Why do so many people think meat is essential? (NOT DEBATE)



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to eating meat or not. I personally am a vegan.
    The key is education. You can still get all basic vitamins and minerals and nutrients you need
    through being a vegan or vegetarian and to be honest we probably are a little ahead :)
    We eat fruits and vegetables and nuts and the common meat eater neglects these types of foods.

    Ok, I could go on a lot longer. I would suggest to anyone curious about vegans or vegetarians to
    check out a book called "eating animals" or go to your netflix and watch "forks over knives."
    See how you feel after. Make the choice for yourself.

    So you're comparing an educated veg*n to a "common meat eater"? Doesn't exactly sound like a fair comparison to me.

    I guess I could compare an educated meat eater to a common veg*n in retaliation...except the veg*n community would lambaste me for that...(and rightfully so).

    ETA: You've been vegan for 56 days.

    Welcome to MFP. Best of luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    but vegan is usually pretty bad for you simply because you don't get enough of the needed nutrition

    Do you have evidence of that beyond personal belief?
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member

    I get a lot from friends, and no so close friends, that I should eat meat and a strict vegetarian diet is unhealthy, and meat is essential in a healthy diet blah blah.

    Why is this such a common predicament? What are your thoughts (WITHOUT BEING RUDE OR DEBATING) on a no-meat lifestyle? If you are vegetarian/vegan, do you find yourself to be healthy?

    To look after me, I need red meat or regular B12 shots, and I'm not vegetarian. And as for your "friends", meh whatever, if you feel ok, you're at the right level for what your body needs.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    My friends who are vegetarians don't preach it or talk about it as the only way. That's what gets peoples backs up. If it works for you that's wonderful. Also cant stand the idea that eating meat is violating the animals rights. God gave us all domestic animals for food and as long as they are harvested humanely it is ok to eat them
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 29 Member
    My idea of heaven is a big plate of meat, lamb chops , pork chops Steak etc. I am a full on carnivore at heart . but I like my eveg nearly or raw tastes nicer ?? to each their own.
  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe because we were made to get meant AND vegetables? We are omnivorous... we have molars in the back for grinding veggies and canines in the front to tear meat. More molars for a predominate diet of veggies and less canines for to help as supplemental reasons. We also have the digestive system for both as well... A diet of 80/90% Vegetables and 10/20% Meat.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    If we weren't made to eat meat, God wouldn't have made animals.....
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    If we weren't made to eat meat, God wouldn't have made animals.....

    yeah but we are also made of meat - we're just the meat at the top of the food chain ;)

    ETA= *regardless if you believe in God or Science or both, we are made of meat.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I was the sickest I had ever been when eating vegetarian. I was only doing it short time to figure out some allergies I was having. I eat meat now and I know it is the healthiest for me since my allergies turned out to be more veg. And fruit based. My doctor was convinced it was animal products causing me problems (she is no longer my doc because she wouldn't listen to me). By the time I listed out what I was having a reaction to I wouldn't have had much to choose from being vegetatian and it would have been hard to get the vitamins and nutrients I need. I will never give up meat again but I don't think it is essential for everyone to eat meat.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    id say its fairly egotisitical to say for certain one way is better than the other. its totally up to the person as to which works best for them
  • Lmans77
    Lmans77 Posts: 58 Member
    I am trying to eat plant based as an experiement (essentially vegan) but I won't call myself one since I can't guarantee I won't let animal products slip in, but I am 99% plant based at the moment.

    I did this because I was experiencing some wierd skin stuff (I'll spare you the details) felt tired, etc.
    Within 3 days, my hands stopped breaking out and my wierd skin stuff is almost 98% resolved.
    I feel great. I have lost weight in a way that I was not doing on an omni diet.
    I do not look unhealthy, I am not a bag of bones, I lift weights.
    I DO NOT eat anything processed. No pasta, no bread. I avoid gluten but not crazy about it. I also don't stuff myself on grains. I eat lots of beans, lentils, greens, fruits, nuts and seeds. Its easy and tasty.

    A veggie diet can be as healthy or unhealthy as a omnivores diet. 99% of the meat eaters I know also look like crap and eat like crap.

    that said, I will probably eat meat in the future. I do have a huge problem with factory farms from an ethical and health perspective. Luckily my mom and dad raise grass fed beef and have free range chickens so I can get good eggs. Also deer meat from what they hunt. I have no ethical issue with that.

    In my experiment, it takes no more planning to eat a healthy veg diet than it does to eat a healthy omni diet. If you want to eat healthy, you are going to have to do some planning either way. But its not rocket science.
    And I'm eating WAY more fresh fruit and vegs than I ever have. Major win for me in my book.
  • Lmans77
    Lmans77 Posts: 58 Member
    double post. I can't figure out why I keep double posting. Maybe its all the veggies and lack of protein. :P
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member


    likewise, if god didn't want us to eat our babies, why did He make them out of meat??? (and fun to shoot at, apparently)

    ETA:I just like to turn this kinda tongue in cheek banter around. My favorite bumper sticker is the one that says "Vegans Taste Better" because it can be anti vegan or pro vegan, depending on what you mean by "eating" them ;)

    Ummm.... wha...? Thats not even the same kind of comparison... Having a preference for meat (carnivorous) is nothing even remotely close to being cannibalistic. This isn't "tongue-in-cheek" banter, you are just sick!

    My post of this picture was meant to be funny and not derrogatory, I didnt think it was necessary to post that it was meant to be funny. I saw people getting a bit hot under the collar in discussion and it was my attempt to lift some of that into a more conversational tone.



    my comment about the babies was *also* meant to be funny and not derogatory. Take a chill pill!

    Sorry, I tend to value human life far above that of animals. I hate to think of the hypocrisy of people who value animals far above that of humans. Not saying that applies to you, just that I've met enough that do.

    I don't eat cows.... I don't kill babies.

    Anyone who values animal life over human life is missing the point that humans ARE animals.
  • AlanTuring
    Anyone who values animal life over human life is missing the point that humans ARE animals.
    But we're way better animals because Jesus said so in like, Romans or something.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    Wow I can't believe this is still going on O_O
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i was a vegetarian all my life, it led me to being overweight. veggies and fruits alone are not filling enough, so i'd eat bread, potatoes, junk...
    i became meat eater when i was 20. the best thing ever.
    but i only eat fish, chicken and turkey breast. i want to try steak!
    i'll never eat pork or lamb though.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    i was a vegetarian all my life, it led me to being overweight. veggies and fruits alone are not filling enough, so i'd eat bread, potatoes, junk...
    i became meat eater when i was 20. the best thing ever.
    but i only eat fish, chicken and turkey breast. i want to try steak!
    i'll never eat pork or lamb though.

    Why not pork or lamb? Are they too cute as stuffed toys or something?

    Seriously, a dead fish is no less dead than a sheep. And a chicken is as alive as a pig.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member

    I get a lot from friends, and no so close friends, that I should eat meat and a strict vegetarian diet is unhealthy, and meat is essential in a healthy diet blah blah.

    Why is this such a common predicament? What are your thoughts (WITHOUT BEING RUDE OR DEBATING) on a no-meat lifestyle? If you are vegetarian/vegan, do you find yourself to be healthy?

    I managed to balloon to 265 lbs on a very strict vegetarian diet..I have been vegetarian my entire life and never ever tasted a dead animal.

    That said, I am sure i would enjoy meat and eat lots of it, but what i have never had I can't say I have ever missed.

    In the UK, there is a HUGE news story about contaminated meat with horsemeat being passed off as beef...it makes me wonder what goes on in meat processing plants, and when I saw a TV documentary about the meat processing and packing plants, I literally puked up and thank god I am a vegetarian.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    :lol: !

    I can't believe I didn't think of the obvious. I prefer extra-virgin cold pressed baby oil, not that stuff they get after the third or fourth pressing of the baby.

    In perfect world, people like you should be locked in a large room with a pride of starved lions and let nature take it's toll...of course, i am joking LOL!