Tiger woods

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
Ok I do not want to start anything or have this get heated just talking lol.

He is rediculous! Im sorry there is no such thing as "sex addiction" its called your an *kitten* and you got caught cheating! Okay, I take that back..there is such a thing as that but I think people such as tiger woods and jesse james are full of *kitten*. lol Just my opinion.


  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    i agree...but i think they should keep his private life out of the media.
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I agree he's rich on an ego trip. Sad but if that what rich means? F! That!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I wish I looked 1/8th as good as Tiger's wife, Elin or Sanda Bullock. They as such beautiful and strong women!
  • cuppycake22
    cuppycake22 Posts: 224
    I honestly don't get why people keep judging him for what he has done when there is so many others that do it....Tiger is known for his golf not his personal life...He is a great golfer and he didn't do anything to any of his fans or something crazy like that....I don't even watch golf but man i feel sorry for the guy! i know its not right what he did but that has nothing to do with why everyone likes him
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I honestly don't get why people keep judging him for what he has done when there is so many others that do it....Tiger is known for his golf not his personal life...He is a great golfer and he didn't do anything to any of his fans or something crazy like that....I don't even watch golf but man i feel sorry for the guy! i know its not right what he did but that has nothing to do with why everyone likes him

    ture there are tons of people that do that crap and cheat which is awful but unforuantly when you are famous..you dont really get a personal life. And I would judge any person in a situation like this. Not just him because he's famous. I feel so bad for his wife because she is gorgous. And sandra too. LIke what is wrong with them!!! It just goes to show that you can be the most beautiful girl..and still get hurt like that.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I type way to fast...i really do know how to spell! lol
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I honestly don't get why people keep judging him for what he has done when there is so many others that do it....Tiger is known for his golf not his personal life...He is a great golfer and he didn't do anything to any of his fans or something crazy like that....I don't even watch golf but man i feel sorry for the guy! i know its not right what he did but that has nothing to do with why everyone likes him

    I disagree. He is a role model for many young men. He is a sports star and is known for his golf that is true but sports stars in our society are idolized by young men and women. He knew that he was looked at as a role model and that is part of his responsibility to behave that way. He wanted people to think he was pure and a family man. BUT I feel the same way about ALL cheating men and women as I do about Tiger Woods.
  • freedMan
    freedMan Posts: 68
    Tiger is a perfect example of societal problems. Do you think hes the only one in the world that's doing this? News, Movies, and TV portray sex as a casual fun thing and makes no point to direct it towards faithfulness in marriage. Granted, Tigers 12+ women are extreme, but I think this is due to his existing power/fame, plus his travels.

    I honestly do think he is truly sincere in his apology and is seeking help to recover from his addiction. I don't think its right to be disgusted at someone for their past? Do you? By that same standard, since we are all on MFP, we should be treated and viewed as large, overweight/obese people. No matter our current choices we make, you have to remember us in our faults...

    Not logical. Get a heart. Accept his sincerity and move on. Its public, its humiliating, its over and all he can do is look to the future and hope/pray he doesnt make the same mistakes again.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    What I dont understand about either situation [Woods/James] is why on Earth would the women speak up??? Who wants to be known as a homewrecking *kitten* for the rest of their lives?? The media showed them no mercy and they're always flapping their gums about the affairs. I guess they're hoping for a payoff.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    Tiger is a perfect example of societal problems. Do you think hes the only one in the world that's doing this? News, Movies, and TV portray sex as a casual fun thing and makes no point to direct it towards faithfulness in marriage. Granted, Tigers 12+ women are extreme, but I think this is due to his existing power/fame, plus his travels.

    I honestly do think he is truly sincere in his apology and is seeking help to recover from his addiction. I don't think its right to be disgusted at someone for their past? Do you? By that same standard, since we are all on MFP, we should be treated and viewed as large, overweight/obese people. No matter our current choices we make, you have to remember us in our faults...

    Not logical. Get a heart. Accept his sincerity and move on. Its public, its humiliating, its over and all he can do is look to the future and hope/pray he doesnt make the same mistakes again.

  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I can see both arguments but maybe just because I have once been cheated on in the past that my thoughts of ANYONE male or female that cheat is the same. I think it is disgusting
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    What I dont understand about either situation [Woods/James] is why on Earth would the women speak up??? Who wants to be known as a homewrecking *kitten* for the rest of their lives?? The media showed them no mercy and they're always flapping their gums about the affairs. I guess they're hoping for a payoff.

    ditto this too!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Tiger is a perfect example of societal problems. Do you think hes the only one in the world that's doing this? News, Movies, and TV portray sex as a casual fun thing and makes no point to direct it towards faithfulness in marriage. Granted, Tigers 12+ women are extreme, but I think this is due to his existing power/fame, plus his travels.

    I honestly do think he is truly sincere in his apology and is seeking help to recover from his addiction. I don't think its right to be disgusted at someone for their past? Do you? By that same standard, since we are all on MFP, we should be treated and viewed as large, overweight/obese people. No matter our current choices we make, you have to remember us in our faults...

    Not logical. Get a heart. Accept his sincerity and move on. Its public, its humiliating, its over and all he can do is look to the future and hope/pray he doesnt make the same mistakes again.

    I agree.
  • lrmoore13
    lrmoore13 Posts: 16
    We need to stop letting these "sports stars" raise our children! He was blessed with the ability to play golf well. That does not entitle him to be a role model. Furthermore, if you marry Tiger Woods you have to have known what kind of person he is. He was doing this before; he is doing it now. His sponsors told him he was more marketable if he was hitched. Now they tell him they will take him back if he apologizes. I would be willing to bet neither of these were things that he wanted to do. He's one of the highest paid, most powerful athletes in the world, if he wants to sleep with every woman in America that is his prerogative. The only mistake he made was not be honest with his wife about it up front.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I wish I looked 1/8th as good as Tiger's wife, Elin or Sanda Bullock. They as such beautiful and strong women!

    I agree!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Tiger is a perfect example of societal problems. Do you think hes the only one in the world that's doing this? News, Movies, and TV portray sex as a casual fun thing and makes no point to direct it towards faithfulness in marriage. Granted, Tigers 12+ women are extreme, but I think this is due to his existing power/fame, plus his travels.

    I honestly do think he is truly sincere in his apology and is seeking help to recover from his addiction. I don't think its right to be disgusted at someone for their past? Do you? By that same standard, since we are all on MFP, we should be treated and viewed as large, overweight/obese people. No matter our current choices we make, you have to remember us in our faults...

    Not logical. Get a heart. Accept his sincerity and move on. Its public, its humiliating, its over and all he can do is look to the future and hope/pray he doesnt make the same mistakes again.

    hmm... interesting perspective. heres how I feel about it. I never really cared about Tiger Woods either way, still don't much BUT my opinion of him is not ever going to be the same. He has children. He doesn't owe me or the world anything or an apology but if he wants to earn my respect back he will have to spend some time putting his children FIRST.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    IMHO he was a d*ck to begin with, he never appreciated his fans. The fans are who made him famous. What he does (or who) is his own buisness...but he's a celeb and as such his life isn't private and he will be judged. Just like all the other celebs/politicans in the same situation.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    there could be an addiction but that doesn't mean you have to cheat on your gf/wife
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    My whole feeling on this and the Jesse James issue:

    Who cares.

    Just because people are in the spotlight does not mean that their personal lives become fodder for our curiosity and entertainment, nor does it give us the right to speculate on what may have caused their behavior. Their personal lives should be just that - personal. Being an actor or a sports star should not mean that you are selling your entire life to the public, and in fact, it didn't used to be so; you think these sort of "scandals" just now started happening? Nope. These things have been going on since the dawn of celebrity; you just never heard about it, because people had the decency not to gossip. Paparazzi and the Internet changed a lot of things.

    Leave these people to deal with their personal family issues on their own. I'm sure you would want the same courtesy granted to you.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    those homewreckers def want a payoff...ugh there so trashy. could you imagine them trying to date someone new. Like hi ya you might recongnize me that Im one of the bajilion *kitten* that slept w/ tiger woods lol