

  • daisygettinghealthy
    dannieboo757. thankyou :) i will remember that! :)
  • bgraz1994
    bgraz1994 Posts: 56 Member
    I hear you! I have always had issues with food. I overate on junk food as a kid (and I mean a jumbo bag of chips, 3 bowls of cereal, two english muffins as a "snack" overeating) then I got into healthy eating and fitness for a few years, then I went to the opposite side of the spectrum with fasting and overexcersing and purging. I am slowly getting back to healthy eating with support.

    Now when I binge, I accept that it has happened and do my best to have a good healthly day the day after. Also like others have said, eat filling foods every couple of hours. Don't deprive yourself, if you want a brownie, cut one in half and have it :)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Same here!! Oh well I will just start again on Monday!! This quote should be engraved on my tombstone!! For some reason "Monday" eludes me every blasted week!!! I have been giving myself pep talks when I do slip up and allow that slip up without letting myself lose control. Like Dr Phil says, "If you find yourself saying, I may as well....., it probably isnt a good idea."
  • daisygettinghealthy
    dont start on monday, start the next day. i am not kind of person whoc can binge in morning then be good rest of day. i have a bad all or nothing attitude. monday is 4 days away which means you could have had 4 more days of excersize and being healthy!

    @bgraz1994 it must have been really difficult to go through all of that but atleast you slowly recovered from each and it didnt turn into a life long struggle. i know how difficult it is to obsses over food every day. been there done that. wait, make that-still doing that.