "let yourself go"? Moved. Stopped teaching TKD and took on a more passive life style.
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 132 Member
    Idk I always thought I was overweight as a child and now that I look at my pics I wasnt big at all so it makes me wonder why I was always told i was chubby. i guess in comparison to my sister i was slightly bigger but not big at all. I didnt really gain weight until i was in high school and ive been struggling ever since. My heighest weight has been 215 and im hoping never to go back up.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I actually at one point in my life weighed in at 125 lbs..I was very active with playing basketball up to 4 hrs a day. When I left for the military I was just too damn skinny and focused mainly on bulking and lifting heavy weights (I pick things up and put them down)....When I got out I had no $ (yes I didn't save), I got married and let myself go. Not no more though "ain't nobody got time fo dat!!."
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I got "FAT" because I ate too much. I learned that I have to look at food differently than most, i can look at a pizza and know i should only have 2 slices. Then before i know it the entire pizza is gone! I also read forks over knives, a book I highly reccommend for people making this lifestyle change. And this is how we have to look at it. Diets are temporary by nature and this is something I must do for the rest of my life.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    For those of you who want to share, I am interested to hear your stories about why/how you became overweight.

    Were you always overweight?
    Or were you once a healthy weight?
    Did you "let yourself go"?
    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication?
    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food?

    Thank you for sharing, I think your stories will shed some light and help us to understand our weight loss journeys, since the mental component is so important, and we have to know where we come from to move forward.

    Feel free to link to other past threads or groups.

    I was overweight as a child but not by much until I hit around 10. I was overweight because I had asthma and couldn't be a physical as the other kids I think. I am also bipolar since I was born so I am sure that contributed to emo eating for comfort.

    At 11 my mother divorced my stepfather and basically "checked out" of being a mother to my sister and I and we had t fend for ourselves. At 14, I gained a substantial amount of weight and gained about 5-10lbs a year until I was 30. At my highest I was 285. I had major emo eating issues then

    At 22 I injured myself and was diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction which is a big word for the joint that hold my tailbone to my hip comes out of place and pinched my sciatic nerve. I could barely walk for more than 1 hour for about 8 years. It would come out of place at least 3-5 times a day and I had pain at least 90% of the day.

    3 years ago I started off small and walked every other day, I didn't really try to lose weight until about 2 years ago.

    I started working out 3 times a week at a gym and eventually it increased to 6 times a week and sometimes double workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For about 1.5 years now my SIJD hasnt bothered my that much. Like I said, it used to come out of place 3-5 times a day and now it maybe comes out a few times a year!
    I was one of these people who thought, I have an injury, I will have to live with it. Thats BS. To the people who think that, no matter what you have, it IS reversible. I now have psoriotic arthritis (Its almost the same as rheumatoid but affects the lower body, feet and toes more) an I STILL work out hard and it makes a more of a difference you could ever imagine. Thats your "magic pill". Exercise and lose weight. No more excuses people. You gotta do this, it really works.

    I used to eat really unhealthy. I haven't eaten Mcd's in like 5 years but I have been known to eat other fast food a few times a year verses a few times a week before. Thats not including pizza, BBQ and restaurants like applebees though...haha. Most of my food used to consist of mixes, candy, cookies, pasta, soda...those type things. I would rarely eat fresh produce and no fruit.

    These days I eat a lot of produce-fruit, green veg, lettuce, rice, frozen veg, lean meats, almost 100% homemade dishes, I drink the great value version of crystal light (I know, its bad for me), low fat coffee creamer, olive oil...
    I used to never drink water and I do every day now.

    I just found out I have a gluten intolerance and its been a struggle. Even though i eat healthy most of the time it has kept the weight on. I urge people to try going off gluten for a week and see what happens. I guess a lot of people only have success through low carb diets but they are actually gluten sensitive and that why it works. The thing is, you dont have to be 100% carb free, just wheat free and it works! Its making a difference with me.
    I ate pizza last night and I am up 3lb from bloating, I am super itchy (I never noticed before until I went off it last week) and I feel horrible! Its just crazy.

    Hope that helps
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I was always thin and sometimes underweight. I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain. I didn't even has excess pregnancy weight with all 3. Then something horrible happened. I turned 30! It seemed like I put on 40 lbs overnight, and then went on some medication and put on an extra 30. I just kept eating like I was a teenager. I do not want to lose all the weight because I was underweight when I started but my ideal weight is only 14 lbs away now!!!.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    I was always a little overweight. But when I started birth control pill... Oh boy! I was hungry all the time and since I was very active at the time, I ate what I wanted. Gained 20 lbs in 6 months. From there, it just kept getting worse.

    I was able to loose 15 lbs in 2008 with drastic mesures, kept it that way for a year, but then I went back to school and gained it back slowly but surely. Once I graduated I started working hard on loosing the extra weight but could only keep it stable. Doc says everything is normal so there is no medical condition preventing me from loosing weight.

    I'm currently 5 months pregnant. Only took 5 lbs, wich is very good since I don't restrain myself at all and couldn't exercise for several weeks.